Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 973 Arrangement

No matter how Shi Bao and the others guessed what Feng Cishi wanted to do, the army began to cross the Yin Mountain in batches on the second day after the pledge, without any stop.

The only thing that made Governor Feng stop was when he was about to walk out of the Yinshan Pass when he suddenly saw a strange dilapidated pass city on the high cliff to his right.

It is said to be a Guancheng, but it actually consists of two connected Guanchengs, one large and one small.

Guancheng was built with river pebbles, guarding the intersection of the two largest gullies and streams entering the interior of Yinshan Mountain.

Behind it, there is a gentle slope, and above the gentle slope, there is a section of stone wall.

The stone wall extends southwest to the top of the hill behind Guancheng.

At the end of the stone wall is a beacon tower that has collapsed, facing the pass on the opposite mountain.

This is the famous Gao Quesai in the history books.

It's just that Gaoque Saiguan City, which records the glorious history of the Han family, has been destroyed by years or man-made, and now the upper half has collapsed.

A herd of cattle and sheep were coming out of the dilapidated Guancheng, and were driven to the river by the barbarians.

In the past, the place guarded by the Han family soldiers with all their might, has now become the cattle and sheep pen of the Hu people.

Feng Cishi suddenly stood at the mountain pass without saying a word, which made Ruoluo Aliu a little puzzled, so he called out cautiously:

"Your Majesty?"

Governor Feng came back to his senses, and smiled apologetically:

"It's nothing, I just saw cattle and sheep everywhere in front of me, and I was shocked by the fatness of this place."

Hearing what Feng Cishi said, Ruo Luo Aliu immediately understood, and laughed, quite complacent:

"Your Majesty's words are true. Don't lie to your Majesty. When we moved here with our family, the villain was also amazed."

Feng Yong listened, his eyes flashed:

"I remember that the leader Ke Bineng had controlled the Yinshan area in the early years, so why didn't the leader Ruoluo know about the fatness here?"

Ruo Luo A Liu didn't expect Governor Feng to ask this question, coughed a bit, and then explained:

"Junhou is joking, when Ke Bineng was powerful, he did go to the Yinshan area."

Then sighed again:

"But because of Bingzhou Budugen's obstruction, it is only limited to the periphery of Yinshan Mountain, and does not really enter the big river at the foot of Yinshan Mountain."

"So we really don't know enough about the situation in this area."

"Oh?" Governor Feng glanced at Ruoluo Aliu thoughtfully.

What about the simplicity of the prairie man?

Are you sure what you told me is the truth?

Ke Bineng's original focus of activities was indeed in the Youzhou area. If he wanted to come to Jiuyuan from the Youzhou frontier fort, he really had to pay attention to Budugen in the Bingzhou frontier fortress.

All of this is true.

But don't think I don't know, Bu Dugen was suppressed by Ke Bi Neng in the later period and could only shrink in Yanmen, or even in Taiyuan.

If it weren't for the support of Wei Guo behind him, Bu Dugen would have been annexed by Ke Bineng long ago.

So even if Kebi can be scruples about Budugen, there is no way to focus on the west, but whoever wants to dominate the grassland, which one will give up Hetao?

You have been to the outskirts of Yinshan Mountain, and you never thought about knowing what is in the south of Yinshan Mountain?

However, it seems that Su Luo'an Liu didn't want to talk about this issue too much, and he stretched out his hand to guide:

"Your Majesty, this way please."

Governor Feng nodded, tapped the horse's belly lightly, and continued to move forward, leaving Gao Quesai behind.

Further forward is where Ke Bineng's tent is located.

Most of the forces entering the Hetao area will focus on operating two places.

One is Gaoquesai, and the other is Jiuyuan County.

Most Hu people value Gaoque, because it controls the most fertile place in Hetao, and it is also the most suitable place for herding horses and sheep.

The Hetao Plain in the narrow sense refers to this place.

Even the Xiongnu, who rarely built cities in history, would build a city near Gaoquesai.

Gaoque is located at the upper left corner of the characters of the Yellow River, and it is the key to control the most convenient access to and from Yinshan Mountain.

Whoever controls this place can enter and exit the Hetao at will.

Even when the Central Plains regime is strong, it doesn't matter whether the Central Plains army goes up from Anding County along the Great River.

Or take the Qin Zhi Road from Guanzhong to Jiuyuan, and then go west along the Dahe.

The barbarians entrenched here will fight if they can, and if they can't, they will have time to escape back to the grassland calmly.

Compared with the Hu people's emphasis on Gaoque, the Han people paid more attention to Jiuyuan County (that is, the Baotou area).

Because it is located in the middle of the top of the Yellow River, with the big river in the south and Yinshan Mountain in the north.

If you control this point, you can radiate and control the entire several bends, thus shielding the pass.

No matter how talented Ke Bineng is, he is still a barbarian after all.

So his tent was naturally located in Gaoque.

Moreover, Kebi can set up a tent here, and there are two additional considerations.

The first is to get closer to Liangzhou and facilitate contact with Liangzhou.

The second is to stay away from the Bingzhou frontier and avoid the Wei army's crusade as much as possible.

After all, he was broken by Qin Lang in Bingzhou a few years ago, and he has not recovered until now.

The second consideration is currently Ke Bineng's concern.

In Gaoque's king's tent, Ke Bineng was sitting opposite Feng Cishi.

After the army entered the south of Yinshan Mountain, it was to discuss how to send troops in the next step.

Needless to say, the Liangzhou army, the key lies in how many troops the Xianbei people plan to dispatch.

Obviously, Ke Bi Neng didn't think about letting all his followers go south.

I saw him say very sincerely:

"Feng Langjun, you know that our tribe was almost wiped out by the Wei thief a few years ago."

As he spoke, he sighed deeply, his dark face had wrinkles worn by the wind and sand:

"If it wasn't for Liangzhou's timely help, there would be no such person as Feng Langjun here today."

Ke Bi Neng pointed to himself, "Feng Langjun, I am already old, and there are not many people on the grassland who can live to my age."

"When you get old, you lose your courage. I'm really scared, so I plan to keep some people here, just in case."

What are you afraid of? Are you afraid?

Why didn't you get scared when I opened my mouth to rob Chang'an?

Feng Cishi smiled, "Ke Bineng is the leader, this time is different from the past. In my eyes, the Wei thief is nothing more than a local chicken Wagoner."

"If you don't believe me, go and inquire. Since I led the army, have you ever suffered in front of the Wei thieves? As long as you and I join forces, what are you afraid of?"

It's because you never lose money that I'm afraid!

Ke Bi Neng looked at the smiling Feng Cishi, and his mind was a little complicated.

In the past two or three years, he has taken in many of his fellow clansmen who escaped from the west.

What's going on in Liangzhou, he still doesn't know?

If it is said that Ke Bineng used to feel that Liangzhou supported him only to contain the Wei people.

Well, ever since he knew that the Liangzhou army had crossed the desert and planned to use Yinshan as a springboard to go south to Guanzhong, he had fully understood:

In all these years, Liangzhou supported him, and nine times out of ten it was for this critical moment.

It is estimated that this Feng Langjun not only intends to regard the territory he has worked hard as the rear, but also wants his followers to contribute to help take down Guanzhong.

So he made some calculations and felt that it is not impossible to contribute, but if he wants to bet on his tens of thousands of troops like in the battle of Bingzhou, that is two things.

Guanzhong is the best place to fight. After the looting of Chang'an, any losses can be made up for.

But Guanzhong is so easy to fight?

What if it doesn't hit?

But it's not justified without troops.

After all, he has taken a lot of benefits from Liangzhou over the years, and at the same time, in order to continue to get benefits from Liangzhou, Ke Bineng did not intend to easily turn against him.

After all, there is Chang'an, what if?

As for how much...

But seeing that Kebi can stretch out two fingers:

"Feng Langjun, 20,000, how about I let my son Puheyu lead the clan's 20,000 elite cavalry to follow south? Don't worry, they are all the most elite warriors in the clan."

Governor Feng frowned slightly:

"The leader means that you don't plan to go south in person?"

Kebi Neng smiled and shook his head:

"Feng Langjun, as I said, I'm already old and probably won't live for a few years. I asked Pu Heyu to lead the army to the south, in fact, so that he can exercise more."

"Feng Langjun is a dragon among men. If Puheyu can learn something from Feng Langjun, that would be the best result for me."

But when I saw you for the first time, you were still in good health.

Governor Feng was a little suspicious.

It's just that when he saw Ke Bi Neng's expression of emotion, it really didn't look like a fake.

No matter how old and vigorous, after all, it is no match for the years.

So it is human nature not to let go of the opportunity to raise one's own son.

As for the other party's plan to hide what he doesn't want to say, Governor Feng can guess a little bit.

After all, he led more than 50,000 horses to Yinshan Mountain. If Ke Bineng was not at all on guard, then he would be called the Lord of the Grassland in vain.

If Liangzhou was not too far away from Yinshan Mountain, the big man would have no way to control Yinshan Mountain before taking down Guanzhong.

In addition, if you take Qin Zhidao, it only takes three days for the fast horse to run from Guanzhong to Jiuyuan.

Ke Bineng should have detected the changes of the Wei army in Guanzhong at this time.

That's why he has reason to believe that this time the Han army has a high probability of only passing through Yinshan Mountain.

Even so, he now intends to guard the lair himself.

They are all boss-level characters, and some things don't need to be said too clearly.

If you speak too clearly, sometimes it will make each other look bad.

Governor Feng pondered for a while, and said:

"Since the leader said so, then I won't force it, but I still need one person."


"Joloa Six."

This time it was Ke Bi Neng's turn to frown.

Although Ruo Luo A Liu is his younger brother, in fact, the number of followers he has is not even comparable to that of his son-in-law Yu Zhugejian. Why did Feng Langjun specifically name him?

It's just that although he was a little suspicious in his heart, he said in his mouth:

"Even if Feng Langjun didn't say anything, I planned to let him go south with me."

Governor Feng smiled lightly: "That would be the best."

He didn't have a big mouth like a lion, and he must be able to personally lead all the warriors in the clan to the south.

Because it is impossible for Kebi to agree-now there are more than 50,000 Han troops here in Yinshan!

There may be a little more than all the warriors Bi Kebi can pull out.

If it were Feng Yong himself, he would be afraid too.

If we really want to exchange identities, maybe Feng is only willing to provide food and grass. Anyway, the real purpose of the Han army is to go south, and he will definitely not easily fall out with him.

Of course, as a grassland man, Ke Bi Neng is relatively simple, and he agreed to hunt down the thieves, so he didn't hold back on the matter of going south.

He simply allocated at least half of the troops and asked his son to lead them personally to cooperate with Governor Feng.

The meeting between the two big shots was relatively smooth, and after a decision was made, they split up and acted quickly.

Due to time constraints, the Liangzhou army began to follow the south bank of the Yellow River, all the way eastward after resting in Gaoque for three days, and finally arrived at Wuyuan County, the prefecture of Jiuyuan County.

Because there is the end point of Qin Zhidao, and it is also the starting point of going south to Guanzhong.

(Note: The course of the Yellow River in the Hetao area in the Han Dynasty was not the same as it is now. Wuyuan County does not include the south bank of the Yellow River, so there is no need to delve too deeply into it.)

The big river here, like a mirror, flows slowly from the edge of the sandstone, the waterlogged pasture, and the green poplar grove.

The flat grassland stretches out and melts in the heat waves, as if connecting with the clouds in the sky.

The arrival of the army startled the mallards, and they flew up from the reeds with fluttering wings, hovered over the surging river for a while, and then gradually flew back to the reeds.

Feng Yong didn't deliberately cross the Yellow River north, and went to the north bank to pay his respects to the old city of the Han family.

He just asked people to bring incense candles and sacrifices, set up an incense table by the river, and worshiped three times devoutly.

General Guan was a little confused about Feng Governor's actions.

After he finished worshiping, he asked: "What is the king worshiping?"

Governor Feng let out a sigh of relief:

"A woman."

"Huh!?" General Guan raised his eyebrows, "Who?"

Inspector Feng didn't answer, but just read:

"The envoys of the Han Dynasty returned to the south to hear the letter, and the green grass in the felt garden began to know the spring. But the eyebrows relieved An Bangguo, and shamed and killed the master of Qilin Pavilion."

"Oh, Wang Zhaojun?"

Inspector Feng nodded, he turned to look at General Guan, and smiled slightly:

"After the former Wang Zhaojun came out of the fortress, the three generations of the border county did not know about military affairs, cattle and sheep were everywhere, and the people were happy."

"There is also a strange woman in our army today, her talent surpasses that of a man, and now she leads the army here to fight against the bandits. If you talk about Qilin Pavilion, you may not be able to go to it."

"If Wang Zhaojun knew about it underground, he might be able to smile, and he would no longer feel so alone outside the Great Wall."

Although General Guan has slept with this person for more than ten years, he is already very familiar with him, but when he hears this, his throat is blocked and his eyes are hot.

Governor Feng smiled slightly, and held her hand:

"Let's go, the generals in the army may have been waiting for a long time."

The two returned to the commander's camp, and the main generals of the army were already waiting there.

Feng Yong walked to the commander's position, untied the handsome sword, raised it in his hand, and ordered:

"All generals obey orders!"

The generals immediately bowed their heads in solemn salute.

"Starting today, the army will be divided into front and rear. The front army will be led by my relatives, and Jiang Wei, Zhao Guang, Li Qiu, and Bald Hair will accompany them."

"The rear army is under the command of General Guan, and Huo Yi, Liu Hun, and Shi Bao are under orders!"

After Feng Inspector finished his speech, he personally handed the handsome sword to General Guan.

All the generals below were in high spirits, and they all said loudly: "No!"

Like Zhao Guang, when he heard that the army was divided into two, he subconsciously remembered the battle of Xiaoguan.

At that time, the troops were also divided into two groups, and it was also the elder brother who divided the command with General A...Guan, so he was immediately excited.

But people like Jiang Wei were thinking, what is the meaning of the Junhou dividing the army into two parts?

As for Shi Bao, he glanced thoughtfully at the bald-haired Tianli.

But no matter what everyone was thinking, the magnanimous Qin Zhidao had already started to raise smoke and dust, and the Liangzhou Qianjun and Xianbei Jingqi, totaling tens of thousands, rolled away to the south.

PS: Please click on the comment and scroll down to the first floor for the route of the soil beetle.

Note: The drawing on the picture is an approximate direction and approximate range, and the accuracy must not be used.

There are three plains in Jizi Bend of the Yellow River, namely:

Qiantao Plain, which is east of Baotou, is in the upper right corner of the words.

Houtao Plain, that is, the west side of Baotou, the upper left corner of the words.

The Xitao Plain is Helan Mountain, the modern city of Yinchuan, roughly in the middle of the western bend of the Yellow River.

These three plains make up the Hetao Plain in a broad sense.

In the narrow sense, the Hetao Plain is the Houtao Plain, which is the location marked in the picture.

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