Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 969: Stalemate

From Hanzhong, take the Xiegu Road to Guanzhong, and the exit is a "D"-shaped terrain.

The horizontal line above the word "Ding" is the Wei River flowing through the valley mouth of Xiegu.

The vertical line below the word "Ding" is the Wugong water originating from Taibai Mountain, and finally poured into Weishui.

The Taibai Mountain where "Xidang Taibai has a bird path" in "The Road to Shu" is difficult.

And Wugong Water is the stone river of later generations.

The exit of Xiegu Road is on the triangle to the left of the character "D".

Sima Yi's army is stationed in the right triangle of the word "Ding", facing Wuzhangyuan across the Wugong River.

After leaving the inclined valley, go west along the Weishui River to reach Chencang.

Crossing the Wugong River to the east, and heading east along the Wei River, you will reach Chang'an directly.

When the Han army in red armor actually appeared at Xiegukou, Sima Yi, who had been waiting here for a long time, was rewarded and couldn't help laughing:

"A few years ago, I expected that Ge Bandit would come out this way, but now it is as expected. The Shu captives don't know how much preparation I have made here, and I will let him know how good it is."

All the generals laughed.

"The Shu captives have come from a long distance, and they have been walking on the mountain road for a long time. They are exhausted, their morale is low, and they have just come out of the inclined valley and their foothold is not stable. Who dares to go to the front to show their prestige?"

If it is against the legendary Feng thief, the generals may still have three points of hesitation.

After all, it is rumored that under Feng Thief's command, everyone is a fierce bandit, as fierce as a mountain tiger.

But now that the old army of the Shulu division on the opposite side is tired, it is time to attack, so is there any reason to be afraid?

So the generals asked for a fight one after another.

After Sima Yi looked around, he called names and said:

"General Niu, are you sure?"

Niu Jin was overjoyed when he heard this, clasped his fists and said loudly:

"Big Sima, please see that the enemy will be defeated in the end!"

"Okay, I will divide you with three thousand soldiers and horses, and go to defeat the spirit of the Shu captives."


Zhuge Liang led the army out of the inclined valley, so naturally he would not be unprepared.

So he used the sharpest knife on hand: Wei Yan.

As the vanguard, Wei Yan led the army out of Xiegu, firstly to explore the situation of the army, and secondly to prepare for the follow-up army to station.

As soon as the former army left the valley, a sentry came to report:

"General, there are thieves attacking ahead!"

When Wei Yan heard this, he was not surprised but delighted:

"The Prime Minister just expected that the Wei thief would not be willing to let us leave the valley with peace of mind, so he sent me here, and let's see how I can defeat the enemy!"

So he ordered the front to guard against the mountain, put on his armor and mount his horse, and lead the soldiers and horses of his department to the front.

Here, Niu Jin quickly finished his army, and immediately led the army to rush over.

He thought that the Shu army would be caught off guard by him, but he didn't expect that the opponent would quickly defend against the mountain and try to stabilize their position.

Niu Jin rushed twice in a row. Although he killed some Shu troops, he failed to shake the opponent's position.

Only then did he feel a little surprised:

"Could it be that the Shu captives had anticipated this a long time ago, so they were prepared for it?"

Sima Yi on the other side of the river also saw this scene, and immediately said suspiciously to the left and right:

"I see that the army of the Shu captives is well-organized and orderly in advance and retreat. Its leader must be an extraordinary generation. Send people to investigate quickly. What is written on the commander's flag?"


When Tan Ma reported that the character "Wei" was used as the banner, Sima Yi's expression changed:

"Not good, could it be Wei Yan? This man must be the number one brave man in Ge's army! Order General Niu to retreat quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard shouts suddenly sounded in front of the formation.

But seeing the drums of the Han army loudly, a general led the army out of the valley and rushed into the Niujin army formation.

For a while, the two armies were fighting together.

Fearing that Niu Jin would be lost, Sima Yi quickly ordered thousands more troops to cross the water to reinforce from the two wings.

Wei Yan personally led the army to rush left and right in the Wei army, fighting vigorously, only heard the shouts of killing from the two wings, it turned out that another Wei army had arrived.

Originally, under his leadership, the Han army had gradually suppressed Niu Jinjun, but now that this happened, Wei Yan couldn't help feeling a little anxious:

"I was careless. I was eager to make meritorious service. I wanted to give the bandit Wei a bad start, but I didn't expect to be entangled here by the bandit. If the first battle is not good, the prime minister's army can't get out of the valley in time, this is a big mistake!"

How can there be distraction in rushing forward?

Slowing his hands down, the bandit Wei on the opposite side raised his gun and stabbed flatly. At the same time, Niu Jin charged obliquely from the side, and went straight to the vital point.

Fortunately, the personal guards who were closely following Wei Yan tried their best to block him, so Wei Yan took a few steps back to keep him safe.

The guard who blocked the gun was knocked down by Niu Jin, and it seemed that he would die.

The personal guards exchanged their lives for Wei Yan's safety, but the two wings of the Han army were a little bit overwhelmed.

When Wei Yan saw this, his face was full of anger, and regardless of the danger, he rushed forward again, trying to defeat Niu Jin first.

It's just that Niu Jin can be regarded as a brave general at any rate, and now that he has the upper hand again, how can he easily let Wei Yan get what he wants?

Seeing that the Han army was about to be defeated, at this time, only the sound of drums suddenly sounded again at Xiegukou, and a Han army holding high the flag with the word "Meng" appeared at the valleykou.

The reinforcements quickly spread out their formation, first they rained arrows, suppressing the Wei army on the two wings, and then rushed up to meet Wei Yan.

With reinforcements, the Han army's position was stabilized again.

In this battle, Sima Yi originally wanted to test it out, but now that he couldn't get an advantage, he began to call for gold and withdraw when both sides were breathing.

The Han army did not take the opportunity to catch up. After the two sides broke contact, the Wei army quickly retreated to the east bank of Wugongshui.

Wei Yan was originally a proud and arrogant person, so he almost lost his face this time, and he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

When facing Meng Yan who saved him, he was a little ashamed and angry.

However, Meng Yan was a barbarian general who was surrendered to the Han Dynasty when the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty pacified Nanzhong, so he has always acted cautiously.

Back then, King Feng Gui was sent by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty to govern Yuejuan County. Meng Yan was the nominal prefect of Yuelu County, but in fact he was the one who wanted to wipe King Feng Gui's ass at any time.

Feng Guiwang's big ass was wiped off, at most it was when he led the army northward to Hanzhong, Meng Yan scolded a famous saying:

What Feng Guiwang said was indeed all lies, and he really couldn't believe a word of it.

Now facing Wei Yan, Meng Yan knew that he was not easy to get along with, so seeing Wei Yan's ugly face, he immediately pointed to the other side of the martial arts water and cursed:

"The traitor Wei is so cunning that he came to sneak attack while the general was out of the valley. It's really abominable!"

Wei Yan saw that he didn't mention the matter of saving him just now, but instead scolded Wei thief, his heart was relieved immediately, and the embarrassment was relieved a lot.

Can't help but gritted his teeth and scolded:

"If it wasn't for taking advantage of my unpreparedness, how could the Wei thief take advantage of it?"

And then he bowed his hands:

"Thank you General Meng for your help just now."

Meng Yan waved his hand and said with a smile:

"General Wei and I are seeking thieves for the country. Why should we divide you and me? Besides, I led the army here and I was ordered by the prime minister. The general wants to thank you, and thank you prime minister."

The first half was okay, but Wei Yan heard the second half, but it made him feel a little uncomfortable:

Since the prime minister has sent me as the vanguard, but has ordered Meng Yan to follow closely behind, isn't it because I was expected to suffer this defeat?

He felt that he had lost face, but now that he thought about it again, he felt even more unhappy.

Meng Yan saw that his face was suddenly a little bit wrong, and he was a little baffled at the moment, and he didn't know what provoked him.

After a few more polite words, the two separated to lead the soldiers and horses of their headquarters, and began to prepare for the arrival of the following army.

Two days later, a large banner with the word "Zhuge" appeared at the entrance of Xiegu, marking the final arrival of the main force of the Han army's Northern Expedition.

Sima Yi, who had been watching the movements of the Han army closely, saw that the Han army did not cross the Wugong River, but instead turned to the west and went up to Wuzhangyuan. He couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing:

"If Zhuge Liang crossed the Wugong River in the east, surrounded by mountains in the south and Weishui in the north, and came eastward, then he wanted to take Chang'an directly, and we would fight to the death."

"Now that he is going west to Wuzhang Plain, I know what he wants, how can I let him do it?"

So he called Du Xi, the military commander of the Great Sima, and ordered Wang Shuang, a fierce general, to lead 30,000 elite soldiers across the Wei River northward.

Sima Yi dispatched troops and generals, but Zhuge Liang was not in a hurry. He first ordered the army to station in the center of Wuzhangyuan.

Then someone pushed a four-wheeled cart and drove him to the bank of Wugong River to observe Wei Ying in person.

Today's prime minister is already showing his old age.

Not only are my legs weak, but when I go out, I need to take a four-wheeled vehicle and be pushed by someone.

At the same time, the eyes are presbyopic.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, but saw that the opposite bank was blurry, so he raised his binoculars to look.

But seeing the Wei military camps on the opposite bank lined up with high barriers, deep trenches, and countless antlers standing on the opposite bank, I couldn't help being a little surprised:

"Sima Yicheng is a formidable enemy. Such a tight camp, if we forcefully attack it, I'm afraid it will cost the lives of many soldiers."

Hearing this, Wei Yan, who followed him, was rather disapproving:

"Seeing my army's first arrival, the Wei thief didn't want to take advantage of my unstable foothold to attack. Instead, he took such strict precautions early on. Isn't that cowardly?"

"Besides, there is an engineering battalion in our army, and its stone cannons can fire big rocks. As long as we don't stop day and night, why don't we worry about breaking down the camp?"

"I see that the antlers are all made of wood. You just need to use a stone cannon to fire some oil and fire, and they will be completely destroyed!"

Zhuge Liang just laughed and said nothing when he heard the words.

Using oil and fire to attack a city, Feng Yong used it ten years ago, how could Sima Yi not understand this?

Just looking at how many trenches he dug, he knew that it was useful to separate the fire.

Just now I looked through the binoculars myself, the barriers are mostly built of clay, even if there is wood, the front is also coated with wet mud, so I know that it is prepared for fire prevention.

Looking at the continuous barracks on the other side, no matter how powerful the stone cannon is, there is no way to smash all the other barracks!

Even if there are inexhaustible stones, so what if you can smash all the camps?

The opponent only needs to do it step by step, continue to dig trenches in the rear, build barriers, and repeat this. Do I have to move to Chang'an City step by step like this?

If you really want to do this, it is theoretically feasible.

But when do we actually have to wait?

Besides, soldiers are in great danger.

If the battle lasts for a long time, the soldiers will be exhausted and tired of fighting, and at the same time they will be far away from their hometown. By that time, the morale of the army may already be low before they reach the city of Chang'an.

There is also food and grass, which cannot be eaten for a long time. No matter how much food is in Shu, it cannot afford such consumption.

If you really want to fight like this, if you don't say it for a long time, you have to bet that the other party will not be able to hold on before you, which is really a bad idea.

Therefore, the stone cannon is indeed a sharp weapon for siege, but in field battles, at most it can smash down the obstacles and barriers arranged in front by the thieves.

It is too much to take for granted to rely on stone cannons to destroy the enemy.

Feng Yong told Zhuge Liang about these things, and Zhuge Liang had also deduced them, so he knew them all well.

It's just that Wei Yan naturally didn't know this. Seeing the Prime Minister's silence, he knew that the Prime Minister disagreed with what he said, and he was secretly unhappy.

The prime minister didn't bother to look at him.

Over the years, Wei Yan has repeatedly said in private that his talents cannot be fully utilized, so he was ranked above him by the juniors, and his complaints are beyond words.

How could the prime minister not know these things?

He just pretended not to know.

During the first Northern Expedition that year, the opportunity was fair to everyone.

Wei Yan was still sent as the forward, while Feng Yong was arranged to transport food in the rear.

The results of it?

The striker couldn't attack Xiangwu, but the food transporter took Longguan without hurting anyone.

The vanguard lost many soldiers in Xiangwu, and those who transported food supported the country in danger, and solved the crisis of the Northern Expedition on the front line.

Who is to blame?

Not to mention that in the battle of Xiaoguan, could Wei Yan defeat 100,000 Wei thieves?

Bragging too!

So as long as he is the prime minister of the great man for a day, Feng Yong is the future pillar of the great man that he values ​​most.

Regardless of Wei Yan's unsightly face, Zhuge Liang just asked someone to push a four-wheeled cart to check the enemy's situation back and forth along the west bank of the Wugong River.

The movement on the east bank has already alarmed Wei Jun who has been paying close attention to this side. Sima Yi heard about it and brought someone over to check it out.

One was riding a horse, the other was riding in a cart, a great Sima of the Wei State, and a prime minister of the Han State, and they met just like that.

The wheel of history, rolling so far, seems to have returned to the original track again.

Almost at the same time, the soldiers on both sides shouted loudly: "Dare to ask who is on the other side?"

"Sima Yi, Great Sima of Great Wei."

"The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang."

His eyes seemed to pass through the time and space of history, the prime minister and Da Sima just looked at each other through the martial arts water.

Dong An: "I have heard the name of the Lord for a long time, and I am honored to meet you today!"

Xi'an: "You are from a famous family, and you are really generous."

Both sides laughed.

"Grandpa led the army out of Hanzhong, do you want to cross to the east? Do you want to cross to the north?"

"Do you want me to cross to the east? Do you want me to cross to the north?"

Laugh again.

In just two sentences, it was already a round of secret confrontation.

"I would like Gongnan to return, how about it?"

"I'm afraid I can't do what you want."

"Then let me see whether you are going east or north."

"But wait and see."

A few short chats were enough, and the two of them said goodbye.

After returning to the army, Wei Yan said impatiently:

"Prime Minister, at the water's edge, Sima Yi asked the prime minister whether to cross the east or north. It can be seen that he probably knew the prime minister's intention. Why don't we let the general go north to cross the Weishui now and occupy the northern plateau."

"If not, it will be even more difficult when Wei thief reacts!"

Zhuge Liang didn't want to agree, but after thinking for a while, he nodded and said:

"Forget it, I will divide you into ten thousand people, and cross the Weishui River north immediately tomorrow."

Wei Yan was overjoyed: "Here!"

At the same time, after Sima Yi returned to the army, he said to the left and right:

"Tomorrow the Shu captives will probably cross the Weishui River to the north and occupy the northern plateau, in order to destroy the army of Lixian County!"

Asked left and right: "Zhuge Liang went to the east bank of Wugong River today to investigate the military situation. Isn't this a preparation for the eastward crossing of Wugong River? Why did Da Sima say that he wanted to cross the Wei River in the north?"

Sima Yi chuckled:

"This so-called emptiness is reality, and reality is emptiness. If he really wanted to cross the martial arts river eastward, he would not go to Wuzhang Plain. When he went to Wuzhang Plain, he wanted to cross the Wei River and climb to the North Plateau, cutting off the east and west!"

It was only on the second day that a Han army began to cross the Wei River northward, heading for the highland Beiyuan on the north bank of the Wei River.

So all the generals in the Wei State Army served Da Sima with foresight.

At this time, Du Xi, who was sent by Sima Yi a few days earlier, looked at the Han army below Beiyuan and laughed loudly:

"Da Sima had expected that you would come, so let me wait here for a long time!"

Wei Yan was shocked when he heard that there were Wei thieves in Beiyuan. He rushed to the front of the army to check.

He couldn't help stomping his feet angrily:

"It's one step too late! If you come here sooner, why are you here?"

After some testing and found that it was really difficult to capture, Wei Yan had to send someone back to Weinan, explain the situation to Zhuge Liang, and request to send more reinforcements.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang rejected his request, and even ordered him to lead the army back directly.

Wei Yan got the order, but he led the army back to Weinan in dismay.

After he returned to the army, he went to the commander-in-chief camp to ask for an interview.

"Prime Minister, when we came here this time, we didn't cross the water in time, and the attack was indecisive. This is a taboo in the art of war, Prime Minister! If there is any discrepancy, it will be too late to regret!"

Zhuge Liang, who was looking down at the official documents in the army, raised his head and asked slowly:

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

No money for the following:

In the previous chapter, the conversation between Tubie and Jiang Wei, as well as the map Guan Ji looked at, have already shown that Tubie knows that Sima Yi has arrangements in Ziwuling.

It's just that he doesn't know that Sima Yi attaches more importance to Ziwu Ridge than anyone can imagine, that's why he mentioned in the last chapter that he is very likely to be beaten to death on the hardest tortoise shell.

Reading a book depends on the context, so don't take it out of context, otherwise I will be called a reader again.

The influence is very bad, all the judges, don't hurt me!

Let's talk about Qin Zhidao and Ziwuling.

Before that, let's clarify a concept, that is Ziwuling Mountains and Ziwuling.

Ziwuling mountain range refers to the mountain range represented by Ziwuling, which includes Hengling, Xieliang, Laoyeling, Qinglong Mountain, Ziwuling, etc., across Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.

This mountain range is between Luoshui and Jingshui. In order to distinguish Ziwuling below, we use its ancient name instead, calling it Qiaoshan Mountains.

As for Ziwuling, it refers to the main representative mountain range in the Qiaoshan Mountains.

Ziwu Ridge is located at the southern end of the Qiaoshan Mountains, just north of Chang'an.

So some book friends asked: Why did the soil turtle want to smash Qin Zhidao in Ziwuling, can't it go around? For example, walking along the Luoshui River Valley.

The answer is: no.

Qin Zhidao started from Xianyang, went north to Ziwuling, and zigzag around the tops of Ziwuling until it reached a place called Xinglong Pass.

This name is known to be Guancheng on Meridian Ridge at a glance.

Everyone should remember this place.

Because here, Qin Zhidao is divided into two.

One is the main road, which is the original straight road of the figurine Kuang Moxiu. It was used until the end of the Western Han Dynasty, and was destroyed by the imperial court on a large scale due to unknown reasons.

There is also a branch line. This line was first used in the Eastern Han Dynasty, at least until the Tang Dynasty, and it became a folk use after the Tang Dynasty, and it was not abandoned until the Qing Dynasty.

Let's talk about the main road first.

The main road turns eastward from Xinglong Pass, and then follows the tributary of Jushui, which finally flows into the lower reaches of Luoshui.

Therefore, the main road of Qinzhidao runs parallel to Luoshui for quite a long way.

It's just that Qin Zhidao is on the ridge, and Luoshui is in the valley. I'm not sure how far the two are.

This section of road is basically the current line of Huangling County, Fu County, and Ganquan County. If you are interested, you can check the map. It happens to be the middle and lower reaches of Luoshui.

Then, after arriving in Ganquan County in the north, Qin Zhidao broke up with Luoshui.

Luoshui came from the northwest.

But Qin Zhidao turned to the northeast, and then extended along the remaining veins of Qiaoshan Mountain to the sandy grassland in the north.

The Hyundai G65 highway also turned in the same direction in Ganquan County and Qinzhi Road, and did not follow the upstream valley of Luoshui at all.


With the technology of the modern infrastructure madman, there is no need to easily try the upper reaches of the Luoshui River. Unless the soil turtle has wings, it is estimated that it can go south along the Luoshui River from the north.

Therefore, the main road of Qin Zhidao is not going straight north after starting from Xianyang as everyone imagined.

It is actually on the eastern edge of Beidi County in Wei State, not in the middle of Beidi County.

Let's talk about branches.

The Qin Zhidao branch line branched from Xinglong Pass began to be used in the early Eastern Han Dynasty.

It is the Qin Zhidao in line with everyone's imagination, because after leaving the Xinglong Pass, the branch line that is branched continues to go directly north, all the way out of the Qiaoshan Mountains.

In addition to these two, there is also a fictional Qin Zhidao West Line.

This was proposed by an old man named Shi Nianhai in the 1970s.

Due to insufficient conditions at that time, Qin Zhidao's archeology was limited to observation, surface survey and literature research, and there was no way to vigorously excavate it.

So at that time, the old gentleman proposed a Qin straight line based on the trend of the Qiaoshan Mountains:

After Qin Zhidao climbed Ziwuling and circled, he finally turned to the west, and went to the grassland from the western mountains.

Later, this line was falsified, that is, it did not exist at all.

But no matter what, the southern section and northern section of Qin Zhidao have always existed clearly, but the way to go in the middle section is more controversial.

Especially the southern section, from Xianyang to the Ziwuling ridges, has been unable to be buried by geological changes over the past two thousand years.

And in this southern section, there is one and only one.

No matter how many roads there are in the north of the Qiaoshan Mountains, they all converge at Meridian Ridge in the end.

Therefore, if the soil turtle wants to go south from Jiuyuan, it has no choice but to gnaw at Ziwuling.

Because only Ziwu Ridge has a way to turn over and enter Guanzhong.

If you don’t want to take the usual path and want to learn from Deng Ai, let’s not talk about whether you can come out of the deep mountains and mountains, but how many people can you bring if you can come out?

Deng Ai still has the Yinping Trail. There are no ready-made trails for you to walk in the Qiaoshan Mountains.

Thousands of people, even if the turtles are open, can reach tens of thousands because of dry food, but there are no horses, no siege equipment, only spears, knives, bows and crossbows at hand, and not even iron armor.

Wan Pai ran out of the deep mountains and old forests, exhausted, enjoying the aura of the earth beetle.

Then there is Guo Huai in the east, and Xian Yufu in the west. They are not Adou, they surrender when they see someone coming, and they are not young soldiers who have never seen the battlefield.

At this moment, besides giving away the head, what else can the soil turtle do? There is no way out!

Guo Huai got 300 yuan for the head of the land turtle, plus a reward of 1,000 yuan, and when he returned to the city, he took out a big storm sword...

Cough, it was crooked.


In the end, some people may still have doubts. You can’t go up the Luoshui River Valley from the east, but what about the west?

Let’s not talk about whether there is a road in the west, even if there is, for example, let’s assume that the road mentioned by Mr. Shi Lao is connected.

But the soil turtle didn't want to nibble at Ziwu Ridge in the end, so it could only go south at Malian River.

Then he will be pleasantly surprised to find that...the Malian River has finally been filled with water!

He saw Xian Yufu on the other side who was waiting in battle!

Back then, Da Sima Cao knew how to force the soil turtle out of the Jingshui River Valley in order to give full play to his superior force. The soil turtle and Deng Zhi's army were crowded together. Guess if they would feel crowded?

The soil turtle circled such a big circle, what is the picture?

Wouldn't it be over if he came directly from Longyou?

Finally, let me talk about the information about Qin Zhidao.

Because in the previous chapter, many readers didn't know much about Qin Zhidao, so I only mentioned it.

Later, I went back to check the information again, and updated the knowledge base by the way.

First on the historical data:

"Historical Records: Biography of Mengtian": "The first emperor wanted to travel around the world. He traveled to Jiuyuan and went straight to Ganquan. He made Mengtian pass from Jiuyuan to Ganquan. He cut mountains and valleys for thousands of miles."

"Historical Records Qin Shihuang Benji": "Thirty-five years, except for Dao, Dao Jiuyuan, arrived at Yunyang, cut mountains and valleys, and went straight to it."

"Historical Records: The Benji of Qin Shihuang": "(Thirty-seventh year) July Bingyin, the first emperor collapsed on the platform of the sand dunes...He traveled from Jingxing to Jiuyuan...He traveled from Zhidao to Xianyang and died."

Tai Shigong was from the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and there are also records from the same era as Tai Shigong:

"Historical Records Xiaowen Ji": Three years (before 177): "In May, the Xiongnu entered the north and lived in Henan as bandits. The emperor was lucky at the beginning of Ganquan"; , I have seen all the officials, and I will give it to everyone."

"Historical Records Xiaowu Benji" records the imperial edict issued by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the first month of Yuanfeng (110 B.C.), "I will patrol the border, choose soldiers to revitalize the brigade, bow to the martial arts festival, set up twelve generals, and personally lead Master Yan. Traveling from Yunyang, going north to Shangjun, Xihe, and Wuyuan, leaving the Great Wall, and going north to Shanyutai..."

One of the top ten archaeological discoveries in China in 2009 was the excavation of the entire Qin Zhidao.

Note that it is excavation, that is, digging away the upper soil layer to reveal the original Qin Zhidao.

Do you know how wide it is at its widest point?

More than sixty meters.

Equivalent to the current two-way eight-lane!

Seriously, if it wasn't for the national-level excavation and then authoritative release, I wouldn't believe it!

The Qinzhi Road on Ziwuling is more than ten meters wide. During the archaeological work, the archaeological team went up by off-road vehicles.

In other words, after more than 2,000 years, Qin Zhidao, which is in good condition on Ziwuling, can still take off-road vehicles.

Of course, that may not be the original Qin Zhidao, and the most primitive Qin Zhidao may be covered up.

But this road is the direct proof of Qin Zhidao cutting mountains and valleys.

What is a cut mountain and a valley?

Straight out the ridge.

Fill in the troughs.

In the Qin Zhidao excavated from the archaeology, some valleys were filled with a layer of soil as high as seven or eight meters.

The soil layer of the road is baked loess, then mixed with salt and alkali, and finally tamped with iron or copper cones.

After its completion, it has been used for two thousand years.

The data I mentioned are all archaeological data, and CCTV has made documentaries.

Several parts of this Qin Zhi Road have been established as national-level protected cultural relics, and the rest are listed as provincial-level protected cultural relics by Shaanxi, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia.

During archaeology, a large number of ruins and cultural relics of the Qin, Han, and Tang Dynasties were excavated from both sides of the road.

These sites include Fengsui, military depots, and city barriers.

The mutual confirmation of historical materials and cultural relics is a historical fact, although it is hard to believe that the ancients could carry out such a large project.

In other countries, just a few lines of poems sung by troubadours can be regarded as credible history.

Pointing to the few stone buildings, they can be blown into the birthplace of civilization.

Some countries don't even have this kind of thing, so they steal it, rob it, and then take it for themselves, and they are still recognized by the world.

However, China's glorious history has been repeatedly belittled by others in many cases.

Be confident, China, after all, you have to walk out your own path independently.

No matter how good the rules set by others are, they belong to others and can only be learned from and not blindly obeyed.

Because the ancestors came here in this way, they have a glorious civilization that only belongs to them.

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