Hao Bozhao came directly to Qingxiang Homeland, and in the living room, he shook hands with Chi Qiaosong, making sure that Chi Qiaosong had really cultivated his energy, so he laughed three times.

He sighed in a loud voice: "If you have such an apprentice, what more can you ask for!"

Chi's father, Chi's mother, second uncle, second aunt, and sister-in-law are all so happy that they don't know how to describe it. Even the little uncle, who is doing business in the new store, heard the news from the phone, and he closed the door with joy and wanted to come back to see Chiqiao. loose.

Chi Qiaosong and others calmed down for a while before he said, "I didn't plan to hold the promotion banquet, but Uncle Zhou and Aunt Jiang wanted to hold the engagement banquet and the promotion banquet together."

Father Chi and Mother Chi naturally have no opinion.

Hao Bozhao laughed and said, "Commander Zhou is also in a hurry. He wants to tie up your quick son-in-law. He is afraid that if he doesn't do anything, he will be robbed."

Because the Lao Chi family are all old farmers, they can't make up their minds on these important matters.

So Hao Bozhao, the master, came forward to set the rules: "I'll go back to the Zhou Mansion with the two of you, Xiutian, to finalize this banquet, and let's just hold one on each side."

It is decided to go to Zhoufu tomorrow.

Father Chi and Mother Chi kept Hao Bozhao at home for dinner.

Before night, the news about Chi Qiaosong's promotion to a samurai spread in Mokan County. Chi Qiaosong simply called a few brothers and called them over for dinner.

All afternoon, the phone at home did not stop ringing.

People who can't reach the eight poles don't know where to get their phone numbers, so they call to congratulate.

Chen Ziru from the dredging office brought Li Weiwei, Liu Ya, and Wang Minzhong to visit: "Director, we heard the news, so the office is going to raise money to invite you to a meal."

Chi Qiaosong smiled and said, "I've accepted everyone's wishes, but I'm here to invite you for this meal. Wait for two days."

Then he went to the room and talked to his subordinates alone: ​​"Old Chen, I don't think I will stay in the dredging office for long. After I leave, I will recommend you to take over."

Chen Ziru was shocked: "Director, you..."

"Haha, don't be so surprised. It's not normal for me to leave because the dredging temple is small." Chi Qiaosong comforted and said to Li Weiwei and Liu Ya, "What about you, you can talk about your own thoughts."

Li Weiwei had nothing to say, and said directly: "I will definitely follow the director and help the director run errands."

Liu Ya hesitated and asked, "Director, where are you going next?"

As soon as the words came out.

Chi Qiaosong didn't plan to take him, so he said warmly, "I haven't decided on my destination yet, but I should be leaving the county seat, so I think you should just stay in the dredging office and pick up Lao Chen's class."

Liu Ya is happy.

However, he didn't dare to show it on his face, instead he had a reluctant expression: "Director, I, I still want to follow you!"

"It's okay, your wife and children are all in the county seat. It's inconvenient to go outside with me, so just stay and assist Lao Chen." Chi Qiaosong has already made a decision.

He is nice to everyone around him.

Will actively strive for Chen Ziru's position as the director of the dredging office, and then send Liu Ya to the position of deputy director, which can be regarded as the fulfillment of this period of cooperation.

Liu Ya choked and said, "Director, if you have something to call me, I'll drive for you!"

Chi Qiaosong asked Wang Minzhong again, "How about you, Minzhong?"

"I..." Wang Minzhong stammered and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Li Weiwei replied on his behalf: "Minzhong knows someone, and we have a good chat now. The girl lives in the county seat."

Chi Qiaosong nodded: "Well, you also stay in the dredging office, with Lao Chen and Liu Ya with you. I think you still need to find a chance to attack the martial arts and strive for the advanced warrior realm."

Wang Minzhong nodded heavily: "Well, I definitely!"

Send the subordinates away.

Soon, unexpected people came to visit. It turned out to be a staff member of the county governor's office and several reporters: "The governor and the county councilor will come to congratulate later, and ask Director Chi Qiaosong to give an interview to the newspaper."

There is a martial arts genius in this county. As a parent official, Liu Shumin will naturally not miss the opportunity to show his face.

So after a while, the county chief Xiang Zhihan accompanied Liu Shumin. Several cameras and cameras had been arranged in the living room, taking pictures.

"Congratulations, Director Chi Qiaosong." Liu Shumin showed his amiable side in front of the camera.

Chi Qiaosong did not lose his aura, and calmly replied, "Thank you, Governor."

Then the two sat on the sofa, in front of the camera, and had a friendly and friendly exchange.

Liu Shumin also praised loudly: "I sent you the Mokan Huya number that day, and I was looking forward to this day. In the year of wearing my hair and dancing elephants, I will be promoted to the warrior realm and show my Mokan man's style!

Today, the baby tiger has finally grown into a fierce tiger, but my expectations for you are even deeper.

In ancient times, there was a dragon that had been dormant for thousands of years to transform into a dragon, and once its name shocked the world, you Chi Qiaosong was the stalk of my Mokan! "

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha, the cameraman pressed the shutter frantically, and the reporter quickly took a pen to record, focusing on the words "Mokan Qianjiao".

Chi Qiaosong smiled and cooperated with Liu Shumin humbly.

In fact, I was complaining in my heart: "Mokan Jiaojiao, what a bad name, it's not as loud as the Mokan tiger... Xiaoqing is the Jiaojiao, the real Jiaojiao.

Liu Shumin's structure is small, and everyone is carrying a sedan chair. Since it is a commercial tout, why should he be so stingy.

Mokan Qianlong, Mokan Hidden Dragon, Mokan Recumbent... Forget about Wolong, in short, which of these nicknames is not more domineering than Mokan Qianjiao. "

one way or another.

Liu Shumin's image of love for talent and discerning eyes has been perfectly displayed in front of the camera. Chi Qiaosong, who is the focus, also murdered many films and tapes.

Then he was interviewed by reporters alone.

Ask him how he cultivates and what he expects in the future. This is the second time Chi Qiaosong has been interviewed. He was also interviewed when he killed the Falun Gong King Liu Changchang.

But that time, for some unknown reason, the content of the interview was never published in the newspapers.

"I would like to thank my parents here, who lent me money to send me to the martial arts hall... I would also like to thank my master, who taught me earnestly... In addition, I also have to thank Commander Zhou Li, he is When I tested my kung fu, it made me happy and confused, so I had an epiphany and was promoted."

Chi Qiaosong is not a person with a flamboyant personality, so in the interviews, he didn't have many wonderful performances.


When looking forward to the future, he is not conservative: "A man is born in the heaven and earth, and the poor are alone, and if he is successful, he can help the world. My goal is to go to Beijing to conquer the world, to pacify the warlords, to innovate the troubled times, and to create a peaceful world!"

Liu Shumin listened.

The first to applaud: "Okay, the ambition is commendable! Young people should have such a determined and enterprising spirit, and only the Republic of China can always stand on the top of the world!"

"The Fox News": "The poor boy from the poor family of Mokan is actually a genius born once in a hundred years in Daxia."

"Fuliang Daily": "At the age of seventeen years and ten months, our city's warrior Chi Qiaosong was successfully promoted to the warrior realm and became the youngest warrior in history!"

"Jiangyou Morning News": "The provincial government's commander-in-chief ruled Jiangyou, and it has ushered in a prosperous situation. Today, there is a young man from Mokan County who has broken through the warrior realm as proof~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mokan TV:" This afternoon, the county governor Liu Shumin visited Chiqiaosong, the youngest warrior in our county and even in the country... Chiqiaosong is now the director of the dredging office. Liu Shumin kindly gave Mokan the nickname of the Jiaojiao. "

"Jiangnan Evening News": "It is reported that a warrior under the age of 18 has emerged in Jiangyou Province next door. Jiangyou Province has begun to exert its strength. Martial arts education in our province has a long way to go!"

The pond bridge is on fire.

The fire from Mokan spread all over Fuliang, spread from Fuliang to the whole province, and then spread from Jiangyou to the whole country.

The provincial government is naturally concerned about this news.

"Guangshan, this is the genius you cultivated when you set up a martial arts hall in the past." Overseer Wang Xinjian pushed a newspaper to Zhu Guangshan, the superintendent across from the desk.

Zhu Guangshan picked up the newspaper and glanced at it, and replied lightly, "It's Zhou Li's future son-in-law."

"Zhou Li is lucky, and the successor is expected."

"He's seeking the post of Yiyang Municipal Government, what does the commander think?"

Wang Xinjian thought for a while, and said, "I have a candidate for Yiyang, you can meet him on my behalf and let him go to Linchuan. Besides, I wanted to meet this Chi Qiaosong in person, but I am troubled by trivial matters, so I will write one. Send him a letter."


Bring your own secretary with paper and pen.

Wang Xinjian immediately splashed ink and wrote the four characters "Jiangyou Yushu" on the rice paper. With the tip of a brush, he wrote a subtitle next to it—Meng Qiu in the year of Guihai, and presented it to his son Chi Qiaosong.

leave your name.


After drying it and rolling it up, he motioned the secretary to tie up the word, and handed it to Zhu Guangshan. He said softly, "The chaos in Jiangyou is over, it's time to cultivate more outstanding children."


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