The wind was blowing slowly in the mountains, but even so, the night in midsummer was still hot.

In the direction of the dark woods, it was silent and silent.

After half an hour.

Tu Shanxi flew over with black smoke and sighed: "Gee."

It landed next to the yellow-haired fox Ren Qiongdan, rolled up Ren Qiongdan with a swipe, whispered "ji" at Chi Qiaosong, and flew towards the bamboo house on the top of the mountain.

Chiqiaosong whistled.

Xiaoqing, who was dizzy beside him, shook his head vigorously and responded, "Moo."

"It's fine, don't be so rash next time, I'm just acting to make fun of Lao Tu's old friend, do you really think I'll be fascinated by the vixen's tone, so I rushed out in such a hurry.

Forget it, it's my fault, the acting is so good that I can't even see through it myself.

Bring that... old hen, and let's go to the bamboo house too. "

Chi Qiaosong comforted Xiaoqing. Although he blamed Xiaoqing for being rash, he was actually moved by Xiaoqing to come forward. Immediately, he summoned the lucky boy and flew directly to the bamboo house on the top of the mountain.

Xiaoqing bit the old hen's leg, ready to drag it up the mountain.

However, he accidentally bit the chicken leg, and some blood came out, which made Xiaoqing stinky and retching.

It wanted to leave the smelly old hen, remembered Chi Qiaosong's explanation, dawdled for a while, and saw that Tu Shanxi and Chi Qiaosong had disappeared.

Only reluctantly used his tail, rolled up the other leg of the old hen, and dragged the old hen to the mountain.

Into the bamboo house.

Chi Qiaosong saw Tu Shanlu, carrying a small knife, pierced a bloodstain on the forehead of the yellow-haired fox Ren Qiongdan, and then pinched the magic formula, as if he was casting some magic.

When it turned around, it pointed at Chi Qiaosong's finger again: "Gee."

"Want my blood?"


"What are you doing?" Although Chi Qiaosong was puzzled, he cut his finger and squeezed out a drop of blood essence out of trust in Tu Shanruo.

A cultivator is full of energy and spirit, and any drop of blood is blood essence.

Tu Shanru used the black smoke of the wolf-headed kid to roll up the drop of blood essence, and then made a handprint, and the drop of blood essence quickly disappeared into the bloodstain on Ren Qiongdan's forehead.


Seeing Tu Shanluo repeatedly chomping on the magic trick, an ethereal fox phantom was pulled out by Tu Shanluo's abrupt method and handed it to Chi Qiaosong: "Gee."

"Mark it?" Chi Qiaosong probably knew what Tu Shanxi was going to do, and quickly used the means in "Exorcism" to put a mark into the illusory fox's shadow.

Only then did Tu Shanxi put the phantom back into the yellow-haired fox's body.

After doing all this, it signaled to a dream: "Gee."

One person and one fox quickly entered the dream.

"Old Tu, what were you doing just now?"

"Brother Chi, remember when you lent me a drop of blood essence so that I could conclude a spiritual contract, and entrust a ray of soul to your name to become Brother Chi's spiritual servant, so that I would no longer be struck by lightning?"

"of course I remember."

"At that time, it was a spiritual contract by name. Although I became Brother Chi's spiritual servant, Brother Chi would also protect me. Now I use Brother Chi's blood as a guide, and I have formed a soul-locking contract with Ren Qiongdan, and I can control my life and death. In the hands of Brother Chi."

"The Soul Locking Contract?" Chi Qiaosong wondered, "Why do you let me do it, you can do it yourself."

"Cough cough."

Tu Shanxi coughed: "I... one is unbearable, and two is inappropriate. The karma on its body is too heavy, and my small body can't bear it."

"Well, what about the old hen?"

"That's Ren Qiongdan's old servant Xiaozhi. He has no ability, so don't care about it."

"What are you going to do next?" Chi Qiaosong asked, "This peach blossom robbery is over, but next, how do you get along with Ren Qiongdan?"

Tu Shanru stroked his beard and pondered: "Of course I don't want to have any relationship with her, it's not because I robbed her of a wolf-headed brat back then, for some reasons, I won't save her... From now on, Brother Chi will be more of a messenger girl. Well, when she was apprenticed to an old fairy doctor, she learned acupuncture and moxibustion."

"Acupuncture and moxibustion, are those silver needles that can still fight?"

"Since ancient times, medical and Taoism have not been separated, and medical skills are also Taoist skills. Of course, this refers to the ancient medical skills that have been passed down for thousands of years in Daxia, not the new medicine that is emerging today."

"Is its medical skills very powerful, can it cure diseases and save people?"

"I don't know. Brother Chi can wait for her to wake up and ask her again. Anyway, she has become Brother Chi's prisoner, so she can be fired at will."

"Haha, how embarrassed I am, it is your old friend after all."

"Cough, don't get me wrong, Brother Chi, I have nothing else to do, I have been involved in the world for a long time, and I only want to get through the calamity of the human fetus and start a new life."

Having said that.

But Chi Qiaosong can't really toss Ren Qiongdan casually: "Well, Lao Tu, you will be my master in the future, and this Ren Qiongdan will be my life secretary. By the way, can he cook?"

"It seems to be."

"Okay, oh yes, there's one more thing I'm curious about."

"Brother Chi, please speak."

"Why is it that Ren Qiongdan and this old hen, Xiaozhi, can change into adults and still talk?" This was the doubt he had when he saw Ren Qiongdan.

After all, even Tu Shanlu, who has practiced Taoism for more than 90 years, can't do it.

Ren Qiongdan is an old fox spirit, and he has been taught by an old fairy doctor. The ability to change can be explained; how can an old hen spirit with no ability have such ability.

When Tu Shanzhi heard the words, he sighed and said, "This is the reason why I don't want to be involved with This is "Human Phase Autopsy", looking for a corpse, refining it every day, over time You can take the form of a human being.”

"That is to say, the images of Ren Qiongdan and Xiaozhi are the images of the dead before?"


"How to say?"

""Human Phase Autopsy" is just to comprehend the corpse, but the image obtained is still transformed by herself. For example, this Ren Qiongdan, if she survives the calamity of the human fetus, she is what she is now... Unfortunately, she is full of evil spirits, and will be killed sooner or later. Lightning struck."

Speaking of which, Tu Shanyu suddenly said solemnly: "Brother Chi, please promise Lao Tu one thing."

"you say."

"If this Ren Qiongdan has lustful thoughts, don't make peace with her."

Now it's Chi Qiaosong's turn to cough: "Lao Tu, what are you talking about, is I, Chi Qiaosong, such a person? Don't say she's your old friend. Even if she's not, I still have a girlfriend."

Tu Shanru waved his hand and said, "That's not what I meant.

A vixen like Ren Qiongdan, who seduces people with sex, has **** with martial arts giants, and secretly harvests yang to replenish yin.

The martial arts giant will temporarily indulge in the beauty of the fox spirit, but he will never indulge her for a long time, and sooner or later abandon her.

This is also the disadvantage of not correcting the Tao and trying to take shortcuts.

Therefore, Brother Chi must hold on to it. It is not easy to obtain merit in the world. If it is wasted on such filthy things, it is truly worth the loss. "

"I will never do this." Chi Qiaosong nodded, understanding Tu Shanhe's good intentions, "Next, Ren Qiongdan and Xiaozhi will be honestly remodeled in Chijiashan, if they dare to go out to make trouble, then old Tu will be Don't blame me for being cruel."

Tu Shanru replied: "At that time, Brother Chi is unwilling to attack, and my old Tu will not spare her life."

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