Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 972 Agreement

When playing Three Kingdoms games, the two chiefs of Hu Yi cannot be forgotten.

Meng Huo in the south, Ke Bineng in the north.

Of course, below them, there are some impressive Hu Yi leaders.

For example, Meng Huo's wife, Zhu Rong, has never been able to beat Ke Bineng's Budugen, and she also has capricious venting and so on.

Governor Feng had met Meng Huo more than ten years ago.

Even Meng Huo's daughter, Hualan, has a good relationship with Governor Feng, and she hasn't forgotten to send some seeds in recent years.

And today, he finally met Ke Bineng.

Although he is sitting on a horse, Governor Feng can still see that Ke Bineng has the common characteristics of the barbarians on the grassland.

The figure should not be tall, but it looks relatively strong.

There are some small braids on the head, similar to the dreadlocks of later generations, but it looks much dirtier than the dreadlocks.

I don't know if it was because of the strong wind and sand in the desert, and the barbarian didn't pay attention to taking care of himself, so his face exposed from the unkempt beard looked extremely dark.

If the news is correct, even if Ke Bi Neng is not sixty years old, he is probably not far behind.

This old man in his sixties sat on the horse with his back straight and his eyes clear. He didn't look old at all at his age.

Governor Feng was looking at Ke Bineng, and Ke Bineng was also observing Feng Governor.

Although he had known for a long time that Feng Langjun had become famous at a young age, Ke Bineng still couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw his appearance at this time.

Because no matter who it is, it's hard to imagine that the man in front of him who hasn't even grown a beard is actually the supreme commander of the army behind him.

When Ke Bineng was feeling emotional, his eyes fell on Jiang Wei and Zhao Guang who were following Feng Langjun.

When he saw the appearance of the two of them clearly, a strangeness flashed in his eyes, and then he understood for a while.

I heard from Liu Langjun that since the beginning of leading the army, this Feng Langjun has always liked to have some handsome men by his side, it seems that he is not deceiving me.

It's a pity that I, Da Xianbei, are all majestic men living in the desert, so it's hard to be as good-looking as those two.

Otherwise, find a few handsome men and send them to the other party, so as to deepen the friendship between the two parties, and maybe get some news.

Inspector Feng didn't know that the great leader of the prairie had such dirty thoughts.

While lamenting that Ke Bi Neng is old and strong, he rode his horse to greet him with a smile all over his face:

"Ke Bineng is the leader, he has long admired his name!"

Kebi could see that Governor Feng finally moved, and quickly put away his thoughts, and greeted him with a smile:

"Feng Langjun, I have been famous for you for a long time!"

The two riders approached each other, and they looked at each other and laughed, exchanging arms and chatting happily, like old friends who haven't seen each other for a long time.

The meeting between Feng Junhou, the governor of Liangzhou, and Ke Bineng, the master of Xianbei in the grassland, was warm, harmonious, and a successful meeting.

Both sides have a common goal, which is to defeat the Wei thief.

Feng Cishi said that over the years, the people of Xianbei had been oppressed by the Wei thieves and had to move from Youbing Erzhou in the east to Jiuyuan. Liangzhou expressed deep sympathy.

Ke Bineng responded that Daxianbei has a glorious past, and although it suffered setbacks for a while, it will eventually stand up again.

At the same time, Ke Bineng also expressed his gratitude to Liangzhou for its assistance over the years.

During this meeting, Governor Feng did not mention the attack on Yicong Huqi a few days ago.

Ke Bineng didn't ask Governor Feng why he asked the army to put up such a formation.

The two sides tacitly assumed that these things had never happened, and expressed that they would look forward together.

On the second day after the meeting, Governor Feng and Ke Bineng made an oath under the Yin Mountain, agreeing that they would send troops together in the near future to attack the bandits in the south.

After the oath was over, Ke Bi Neng immediately led the army to turn around first, and was ready to go back and gather the troops so that they could set off at any time.

At the same time, he left behind his younger brother Ruoluo Aliu, and ordered him to lead Feng Langjun's army through the Yin Mountain to join him.

The desert was windy and sandy. After seeing Ke Bineng off, Governor Feng returned to his handsome tent and had someone wash his face with water.

Guan Ji was handing out the towel beside her, she hadn't spoken yet, only to hear a guard report:

"Your Majesty, General Zhao is here."

"Let him in."

When Zhao Guang arrived at the tent door, he yelled loudly:

"Brother, how can you promise that Ke..."

"Shut up! Come in and talk!"

After receiving such a shout, Zhao Guang stopped talking and came in resentfully.

Inspector Feng buried his face in the water, splashing and splashing, he raised his head after a while, took the towel handed over by Guan Ji, and asked while wiping his face:

"What about the others? Why don't you come in? Why don't you come here alone?"

Seeing that his elder brother didn't turn around, Zhao Guang knew what was going on outside. He couldn't help being surprised, and quickly raised the curtain and shouted:

"Come here!"

A crowd of people rushed in, Jiang Wei, Li Qiu, Shi Bao, Huo Yi, Yang Wanwan, Liu Hun, and even the bald-haired Tianli were not left behind.

These people are either angry or resentful, and so on.

"Okay, I can ask, what do you want to know?"

Inspector Feng sat down on the coach's seat boldly and asked.

Everyone looked at Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang couldn't hold back for a long time, and asked impatiently:

"Brother, you made an oath with Ke Bineng and agreed to him. If Chang'an is captured, your children's wealth will be plundered by him. We only want land and cities. Isn't it too...too rash?"

He originally wanted to say cowardice, or shame or something, but his elder brother has been very authoritative over the years, so he thought for a long time before he said "reckless".

Feng Yong glanced down, Yang Wanwan and Liu Hun were fine, one was his brother, and the other was the Marquis of Guiyi, a man who recognized himself as Emperor Guangwu.

What the hell is baldness?

You are a Xianbei barbarian, hey, you don't even have a Chinese surname, what does that look of indignation mean?

Oh, you are already the general of the big man, that's all right.

"If you don't agree to him, how can he try his best to help? Without his help, the army will go south from Yinshan Mountain, where will they get food and grass?"

The grain and grass in Juyan County have been cut off long ago, and the long-distance expedition is like this, so we can't count on the rear.

Along the way, Yiyi was allowed to plunder from Hu Qi, just to collect food and grass for the army.

The dry food brought by the army should be used as little as possible, maybe it will be of great use in the future.

When we get to Yinshan, who else can we rob? We can't rob Ke Bineng, can we?

Even if it is to grab Ke Bineng, it will have to wait until the army has passed Gaoquesai.

After all, Yinshan is now controlled by Ke Bineng.

Although there are many gullies between the mountains, causing wind to leak from all sides of the Yinshan Mountain, and Governor Feng does not believe that the Hu people can use the Yinshan fortress.

But if he really wants to make up his mind to stick to it, his army will become a dangerous army with obstacles in the front and no food in the back. It's not a joke.

What's more, when he invaded Yinshan Mountain and finished cleaning up the Hetao area, Guanzhong might have already finished fighting.

Ke Bineng probably also saw that he wanted something from him, so when he made an oath outside Yinshan Mountain, he made such a request.

After all, when he was on the border of the two prefectures, he often led the army to violate the border and was prone to robbery.

But then again, for the vast majority of high-ranking people in this era, running an army and looting is not a big deal at all.

After all, I don’t know how many times I have slaughtered the city, and I still care about looting?

Ke Bineng stayed in the frontier fortress of Han all year round, so he probably knew what kind of shit those so-called heroes in Han had done.

He felt that he might not be able to give it a try.

So although this request is somewhat unexpected, it is within reason.

For Handi, this is a very dangerous sign.

It shows that Ke Bineng is no longer satisfied with plundering the frontier fortress, but has turned his attention to the inland. He may even have inquired about the situation in Chang'an.

Over the years, Chang'an has long since ceased to be as desolate as it used to be because of the caravan exchanges and Sima Yi's diligent management.

If you really want to rob Chang'an, the property you get is equivalent to how many years of cattle and sheep will be kept in the desert.

It's just that Ke Bi Neng overlooked one point. Ji Han's founding emperor had never slaughtered a city.

Governor Feng sat upright, as if he didn't see the expression of his general, he sneered and said:

"Besides, I just promised him to let him get it by himself, but I didn't promise him to help him get it."

Zhao Guang hasn't reacted yet. In his opinion, after his elder brother and Ke Bineng invaded Chang'an together, what does it matter whether they help or not?

Could it be that Kebi doesn't have long arms and legs?

It was Jiang Wei who reacted the fastest, but he whispered:

"Could it be possible that a prince doesn't want to capture Chang'an?"

"We ran so far, isn't it just to capture Chang'an?" Feng Cishi chuckled, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Before capturing Chang'an, it would be good if Kebi could die?"

"How do dead people plunder Chang'an? They can't turn into ghosts, can they?"

Even if you become a ghost, have you asked the ghost king?

Do you know what was Ben Hou's bandit number in his early years?

At the oath meeting, when Kebi was able to make this request, Feng Guiwang had already sentenced him to death in his heart.

Before a person dies, let him hear more good words, so that he can go on the road with peace of mind.

Hearing these words, the generals couldn't help but tremble in their hearts!

That's right, for Junhou to be able to sit in this position today, his hands are stained with the blood of many thieves.

From clever words and flattery, to cruelty, foresight and foresight, not to mention revenge...

Thinking of these gangster names, Jiang Wei and the others all said inwardly in unanimous agreement: Hasty!

Junhou has never forgotten to look for labor all the way, so how could he really agree to the ridiculous demands of the barbarians?

I waited for others to come together, and there were some kind of pressing questions. I don't know if there will be something grudge in Junhou's heart?

Thinking this way in his heart, and seeing the indifferent expression on Junhou's face, all the generals felt a little uneasy.

At this moment, General Guan who was standing next to Governor Feng said slowly:

"Your Majesty has his own discretion in doing things, otherwise why would he be entrusted with important tasks by the Prime Minister?"

"What you have to do now is not to come here to question the prince, but to go back to the camp and strictly prohibit those who know the matter from spreading this matter in the army, so as not to disturb the morale of the army."

As the actual commander of the Liangzhou Army, and also the guardian of the Feng family's family learning, General Guan naturally knew that the Liangzhou Army was slightly different from other armies.

As for any son from a good family with some family background, the lowest goal of entering the army is to pursue fame and wealth.

But Cangtou Guishou is different, especially since the world has been in chaos for decades, they were either forced to or to get a full meal, so they joined the army.

They have no goals in life, and they don't know which day they will be killed by the enemy. They just live in a daze, like animals driven by people.

Until Alang enforced literacy in the army, while giving them hope, he also told them why to fight.

Only then did they understand that people don't just live for their own food.

In order to protect their hard-won hope, in order not to let their children and grandchildren lose everything they have now, and even for the peace of the world, they must seek thieves.

Coupled with the influence of Han doctrine for hundreds of years, these soldiers now understand what the difference between Han and Yi is.

If they really want to let them watch the Hu people plunder Chang'an, especially when they know that Feng Shishi promised the Hu people to do so, then it is not as simple as wavering in the army's morale.

At that time, the best situation for the Liangzhou army to fall is that it will quickly become a bandit army who robs houses because of the collapse of faith.

Fortunately, when making the oath, the people present were basically the main generals in the army and some cronies.

The matter of looting Chang'an is not very honorable to say, and it is incompatible with such a grand and righteous event as hunting for thieves.

In addition, this kind of thing is what people often do after the city is broken in this era, and the two sides just made a verbal agreement on sharing the spoils.

Naturally, it was not written in the call for thieves spread throughout the army.

So the news is still within the controllable range.

"Your Majesty, the generals in the army are easy to talk about, but we are traveling south with Ke Bineng, and the two armies will inevitably get mixed up. When Yi Congjun heard the news from Ke Bineng's troops, what should we do?"

Jiang Wei was still more careful, and remembered the biggest loophole.

Governor Feng lowered his eyes and said calmly:

"Yi Cong's army doesn't listen to Liangzhou's military order, but listens to Ke Bineng's nonsense, can that still be called Yi Cong?"

"Since they like to listen, it's better to let them go underground to talk to Ke Bi Neng afterward."

The army is out in battle, there is no reinforcements behind, and the enemy is in front of him. If there is a little carelessness, there is a danger of being wiped out. Strict military discipline is a must.

Governor Feng raised his head and glanced at the bald head:

"It's bald, I know that you have a good relationship with the commander of those tribes, I will leave this matter to you."

The baldness is a shock!


Bald Tianli is the third example of successful whitewashing after Liu Hun and Duanmuzhe, and is widely known to the Hu people in Liangzhou.

On weekdays, there are quite a few Hu people, Qu Shuai, who come to make connections.

At this time, when he heard Junhou's order, he knew in his heart that his test was coming.

After getting a handsome account, he found an opportunity to find Shi Bao quietly:

"General Shi, please teach me what the Lord has entrusted you with today."

He knew that among the generals, Shi Bao might not be the most powerful when it comes to leading troops, but he must be the most experienced in dealing with tribes.

Not to mention that this person has always been quite scheming.

The bald-haired Tianli saw that Shi Bao hesitated a little, and knew that he was worried, so he quickly swore:

"General Shi, don't worry, no one else will know about this matter except me."

After speaking, he lowered his voice again:

"The general also knows that Xueniang, my sister, is Liu Langjun's concubine, she is quite pretty, so she is favored by Liu Langjun."

"In my clan, there is actually Xiao Xueniang's ten-year-old younger sister, who is not inferior to her older sister..."

When Shi Bao heard this, his eyes lit up and he swallowed:

"Hey, they are all working for the princes, why should they be divided? The affairs of the princes are actually easy to hear."

"Please General Shi teach me."

"Didn't the volunteer army be attacked a few days ago? There is no reason for it now."

"As long as there are rumors of Ke Bineng's troops attacking Yi Congjun, who will listen to the words of Ke Bineng's troops? It would be good if there is no big fight."

After hearing this, the bald man hesitated and said:

"Will this lead to discord between the two armies? What if it breaks the important matter of the prince and the thieves..."

Shi Bao looked at Tianli with bald hair strangely: "Isn't the discord between Yi Congjun and Ke Bineng's subordinates just what the Lord would like to see?"

In the account today, can't you see the attitude of Jun Hou towards Ke Bineng and Yi Congjun?

The two of them have a good relationship, so Junhou will be worried, right?

And from the very beginning, Junhou didn't seem to have thought of being one-hearted with Ke.

So why are you afraid of discord between the two armies?

The bald-haired Tianli suddenly realized: "Thank you, General Shi, for your guidance!"

"The bald general should pay attention. This matter must not be caught by others. As long as the general is not pursued, then it is not a big deal."

The bald head nodded: "Understood!"

Shi Bao finally ordered:

"When you go back, don't forget to introduce Amei to me..."

Baldness: ...

After the bald-haired Tianli left, Shi Bao with a greedy face changed his face, touched his chin at the same time, and murmured:

"The general's plan should not be widely shared with others, otherwise the matter will fail if you vent it. Now that the princes and lords have openly told us about the plan to compare Ke's ability, I always feel that it is not that simple..."

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