Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World

Chapter 221: If there is, change it if you don't, then add encouragement


Chi Qiaosong called Li Wan, who was an intern in the dredging office, "This is two sets of sizes. You can go to the mall to buy a few sets of plain clothes, as well as shoes, socks and underwear. Don't look too good."

Li Wan didn't know why: "Biao... Director, do you have any age requirements?"

"Uh, this set of sizes, you buy according to the aesthetics of 30-year-old women, and the other set according to the aesthetics of forty-five-year-old women." Chi Qiaosong finished, took out a stack of bills, and added, "Anyway, you Look to buy, if you can't, call a female colleague to accompany you."

after an hour.

Li Wan came back with a plastic bag: "Director, one person bought three sets, is that enough?"

"Enough." Chi Qiaosong took the bag and left work early.

In July and August, Pengli Great Lake has entered the flood season, so the dredging office does not have much work to do. It is the same whether he is the director or not. If he can order a Mao every day, he is already very diligent.

When I returned to Chijia Mountain, the sun was already scorching the earth.

"Boss, you're back." Ren Qiongdan greeted him at the gate of the courtyard. In the small flower bed, the old hen was walking slowly. After seeing Chi Qiaosong, he immediately hid in the house.

Ren Qiongdan took the plastic bag from Chi Qiaosong's hand and explained, "Xiaozhi is very timid."

"Why can't it change back to human form?"

"Boss, you almost hacked Xiaozhi to death with one sword. You are lucky if he survived. It will take at least two days to cultivate into a human form."

At that time, Chi Qiaosong was aimed at Ren Qiongdan, but he actually kept his hand. He didn't plan to kill Ren Qiongdan with one strike at all. He didn't expect that Xiaozhi Protector was eager to block this sword.

Compared with Ren Qiongdan's strength, Xiaozhi is too far behind, so his sword almost ascended to the sky.

Chi Qiaosong didn't say anything else, and walked straight into the kitchen. There were already cut watermelons on the kitchen table, and even the skins of the melons had been peeled.

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Wait until he finishes eating watermelon to cool off.

Ren Qiongdan just changed his clothes, walked in and walked around: "Boss, you have a good eye for buying clothes. This floral dress is very beautiful."

I have to say that Ren Qiongdan is really handsome and looks a bit like Fan Bingbing.

With a convex and concave body in front of him, it is no wonder that he can linger in the warlord's house and use the fortune of the martial arts giant to avoid disaster.

Wearing an ordinary plain floral long dress on her body, without socks on her feet, with a pair of popular round-toed shoes, her temperament instantly became three-dimensional.

It's no worse than the portraits of female stars on the calendar in Chiqiaosong's room.

Moreover, her tail sticks out from the waistline, fluffy and fluffy, adding a bit of flirtatious atmosphere.

"Why is your tail still there? There is a defect in "Demystification of Human Phases"?" Chi Qiaosong wondered, whether it was an ancient lady's dress or a modern floral dress, Ren Qiongdan flicked his tail behind his buttocks.


Ren Qiongdan smiled charmingly: "Is it bad to have a tail, a tail is more than just used to tickle."

Chi Qiaosong reprimanded with a stern face: "Be serious, Pine Garden is a clean place, correct your current position, and don't bring your old evil spirits with you."

Ren Qiongdan asked himself for no interest, so he had to put away his charming gesture.

He answered honestly: "The Human Phase Autopsy Technique is based on the practice of corpses, but human corpses don't have tails, so I can't change the tail, but I can cover it up with illusions."

"Then use illusion to cover it up, it looks awkward."


Ren Qiongdan pinched the trick, and the tail disappeared in an instant.

Chi Qiaosong squinted slightly and ran the "Little Daoist Qishu", and then he could clearly see that a big fluffy tail was still hanging behind her buttocks.

"Here's a list. Prepare the herbs on the list." He took out a piece of manuscript paper from his pocket.

Yixiang Medicinal Material Store needs to transport a batch of medicinal materials there. It is temporarily inconvenient for Chi and the others to come over, so Chi Qiaosong can only transport the medicinal materials by himself.

Ren Qiongdan took the manuscript paper, glanced at it, and said, "Boss, these herbs are easy to prepare, but I found that many of the herbs dried in Songyuan were handled incorrectly."

She used to be an old fairy doctor. Although she mainly studies acupuncture and moxibustion, she is also familiar with herbal medicine.

"Will you handle it?"

"Of course, I can plant and handle most of the herbs." Ren Qiongdan chuckled, "In the future, the task of planting herbs in greenhouses and drying them will be handed over to me."

Chiqiao Songzi is indispensable.

Then Ren Qiongdan skillfully packed and bundled the herbs needed on the manuscript paper one by one.

Compared with the rough movements of Father Chi in the past, she moved smoothly between her gestures. Even a layman, Chi Qiaosong, could tell that she had been immersed in this way for a long time.

Suddenly, Ren Qiongdan turned his head and said, "Boss, the trees in the greenhouse look a bit miraculous, and these vegetables and herbs are surprisingly high quality."

She could see the magic of the greenhouse, and Chi Qiaosong was not surprised.

With the Soul Locking Deed in hand, you don't have to worry about her revealing these secrets: "These are not your concerns, just do what you have in hand."


Chiqiaosong leaves Pine Garden.

Go straight to the bamboo house on the top of the mountain, and talk to Tu Shanru in the dream.

"Old Tu, this Ren Qiongdan did nothing wrong, did he?"

"That's not true. I just ran over here to make a noise, and said some rhetorical words like lying to her, taking her down, and having no conscience." Tu Shan's mouth twitched.

In the morning, Ren Qiongdan's words scolding it for being hairless were still circling in his mind.

Chi Qiaosong nodded: "It's fine if I don't. I've always been a little worried. I'm afraid she won't be reconciled to being stuck on the Chi family mountain and will think of some crooked ideas."

"If she can't stand her loneliness, Brother Chi will kill her."

"Are you willing?"

Tu Shanru sighed: "I am a hermit in the deep mountains, she is a passer-by in the mortal world, so I asked Brother Chi to save her from the suffering of the mortal If she doesn't know what is good or bad, it is her fate. It's a disaster."

Chi Qiaosong smiled: "Old Tu you... duplicitous."

He felt that Tu Shanxi was a little bit of a bull's-eye.

Just like my previous self, I always felt that love and longevity clashed together. But now that I think about it, what's the point of living like a stone.

Just in time for fun, why not.

After three consecutive days of observation, Ren Qiongdan did not make any trouble, and honestly fed chickens, grew vegetables, did laundry, cooked, collected medicine, and watched TV on Chijia Mountain.

Even in front of a dog-blood idol drama on TV, I quietly wiped my tears.

Xiaozhi also recovered a little bit of vitality, and turned into a human shape by running "Decomposition of Human Phases". She didn't have any tail or the like on her body, but her appearance was really ugly.

He was short and chubby, with loose, wrinkled skin.

The blush on both sides of the face is the same as the lipstick, so rich and comical.

"Old, sir."

When she saw Chi Qiaosong, Xiaozhi trembled all over. The sword that night was really imprinted in her mind.

After shouting, he hid behind Ren Qiongdan: "Miss."

Ren Qiongdan turned around and patted Xiaozhi on the back: "From now on, you will be the boss' servant, and serve the boss with me. Call me sister, don't call me miss."

Xiaozhi nodded: "Sister, elder sister."

Chi Qiaosong frightened her: "Do things well, get rid of the evil spirits in your body, and don't follow evil ways again. Otherwise, the herbs in the greenhouse are short of fertilizer, and you will use your fertile fields."

Xiaozhi trembled and replied, "I, we didn't, didn't do anything bad."

Chi Qiaosong raised his eyelids and glanced at Xiaozhi, who was scared to hide behind Ren Qiongdan again.

He said lightly: "If there is, change it, if not, add encouragement."

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