Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World

Chapter 222: The family has 10 acres of fertile land

There were more residents in Pine Garden, and Chi Qiaosong called Chi's father, second uncle, and uncle to the small building at the foot of the mountain.

Immediately brought Ren Qiongdan and Xiaozhi over, and introduced to the elders: "She is Ren Qiongdan, my life secretary, next to this is Xiaozhi, the servant I hired."

Ren Qiongdan was generous and called out Chi's father and others one by one: "In the future, the farm work in Chijiashan will be done by me and Xiaozhi, and we will take care of the boss's daily life seriously."

Rao was greeted by Chi Qiaosong in advance, but Chi's father and others were still a little confused.

Chi Qiaosong waved his hand: "Ren Qiongdan, Xiaozhi, you go back first."

"Yes, boss."

"Okay, sir."

The original pair of master and servant left. In the small building at the foot of the mountain, the second uncle couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Song, what's the situation? Why did you hire a secretary again?"

Chi Qiaosong pondered: "Dad, second uncle, third uncle, little uncle, don't be surprised, these two people are relatively mysterious, and they have something to do with my friend on the mountain."

"That one?" Father Chi pointed to the direction of the mountain.

Chi Qiaosong had said before that there was a high-level hermit on the mountain. Although everyone had never seen it, they all tacitly agreed that Chijia Mountain was sheltered by a high-level person.

"Yes, that's the one."

It is not easy for Chi Qiaosong to directly reveal the identity of Ren Qiongdan's fox spirit and Xiaozhi's old hen spirit.

It can only be pushed to the master: "The master will serve as my master in the future, so his relative Ren Qiongdan will be my life secretary, and the old servant of his family will come over as a servant."

The third uncle asked, "Then... won't it affect our work?"

"It doesn't matter, and you can leave Xiaozhi to do all the work in Songyuan. Don't look at her as a woman, she has practiced martial arts, and she works better than you all."

"Reincarnation Paradise"

The little uncle nodded: "It's different after practicing martial arts, we definitely can't compare."

Father Chi was a little worried: "The greenhouse vegetables and medicinal materials can also be handed over to them?"

"Yes, Ren Qiongdan studied medicine from a teacher before, and is very good at herbal medicine. Dad, you can rest for a while, and you don't have to run up and down every day to get tired."


Father Chi replied, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he felt a sense of loss of power.

He couldn't get involved in Yixiang Pharmacy Store, and now even Chijiashan doesn't need him to worry about it. Although I am glad that my son is old and has his own connections, he is somewhat unwilling in his heart.

After two puffs of dry cigarettes, this sense of loss and unwillingness gradually faded away.

Then I heard Chi Qiaosong say: "Dad, you don't need to worry about the life of Pine Garden, but the reconstruction of Chijiashan, orchards, tea gardens, roads, you and the third uncle still have to support. straight."

When Father Chi heard this, he was refreshed.

He nodded immediately and replied, "It's enough to have me and your third uncle, no one else needs it."

The calendar is flipped, and August is here.

Chi Qiaosong has become accustomed to the existence of Ren Qiongdan and Xiaozhi, and his life is very comfortable.

Bo Tian had been promoted one level as expected, but after staring at the greenhouse, he suddenly found that Bo Tian's information had been quietly changed.

Tenth grade of fertile fields: nine mu/ten mu

Fertilizer bank: 26 packs

Benling root (3): laurel (…); peach tree (…); vine (…)

Outer spirit root (4): colorful gourd vine (…); phoenix sycamore tree (…); nectar tea bush (…); polyyin money tree (…)

Livestock and Poultry: None

Spirit Crops:…

The thin field was upgraded to become a fertile field.

The fertilizer went from twenty-four bales to twenty-six bales, that is to say, two bales of fertilizer were naturally condensed in a month.

However, what surprised Chiqiaosong the most was that after the thin fields were turned into fertile fields, there was an extra item of "spiritual livestock and poultry", which was an option corresponding to spiritual crops.

If spiritual crops are vegetables, then spiritual livestock and poultry are raising livestock.

However, unlike spiritual crops, which only need to be planted simply, there are restrictions on spiritual livestock and poultry—non-spiritual beasts are not allowed to enter the fields, and must be spiritual beasts that are beneficial to fertile fields.

"Can five eyebrows be okay?"

Chi Qiaosong immediately summoned two Wudaomei, ready to include Wudaomei in the animal sequence, but Liangtian did not respond, obviously Wudaomei was not helpful to Liangtian.

So he looked at the two toads, Xiaobai and Xiaohong.

"Xiao Bai." He touched Xiao Bai, his mind moved, and a light that only he could see flew out of the fertile field, wrapping around Xiao Bai.

After a while, the light disappeared.

Xiaobai didn't change, and he didn't move as before.

But Chi Qiaosong looked carefully, but found a slight difference, Xiaobai seemed to have integrated into the fertile field environment, and their temperament was one with each other.

He looked at Liang Tian.

The option of spiritual animals and poultry is no longer "no", but more information about "Yue Palace Jade Toad".

Moreover, there was a little more connection between him and Xiaobai. He tried to wave his hand, and Xiaobai immediately got up and walked half a step to the side before continuing to crouch.

"Although it's very vague, I can use Liangtian's connection to call Xiaobai!" Chi Qiaosong was pleasantly surprised.

Immediately, he couldn't wait to walk into the money-making shed, and under Xiaohong's staring gaze, he touched its head, and then another light flew out of the fertile field, wrapping around Xiaohong's body.

Xiaohong wanted to struggle, but in vain, the light quickly disappeared.

There was also a vague connection between him and Xiaohong.

Chi Qiaosong waved his hand, Xiaohong immediately glared at him, and then reluctantly moved to the side - he could also use Liangtian to call him.


Chiqiaosong shouted.

With the precedents of Xiaobai and Xiaohong, he plans to include Xiaoqing in the fertile fields. In this way, he and Xiaoqing can also have an extra telepathic connection.


Xiaoqing swims from the distant woods.

"Come on." Chi Qiaosong touched its head, but Liang Tian didn't respond, which made him happy, "Well, you are useless to Liang Tian."


"Go play, it's alright."

Xiaoqing came with doubts, and then walked away with doubts.

Chi Qiaosong continued to explore the new functions of Liangtian. This time, he chose the golden-winged envoy bee colony on the concrete pole, reached out directly, and took out the golden-winged envoy queen bee.

Mind a move.

A golden light flew out from the fertile field, scattered and submerged into the golden-winged queen bee, as well as the bees that came in and out of the hive.

Chi Qiaosong added countless vague telepathy, but this did not impact his brain, these telepathy just flashed by.

It only resurfaces when he wants to connect.

He let go of the golden-winged queen bee, and then hooked his finger to a large honey bee.

The big bee obediently landed on his finger.

"Compared to spirit beasts like Xiaobai and Xiaohong, these bees are more obedient... Maybe it's because I don't have much independent will, I can control them at will."

Although these bees are individual individuals, not spiritual insects, they are hatched by the golden-winged queen bee, so they can also be included in the sequence of spiritual livestock and poultry by fertile fields.

Right now.

Chi Qiaosong accidentally discovered that the golden-winged queen bee he had released did not return to the nest, but flew into the greenhouse.

It went in and out between several greenhouses, and then chose to stay on the peach tree, and then a large number of bees flew in and began to build nests on the peach tree.

"This is…"

Chi Qiaosong was astonished: "After they become spiritual animals in fertile fields, will they build their nests in fertile fields?"

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