Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 974 Countermeasures

From Chang'an, take the Qin Zhi Road to Jiuyuan, gallop all the way, spare no effort, and reach it in three days.

But this is only the case of referring to pass the emergency military situation.

Even if the entire Liangzhou army and Xianbei cavalry were on horseback—whether cavalry or infantry—then there was no way to reach this speed.

For the army, if it is faster, it may reach Qiaoshan in ten days, and if it is slower, it will not take more than half a month.

But in general, compared to the fact that the prime minister led the army to walk a short distance along the Xiegu Road, it would take more than twenty days, which is many times faster.

After all, the distance from Jiuyuan to Chang'an is nearly three times the distance from Hanzhong to Chang'an.

This is the difference between a smooth road and a mountain road.

But it was precisely because this was a smooth road that Feng Cishi's army had only traveled halfway, and the outposts of the State of Wei deployed on the front line of Jushui had already ignited the smoke.

Qin Zhidao was originally built for military purposes.

Not only are military stations and military cities set up along the road, but there are also continuous beacon towers.

Due to disrepair for a long time, most of the military depots have lost their due functions.

But these years, because Sima Yi attached great importance to the defense of Beidi County, not only had people repair the beacon towers, but even built some new beacon towers.

When the first beacon tower raised three pillars of thick billowing black smoke representing the highest alert, not long after, the second beacon tower also began to ignite...

At the same time, Chuanqi frantically ran towards Guanzhong along the Qin Zhidao on the Qiaoshan Mountains, desperately chasing the constantly ignited smoke.

Fenghuo could only tell the rear that many, many captives had come, but he couldn't tell how many had come.

The Chuanqi now want to tell Guo Huai the military situation detected by the outpost as quickly as possible.

Only half a day later, thick smoke began to billow from the beacon tower under the main peak of Qiaoshan Mountain.

"General, there are enemies!"

In Guancheng on Qiaoshan Mountain, some soldiers exclaimed.

From the day he took over Qiaoshan's defense, Guo Huai never stopped looking north.

Now that the smoke was rising suddenly, without anyone's reminder, Guo Huai had already run towards the highest point of Guancheng without saying a word.

I don't know if it was because I was running too fast, or because my heart was beating too fast.

Along the way, there were only thud-thump-thump sounds in his ears.


Is it really coming?

Is Feng thief really coming from the north as Da Sima expected?

Feeling numb, he boarded the watchtower of Guancheng and couldn't wait to cast his gaze to the north.

Beacon smoke, every lit beacon is full of three pillars of beacon smoke representing tens of thousands of enemies.

Guo Huai gripped the hand railing tightly, because of too much force, veins appeared on the back of his hand.

"Wait, wait, wait..."

Guo Huai warned himself in his heart, "Wait for Chuanqi to pass the news back, and see if it's Feng thief, or the Hu people want to take the opportunity to commit crimes south."

There was still a trace of luck in his heart, and he hoped that the enemy coming from the north would be the barbarians who took the opportunity to commit crimes in the south.

Rather than the imaginary Feng thief.

But remembering that Thief Feng is too cunning, if he doesn't show up for a day, no one dares to take it lightly.

The sooner Feng thief shows up, the sooner everyone can feel at ease, and at the same time, Da Sima can also arrange countermeasures sooner.

So Guo Huai had some conflicts in his heart: It seems that Bandit Feng should come too?

But if it is Feng thief, does that mean that he has to face that vicious and cunning Shu captive again?

He is a few dozen years old, and he has not seen how many times he has even seen life and death before the battle.

But at this time, Guo Huai was like a young man who was going to meet his favorite girl for the first time. He always felt that time passed very slowly, and he couldn't stop his beating heart.

Until the afterglow of the sun gradually disappeared on the other side of the mountain, and still did not see Chuanqi appearing at the foot of the mountain, Guo Huai became more and more entangled.

"General, all the hilltop camps have reported back and are ready."

Guo Huai gave a somewhat absent-minded "hmm", turned around and prepared to go downstairs, and at the same time ordered:

"I predict that Chuanqi will definitely arrive by tomorrow morning at the latest. If there is any situation at night, remember to report it immediately, and there must be no mistake!"


In the middle of the night, someone knocked on the door of Guo Huai's room, and a personal guard shouted urgently:

"General, there is an urgent report!"

Before he could yell a second time, the door was opened with a "squeak" and a neatly dressed Guo Huai appeared at the door. It turned out that he was sleeping with his clothes on.

"Where is the man?"

"It's in the front hall."


The legendary knight soldier in the front hall was already drenched and his lips were chapped. He held his breath and waited for Guo Huai to arrive. He said with all the remaining strength in his body:

"Shu less than 50,000, everyone rides, the handsome flag's Feng..."

After uttering the last word, he fainted on the spot.

Soon someone took out Wei Jun's unique talisman from his arms and handed it to Guo Huai.

"Help me down and rest!"

Guo Huai tightly squeezed the talisman in his hand, and ordered:

"Come here, pass on our military order, and send out cavalry overnight to report to Chang'an. Bandit Feng led 50,000 bandits from the north!"

Regardless of whether this military information is true or false, it must be passed on as soon as possible.

In the current situation, I would rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

The Chuanqi who will arrive one after another will confirm the truth of the news with each other.

It's really wrong, and it won't be too late to correct it later.

After finishing the order, he sat down heavily on the chair, let out a long breath, and didn't know what it was like in his heart:

What should come, will come after all!

In less than two days, with Chang'an as the center, the news of Feng's invasion spread to all directions, and the two key directions were Luoyang and Meicheng.

"The one I fear the most is Feng's bandits coming down from Longguan to attack Si County, and the next thing I fear is going south from Xiaoguan to Qian County."

Sima Yi, who got the news from Feng Thief for the first time, held the military report sent from Chang'an, with a relaxed look on his face:

"After all, Thief Feng is not only good at siege, but also good at field warfare on flat ground, so the one I hope most is that he comes from the north."

Having said that, he couldn't help stroking his beard and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect this thief to follow my intentions so much. Is this God helping me?"

Hearing the words from left and right, they all showed the same relaxed smile as Sima Yi, who hadn't seen him for a long time.

This time the Shu captives violated the border, only Feng thief disappeared for a long time, and it would be a lie to say that everyone is not worried.

There are quite a few people who have participated in the battle of Xiaoguan and know how powerful this person is.

Nowadays, the people in Guanzhong all say that Feng Thief was known as the king of ghosts for a long time, and he had three thousand ghost riders under his command, who were hungry for human flesh and thirsty for human blood.

It can be regarded as a cunning thief who can stop children from crying at night in Guanzhong.

Then someone laughed and echoed Da Sima's words:

"The mountains of Qiaoshan are stretching, and there are many dangerous passes. No matter how powerful the cavalry under Feng Thief's command is, can they still go up and down the mountains like walking on flat ground? Can they still carry siege equipment and cross the desert?"

"At the end of the day, Bandit Feng abandons his superiors and goes to attack the place that Da Sima has prepared for a long time ago. I'm afraid he will suffer a lot!"


Everyone laughed.

"I think Feng Thief wants to imitate Huo Qubing of the Han Dynasty. He doesn't even think about it. Can the Xiongnu be compared with the Great Wei? What they have done to each other, I think they are trying to imitate tigers, but they are like dogs! "

The laughter grew louder.

Sima Yi didn't stop the crowd either.

After all, these days, all the generals are worried about where Feng thief will come from, and their emotions are a little depressed.

Let everyone laugh and talk at this time, which can be regarded as a morale booster.

After everyone laughed, Sima Yi reminded:

"Feng Bandit crossed the desert this time, and he was able to echo Zhuge Liang's army without losing time. It can be seen that his leadership is indeed outstanding."

"Thus, although we have been prepared for this time, we should not be careless and underestimate this person."

Hearing what Sima Yi said, someone suggested:

"Big Sima, shall we send reinforcements to Qiaoshan to support General Guo?"

Sima Yi shook his head:

"Since Bandit Feng led the army to the south, his intention has been revealed. If Qiaoshan is unprepared, let him succeed. Now that Qiaoshan is prepared, why worry?"

"No matter what, our main enemy is the 100,000 army led by Zhuge Liang on the other side. As long as Zhuge Liang doesn't take advantage of it, the thief Feng in the north will be like a rootless weed, and he will have nothing to worry about."

Zhuge Liang's army invading Guanzhong this time should number fifty or sixty thousand to fight.

Coupled with the auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a hundred thousand people.

Since Zhuge Liang went west to Wuzhangyuan, he has been setting up camps without any hassle.

After setting up the camp, the bamboo forests and trees have been continuously cut down recently, as if they are making water wading equipment.

At the same time, there was news that the Shu captives planned to recruit local refugees to open up wasteland.

From Sima Yi's point of view, Zhuge Liang was planning two things:

One is that if Bandit Feng succeeds, he will definitely take the opportunity to cross the water and fight himself head-on.

The second is that if Thief Feng misses, he plans to farm on the opposite bank and confront himself for a long time.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi couldn't help sighing:

"I think Ge thief is very determined to take Guanzhong! It's better to be cautious."

At this time, I only heard someone below say:

"Da... Da Sima, there is a saying that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. The former fan... our army is careful because we don't know where Feng thief is coming from."

"Now that Feng's thief has appeared, the intentions of the Shu captives are clear. The captives have fewer soldiers than the Great Wei, but they marched in three ways. It is a violation of the taboo of military strategists."

As soon as the words came out, Sima Yi followed the source of the sound and couldn't help saying "Huh".

It turned out that the speaker was none other than Deng Ai who was standing in the corner.

When Deng Ai saw that Da Sima was paying attention to him, his stuttering got worse when he was excited:

"Shu...Shu...Shu captives this time, look, they seem to be taking the initiative, but in fact, none of the three routes can communicate with each other, and they are fighting on their own."

"As for our great Wei, not only do we have more soldiers than the other, but we can also help each other in time. The great disadvantage of this sincere enemy is also our great advantage."

After talking so much, he finally took a breath, and finally concluded:

"So in Ai...Ai...Ai's view, as long as we can mobilize our forces and defeat the enemy one way, the rest will be defeated by ourselves."

Deng Ai was promoted by Sima Yi.

The reason is that in the past few years, he has achieved great results in farming in Guanzhong and provided a large amount of food for the Guanzhong army.

At the same time, this is also the confidence that Sima Yi has no worries after seeing that Zhuge Liang intends to stay in Wuzhangyuan and may confront him for a long time.

It's just that the farmland returns to the farmland, and wars start to fight.

From the beginning to the end, Deng Ai basically picked up some negligible military achievements when cleaning up the Hu tribe in Beidi County.

So he was able to enter Sima Yi's tent to discuss matters, and everyone would not say too much for the sake of Da Sima and food.

Who would have thought that this guy standing in the last corner would dare to rush ahead of everyone and propose a military proposal to Da Sima?

Someone sarcastically said:

"Ai has not yet stated how many Ai there are, how dare you make false claims about the military?"

So many people snickered.

Deng Ai blushed with anger, and said loudly:

""The Analects of Confucius Weizi" has a saying: Feng Xi Feng Xi! Is this not a phoenix? The Zhou Chang of the Han Dynasty in the past, the period cannot be said, but Xiao He and Cao Can are all humble. .”

"Zhou Chang can wait, why can't I love Ai?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was speechless.

When Sima Yi heard it, he was even more surprised.

Seeing the disdainful looks on the faces of the generals, Sima Yi's heart skipped a beat and he coughed:

"Okay, I've already made up my mind, so we don't need to fight too much, so as not to hurt our peace."

The generals saw that Da Sima had spoken like this, so they couldn't say anything more.

They didn't expect that after the military discussion was over, Sima Yi had someone quietly summon Deng Ai back:

"All the generals in the army have either made a lot of military merits or are eminent nobles. Only you have neither made military merits nor come from a rich family, so you will inevitably be squeezed out by others."

"Now if you want to change other people's minds, it's not to fight with them. The only way is to make more military exploits, you know?"

When Deng Ai was in Runan, an elder from the same county saw that his family was poor and had a lot of money. He didn't express any gratitude at first.

It can be seen from this that Deng Ai is really a proud person.

After he was promoted by Sima Yi, the generals in the army did not like him, and he never thought of getting along with others.

Therefore, his relationship with his colleagues in the army is not good.

Hearing Sima Yi's words of encouragement in private at this time, Deng Ai was moved, and couldn't help calling for a fight:

"If Da Sima intends to have a decisive battle with Ge Bandit, Ai would like to be the vanguard, and be the pioneer of Da Sima!"

Sima Yi smiled and patted his shoulder:

"Hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting each other across the water. How can it be decided in one battle? What this reckless man did is right. If there is any disharmony, isn't it a sinner of the country?"

When the world was in chaos at the beginning, the princes fought in chaos, and it was mostly a fight, and even the side with more brave men was the stronger.

But the more you go to the back, the more the two armies pay attention to the art of war and strategy.

Because of the random fighting, the guys who didn't talk about strategy all disappeared in the chaos of the war, or they became the minions of the hero.

Just like the current confrontation between the two armies of Wei and Shu, it looks calm, but it is actually just testing the patience of the other side.

If the patience is enough, neither side has revealed its flaws because of impatience.

Then the next step is to attack and defend on a small scale, and then find out the possible shortcomings of the opponent.

Even when the two armies are in a large-scale battle, they must reserve five points of strength to defend, lest they will be reduced to the point of being out of control after a defeat.

In Sima Yi's view, Cao Zhen just didn't realize this, and was still stuck in the thinking of Emperor Wu when he was fighting in all directions. He wanted to win a battle, but Feng Yong seized the opportunity and was defeated in one blow.

If the soil turtle is here, it will conclude:

In fact, with the improvement of the military literacy of soldiers, wars have become regularized.

Sima Yi felt that Deng Ai was a talented person, so he told him a little about his experience.

Deng Ai was even more moved when he personally explained to himself the essentials of the confrontation between the two armies in his capacity as the great Sima.

"So here, I'm afraid that for a while, there will be no need for pioneers."

Sima Yi finally concluded, then paused, and looked at Deng Ai:

"But what you just said in the account, in my opinion, does have some truth."

"Since Bandit Feng has appeared, the intentions of the Shu captives are self-evident. Our army has more soldiers than the Shu captives. Just for defense, it is inevitable that people say that Shu is like a tiger."

"It's better to find a way to take the initiative to attack in order to find the enemy's omissions."

Deng Ai was very excited when he heard that Da Sima actually agreed with him.

Seeing this, Sima Yi smiled again:

"In my opinion, it may be difficult to find Zhuge Liang's omissions. Why don't you look elsewhere, what does Shi Zai think?"

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