"Little Bai, lick, lick, lick."

After the dream was gone, Chi Qiaosong took Xiaobai out of the Wutong greenhouse and flew back to the bamboo house, trying to get Xiaobai to lick Ren Qiongdan and help her heal.

Ren Qiongdan was punched in the head by him, and it was estimated that the bones were cracked, and the injury was not serious.

Tu Shanru sat upright on the high chair, silently self-cultivating, as if it had nothing to do with him. In fact, occasionally his eyelids would lift a slit to peek at Ren Qiongdan.

After a long while, Xiao Bai finally became impatient, stuck out his tongue, and licked Ren Qiongdan's head.

Roughly licking the wound to the side, he stopped, unwilling to move again.

Next, Chi Qiaosong saw the wound on Ren Qiongdan's face, which was swollen and scabbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The last time I treated Tu Shanxi, I had seen such an effect.

Immediately, he glanced at the huge old hen outside the door. The old hen's shoulder and neck was pierced by a large hole with his sword glow, and Xiaoqing bit his leg again.

However, at that time, Chi Qiaosong didn't use a ruthless hand, so he just punctured a wound, and his strength did not spread.

The wound of the old hen essence looked scary, but it didn't actually kill it.

"Xiao Bai, lick it again?"

Call for half a day.

Xiaobai was also unwilling to lick the essence of the old hen again. Seeing this, Chi Qiaosong stopped reluctantly: "Okay, the old hen should wait for Ren Qiongdan to wake up and let her go to the rescue."

Ren Qiongdan has been apprenticed to an old fairy doctor, and obviously knows medical skills.

"I'm leaving, Lao Tu, these two will be handed over to you." Chi Qiaosong hugged Xiaobai, ready to go back.

Tu Shanru hurriedly called out, "Gee."

"Let me take it away? Don't, tell them about it... Forget it, I'll just wait here, and let's communicate together when she wakes up."

Tu Shanxi nodded: "Gee."

So Chi Qiaosong walked outside the bamboo hut and lay on Xiaoqing who was dozing off half-squinted, looking at the crescent moon and the few stars in the sky.

Suddenly, a stench was blown by the wind, which was emitted by the dried and dirty blood of the old hen essence.

Chi Qiaosong took out a purification talisman, which spontaneously ignited without fire, neutralizing the odor.

He suddenly thought of something: "Why does the blood on Ren Qiongdan's body have no smell, but the blood on Jing Xiaozhi's body is so stench?"

The evil spirits encountered before, basically have a strong fishy smell.

But fox spirits like Tu Shanxi and Ren Qiongdan had no stench in their blood.

If it is said that Tu Shanxi has purified the evil odor, it is understandable that there is no fishy smell; but the evil aura of Ren Qiongdan is so strong that there is no fishy smell, it is difficult to understand.

Thinking of this, he walked into the bamboo house and asked Tu Shanxi.

After Tu Shanlu heard this, he pointed to himself, and made another "squeak".

Chi Qiaosong suddenly said: "Fox method, I understand, you foxes naturally know fox method, you can cover up the stench caused by the evil spirit on your body, no wonder."

Tu Shanxi called out again: "Gee."

Chi Qiaosong probably understood: "You foxes, among the foreign objects, there are some magical places... The same is true of the horse fairy in the northeast of Xia, right?"

There are different types of evil.

Just as there are ordinary spirit beasts, there are also auspicious things like Xiaobai and Xiaohong, and there are even auspicious beasts like Xiaoqing.

Devour Novel Network

The evil spirits are even more complicated. There are dogs and young children produced by the transformation of corpses; beautiful snakes, cockscomb snakes, and green tiger spirits produced by the mutation of tigers and snakes; human face spiders, donkey-headed wolves, and so on.

Naturally, there are even more powerful foxes, weasels and other mystical creatures. Although they are evil, they are born with the ability to learn evil methods.

Therefore, on the northeast side of Xia, there is a flood of horses and immortals, and they are connected with the warlords in a grand way.

Ren Qiongdan woke up faintly from the coma, it was the second half of the night.

The place to look is a dimly lit bamboo room with a wooden table, a tea stove, and a hairless old fox wearing a super small Taoist robe and chanting cross-legged sutras—not completely hairless, at least with a beard.

It frowned unconsciously, feeling that the old fox was familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember which fox in his memory was it.

after all.

There are a lot of foxes in the world, but very few are hairless.

"you're awake."

A clear voice attracted Ren Qiongdan's attention, he turned his head slightly, and saw a tall figure, blocking half of the moonlight pouring in outside the house.

It only feels that the person in front of it is very important to itself.

As if there is something in the body, the quilt is put on a shackle, and the key is in the other's hand.

The memory quickly emerged, and Ren Qiongdan suddenly sobered up, remembering that he was knocked out by this person. It was about to exclaim when it opened its mouth, but only made a sound: "Gee!"

Only then did he discover that he had revealed the real body of a fox.

The person in front of him turned his head and shouted at the hairless old fox: "Old Tu, this soul-locking contract is not very useful. I can't sense what it says."

The hairless old fox responded softly: "Gee."

This familiar voice instantly made Ren Qiongdan widen the fox's eyes. He slowly turned his head, stared at the hairless old fox, and called softly, "Gee!"

After calling, it quickly turned to anger: "Gee!"

He struggled to get up and yelled at the hairless old fox: "Jeep, ji, ji, ji..."

However, the hairless old fox looked at the nose and the heart with his eyes closed, closed his eyes and recited Huang Ting, turned a deaf ear to Ren Qiongdan's call, and assumed an attitude of rejection.

"Don't be too busy flirting, Ren Qiongdan, hurry up and use the "Human Phase Autopsy Technique" to transform into a human form. Let's communicate carefully." Chi Qiaosong said impatiently.

Ren Qiongdan turned his head, the fox's eyes rolled around, and then he changed his body and restored the appearance of a lady in ancient costume.

It's just that the thick bruises on her face have not dissipated, completely distorting her style of painting.

"Who are you and what have you done to me?" Ren Qiongdan held her chest, she could feel her own life, as if pinching it in the other's hand, which made it extremely uncomfortable.

"Introduce myself, my name is Chi Qiaosong, the owner of Chijia Mountain, the director of the Mokan County Desilting Office, and the nickname Mokan Tiger."

Chi Qiaosong smiled slightly and continued: "You trespassed on Chijia Mountain. In order to punish you, I forged a soul-locking contract on you. As long as I have a single thought, I can crush your three souls and seven souls."

"Lock the soul contract!"

Ren Qiongdan took a step back in horror and hit the wall of the bamboo house.

She was dumbfounded for a moment, then looked at Tu Shanru who was chanting with her eyes closed: "It's you, Qing Huzi, you made him do this, right!"

"Qinghuzi?" Chi Qiaosong shook his head, "Ren Qiongdan, it's not Qinghuzi, it's Tu Shanxi, my master."

"Tu Shanxi... It turns out that your real name is Tu Shanxi. Back then, Qinghuzi was just a name to tease me." Ren Qiongdan complained, his eyes wandering~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unfortunately, the bruises on his face are too damaging to the atmosphere.

Tu Shanru still recites Huang Ting silently, unwilling to say more.

Chi Qiaosong sighed: "The past between you two years ago is over. Now please respect the reality, you have been locked by me."

Ren Qiongdan turned his head and said resentfully at Chi Qiaosong, "Why does the son treat the slave family like this?"

Run the magic secretly, and breathe lightly smoke from the mouth.

But Chi Qiaosong's body moved for a little while, and the magic and the smoke would dissipate, and then his mind moved, and he used the method of locking the soul.

Ren Qiongdan suddenly wailed: "Ah!"

After a while, Chi Qiaosong stopped punishing and said, "Now it's time for you to recognize the reality?"

Ren Qiongdan gasped for breath, and glanced at Chi Qiaosong angrily, seeing that Chi Qiaosong began to frown again. It didn't dare to look any further, and turned to stare at Tu Shanxi: "Qing Huzi, are you really so ruthless and unrighteous!"

Chi Qiaosong snapped his fingers and drew Ren Qiongdan's gaze back: "If Lao Tu was ruthless and unrighteous, you and that old hen would have been buried in the fertile fields by me long ago."

Mention the old hen.

Ren Qiongdan immediately exclaimed: "Xiaozhi, what did you do to Xiaozhi!"

"I'm slaughtered, I can't bear my sword light, what else can I do except die."

"No, no, Xiaozhi can't die!" Ren Qiongdan got up and wanted to pounce on Chi Qiaosong, but before he lifted his foot, he felt a burst of pain in his soul.

Chi Qiaosong looked at Tu Shanru helplessly: "Old Tu, didn't you say that Ren Qiongdan is very smart and can understand current affairs? Why do I feel that his brain is not very bright?"

Tu Shanxi rolled his eyes: "Gee."

"Well, maybe I shot too hard and broke her brain, my pot."


Today's 5th shift is over, ask for tickets~

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