Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 970 Yinshan is almost here

If Longyou wasn't in his hands, Zhuge Liang would naturally try to cut off Beiyuan anyway.

Although there is no way to completely cut off the connection between Longyou and Guanzhong, as long as it can cause trouble for the other party.

But now, there is absolutely no need for this.

Because this will only scare the snake, and make Sima Yi vigilant.

Judging from the current camp that Sima Yi has set up, if things go wrong, he is afraid that he will withdraw directly.

In this way, the loss outweighs the gain by truncating the northern plateau highland.

Besides, now that the Wei thieves have lost Longyou, in order to prevent the big man from crossing Longshan, they have to protect Si County.

Therefore, Sima Yi must try his best to protect the North Plains to prevent threats to the rear of Qianxian County.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang's eyes were dim, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

In the first Northern Expedition, the big man took the initiative to attack, and almost fell short.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, it was Wei Guo who almost succeeded, but fortunately the big man counterattacked promptly and powerfully.

This time, it was finally the turn of the big man to attack.

After all, there are back and forth, which is fair.

Only this time, the big man was no longer what he looked like during the first Northern Expedition.

It feels so good to be in full control of the initiative!

Wei Yan naturally didn't know what the prime minister's plans were, but he could also predict that the prime minister didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, as if he was waiting for something.

Now only Feng Yongyuan has disappeared, and the prime minister is probably waiting for news from him.

Being ordered to retreat, Wei Yan was already a little unhappy in his heart, and seeing the prime minister's emphasis on Feng Yong, and being so scorned by the prime minister, Wei Yan couldn't help but burst out in dismay.

Sima Yi has been closely observing the situation of the Han army on the other side for several days.

Watching his opponent go up to Wuzhang Plain, and watching his opponent set up camp unhurriedly, without seeming nervous at all, made him even more suspicious.

"The captives from Shu came from a long distance, and the mountain roads are difficult to travel, and food and grass are difficult to provide. I expected Zhuge Liang to seek a quick battle, but now it is beyond my expectation. Could it be a fraud?"

After Sima Yi returned to Shuaiying, he asked someone to fetch a map and examine it carefully.

The army led by Ge thief must be the main force in Hanzhong.

Because the Wugong water also came out from the mouth of the Xiegu, and finally poured into the Wei River, so no matter how the Shu captives covered the battlefield, their own sentries could easily know whether the Shu captives were false or real.

Wuzhangyuan was ruled out, and the eyes fell on Qian County.

Qian County reported the news twice sooner or later, but if the news was not delivered in time once, Sima Yi would immediately send out scouts.

At present, it seems that there should be no problem in Qianxian County.

The most worrying thing is that there is no problem in Qian County, and the veteran Xian Yufu who guards the Jingshui River Valley will not have any problems.

The leading general who came from the direction of An Ding was unknown, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

The only worry now is that Feng Zei has not yet appeared.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi suddenly became excited: Feng thief?

Ge thief behaved like this, could it be that he was waiting for Feng thief?

So where did Feng thief come from?

"I come from the grassland to warm your heart..."

Governor Feng, who was running on the grassland, waved his whip and sang loudly.

For more than a month, General Guan has already been so moved by his singing voice that he often took the initiative to run forward to inspect.

With the continuous deepening of the desert, the logistics of Juyan County have gradually been unable to support it.

The army began to use the food and grass they carried with them.

Fortunately, there are many Hu tribes as supply points along the way, so there is no need to worry about the supply of food and grass in the army.

And with Yi Cong Hu Qi's continuous turnaround, the remaining army is now less than 60,000, and the pressure on food and grass has not increased so quickly.

These days, the environment around the army began to change. It was no longer an endless grassland, but rolling hills from time to time.

Although he didn't believe that there were Hu people on this grassland that could threaten his army, General Guan was still more vigilant.

She has a good relationship with Feng Junhou's couple, but she didn't intend to avoid any singing. She ran to the front now, just to shoulder her military responsibilities.

General Guan was thinking about it when a message came from ahead:

"General, Yi Cong's former army was ambushed!"




General Guan was a little surprised. There are really tribes on the grassland who dare to attack Yicong Huqi?

In other words, are there any Hu tribes who can ambush Yicong Huqi?

There are less than 30,000 Yicong Huqi who can follow here. Many of these people are already the first echelon reserve army of the Liangzhou Army.

They are the most loyal of all the Hu people in Liangzhou, and they have fought with Governor Feng more than once, and they have rich experience.

In addition to their weapons and equipment, which tribe on the grassland can compare with them?

Although General Guan usually looked down on these huqis for their sloppiness, she was really surprised when they were suddenly attacked.

"Which direction? How many casualties? Who attacked? How many people are on the other side? Do you know?"

"Go back to General, Zhengdong, more than 400 people were injured, and more than 100 people died. According to Yi Cong who was attacked, the thieves should have more than 3,000 horsemen, all of them are Huqi."

"Let the attacked Hu cavalry leader and army Sima come and see me!"


After Chuan rode down to deliver the order, General Guan continued to order again:

"Come here, send me an order to bring back all the Hu Qi in front, and at the same time send more scouts to check the situation ahead!"


After General Guan gave the order, he pulled the horse rope in his hand, turned the horse's head, and started galloping towards a certain source of noise pollution behind.

"I once watched you from afar..."

"Tat Tat Tat..."

"I once brought you close in dreamland..."

"Tat Tat Tat..."

The rapid sound of horseshoes interrupted Governor Feng's interest.

Although he couldn't see the expression on Guan Ji's face clearly for a while, after sleeping together on the same pillow for more than ten years, Governor Feng knew his wife as well as his right hand.

He already felt that something was wrong with Guan Ji, who was running towards this side.

When a gust of whirlwind rushed past, there was a clear shout, and the handsome horse's front hoofs were raised high, and then it stomped heavily on the ground, splashing a lot of mud.


Inspector Feng slapped his head and finally understood why Guan Ji was wrong. Of course something wrong was riding such a fast horse at this time.

Guan Ji turned her horse's head again, rode away with Feng Yong, and said quickly at the same time:

"The Yicong Huqi at the front was attacked, and the enemy has no less than 3,000 cavalry."

Feng Yong was startled, blinked his eyes, seemed to have no reaction for a while, and then murmured after a while:

"There is only one person on the grassland who organized an ambush with 3,000 riders and was able to defeat the rebel army at the same time."

When Guan Ji heard the words, she immediately understood: "Ke Bi Neng?"

Governor Feng nodded:

"Maybe there are others on the grassland who can do it, but I know that he is the only one."

After hearing this, Guan Ji was thoughtful:

"After walking for so long, it should indeed be here."

Just looking at her Alang who didn't seem to care too much, she couldn't help asking with some doubts:

"If it's really Ke Bineng's doing, isn't Alang worried?"

"worry about what?"

"If it's Ke Bineng, did he do it on purpose or not?"

When Guan Ji said this, she looked fixedly at Governor Feng.

The army crossed the vast desert, although they could get supplies from the Hu tribes along the way.

But if you want to make adequate preparations before going south, you must get enough supplies from Ke Bineng.

Governor Feng has raised Ke Bi Neng for so long, isn't it just for today?

So before departure, he sent someone to inform Liu Liang who had been staying in Jiuyuan's hometown.

I believe Liu Hanzi will know how to deal with this matter.

In other words, Ke Bi Neng should have considered this level before making an ambush.

After all, there is still a difference between organized Yi Cong and ordinary tribes in the desert.

Just weapons, leather armor, etc., can be seen at a glance.

But seeing Feng Cishi smiled indifferently:

"It's time for Yicong Huqi to calm down. It's a good thing to learn a lesson at this time."

"As for Ke Bineng, if he really did this, then he just wants to show us off."

"Even if you ask him face to face, he will only say that he doesn't know, or that it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Guan Ji frowned first, then glanced thoughtfully at Governor Feng, seeming to understand.

Finally he smiled, shook his head and said:

"It's because I thought too much. The army is beyond Kebi's ability to fight against. If he doesn't know what to do, just find an opportunity to kill him."

"Ke Bineng is not a simple character." This time it was Governor Feng's turn to smile and shake his head, "He has basically controlled the entire Yinshan Mountain, and now there are fifty to sixty thousand people who control strings under his orders."

Guan Ji glanced at him sideways, then raised her whip, and pointed at the soldiers beside her:

"Can you fight against such elite soldiers?"

Governor Feng shrugged.

The Han alone died by force, it's really not just talk.

Even if the Han Dynasty has been divided into three kingdoms, even if Hu Yi makes troubles in border counties from time to time.

However, after decades of melee in the Central Plains, the population has dropped sharply, and none of the surrounding Hu Yi has the ability to stand up and truly challenge the Central Plains.

Even Sun Shiwan, who was a layman in the civil war, could regard Shanyue as his source of population.

It's just that the more this is the case, the more it can set off the incompetence of the two emperors Huan and Ling who were defeated by Tan Shihuai.

It's no wonder that these two guys were specially singled out by the prime minister and written into the "List of Teachers" to name and criticize them.

Kebi can't even defeat Qin Lang, can he still challenge the Liangzhou army?

So my mother-in-law does have the confidence to say this.

Although General Guan's tone was flat, his murderous aura was already looming.

Obviously, if Kebi can hinder her plan to go south, she doesn't mind killing people in Yinshan.

Restoring the Han Dynasty and returning it to the old capital was not only the dream of the late emperor and the prime minister, but also the dream of Guan Laojunhou, who had followed the late emperor for decades and never left him.

And now, General Guan is determined to fulfill this dream for her lord.

Back then, when Yang'an was in Guancheng, the third lady of Guan lowered her eyebrows and made an appointment with Governor Feng: the day when the Han Dynasty was rejuvenated, when the concubine kowtowed.

This woman seems to have changed a lot since she married him, but the persistence in her heart has never wavered in the slightest.

Perhaps it is because of this persistence that she is extra tolerant to herself at certain times and certain things?

Governor Feng's thoughts were flying, when he suddenly saw a few downcast guys wandering around the periphery timidly.

He couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"I asked them to come here, just to ask about the ambush."

While explaining, General Guan turned over and got off his horse.

The guard battalion who got the signal stopped temporarily, and then let the few people outside come in.

These few people, including the leader of the Hu people and the army Sima who followed the righteous, all looked ashamed.

If we say that Feng Langjun is a god-like existence in the eyes of many Hu people.

Then, General Guan in the Liangzhou Army represents authority and awe.

After they came over, a military commander who was born in the martial arts hall secretly took a look at Feng Shishi who was standing beside him.

Inspector Feng didn't seem to notice that someone was looking at him. He whistled, admiring the beautiful scenery of the grassland, and murmured:

"This scenery is really good, I should recite two lines of poems..."

He is not the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and he wished to take everything into his own hands.

It's such a small matter, just let General Guan take care of it.

It is reasonable to ask Guan Suo if the military is not determined.

After brewing his emotions, Governor Feng began to read, "The sand in the desert is like snow, and the moon in Yanshan is like a hook..."

General Guan, who was waiting to be lectured, was held back on the spot, and she subconsciously looked around, Sha Ruxue?

Looking up at the sky again, the moon looks like a hook?

Inspector Feng coughed, probably feeling a little embarrassed:

"I'll go over there and have a look."

After that, he left with an excuse.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed inappropriate for Governor Feng to stay here.

After all, as the supreme commander in the army, as long as he is present, it means the final decision on the matter.

If after the final decision is made, the decision is wrong, and there is no room for maneuver.

And if he wasn't there, and something inappropriate was found later, it meant that it could be changed back.

This is why leaders seldom express their opinions easily on the spot.

Because one of his attitudes is enough to influence many thoughts and practices of the people below.

Guan Ji is no exception, maybe some of her practices and ideas will be unintentionally influenced by Governor Feng present.

So, small things are small things, but if this habit is not good, it is natural to change it.

Having been in the top position for a long time, Governor Feng is still very good at observing words and expressions, er, wrong, he is very considerate of his subordinates.

Sure enough, after a while, Guan Ji came over and said to Governor Feng:

"I asked clearly. The Hu cavalry who attacked them seemed to be premeditated, and they advanced and retreated in an orderly manner. Most of the weapons were made of iron, which is not like what ordinary tribes can do."

Governor Feng did not ask General Guan how to deal with those guys, but said flatly:

"The possibility of Kebi Neng is the greatest, or it could be said that his subordinates did it."

This result has long been expected.

Let a few of them come over for questioning, just to confirm.

It's not that Governor Feng looked down on the barbarians in the grassland.

But after the death of Tan Shihuai, the great division of the grassland led to the continuous degradation of the Hu people's society.

Kebi Neng was able to beat the tribes around him because he learned the method of using banners and drums to command the army from the Han people.

From this, it is conceivable to what extent the social organization ability of most of the Hu tribes on the grassland has degenerated.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Guan Ji's eyes flashed coldly, "Do you want to..."

"Don't be in a hurry, we'll talk about it after we meet."

Governor Feng shook his head, "He is now the local snake in Jiuyuan's hometown. Without his help, our journey south will be delayed."

Guan Ji nodded: "Then follow A Lang's order first."

"However, we still need to make good preparations. After all, barbarians are ungrateful, not to mention that Ke Bi can be regarded as a rare capable person among barbarians."

Governor Feng sneered: "And judging from the news that Liu Liang sent back, this guy may not be willing to just submit to the land of Jiuyuan."

Having said that, Governor Feng looked forward.

The terrain has changed imperceptibly these days.

As far as the eye can see, there are often hills with indeterminate heights, or short mountains.

Yinshan is almost here.


Attached are two pictures, please pay attention to the red letters and labels on the pictures.

The first one is the picture of Dahan's three-way march, please click to open the comment.

The second one is the topographic map of Wuzhangyuan confrontation, please click to comment.

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