Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World

Chapter 312: White Rainbow Fairy Sword

Pine Garden.

Chi Qiaosong came drunk.

Master and brothers, they caught him drinking alcohol at dinner, and they didn't allow him to use a sip of Qi or light and dark energy to consume the alcohol, so they got drunk.

However, after the game was over, he used his power to turn the wine away.

The remaining alcohol still needs time to calm down, but it has not prevented him from restoring clarity.

"Squeak!" General Beng came over with a pulp-coated stick, saw Chi Qiaosong, and swayed back to sleep on the five-hundred-year-old ghost.

It is already competent for the job of guarding the Pine Garden. As long as someone comes in, it will run over to take a look.

As for the others.

Ren Qiongdan and Xiaozhi slept in a simple wooden shed—the Pine Garden had no electricity, but the spiritual energy was very full, which was very suitable for them to practice here and clear their evil spirits.

Taonu newly appeared on the body of the Sun Palace Golden Toad, and slept soundly under the colorful gourd vines, with the big slap of the big sister Hua, lying on its head quietly.

Xiaoqing occupies the jade dragon bed—occasionally go to Cambridge to rest, listen to the teachings of the old turtle Lingshouzi, and follow the old turtle to practice "Turtle Breathing Technique".

Tu Shanzhi was meditating leisurely in Xianming Mountain.

Grandma Zhu Meihun stood silently by the Longling Lake.

Kinoshita Saburo was lying in the greenhouse, greedily sucking the air of plants and trees while sleeping.

As for the axe, he was also lying on the jade dragon bed, lying on Xiaoqing's tail.

When Chi Qiaosong was not there, it looked at Xiaoqing as the head of a horse, and everyone gave Xiaoqing face, so the axe could pretend to be a tiger, and if anyone didn't like it, it would bark twice.

As the saying goes, it is up to the owner to beat a dog, and everyone in Pine Garden doesn't care about it.

After he heard the movement, Ren Qiongdan, who stuck his head out of the wooden shed, went back to rest. Chi Qiaosong walked quietly into the laurel greenhouse and looked at the laurel tree.

"The Twelve Ways of Playing Legs" was successful, "Goshawk Opening the Monument Hand" was successful, "Yu Sword" was successful, "Nine-two Divine Fist" was successful, "White Rainbow Sword" was successful, "Splashing Wind Quick Knife" was successful, and "Snake Wrapping Stick" was successful. "Dacheng, "Five Elements Boxing" condensed 25%, "King Kong Hammer" condensed 14%, "Crane Dagger" condensed 3%, "Mandarin Duck Poke Foot" condensed 1%..."

Work hard these days.

Not only "Snake Wrap" has been completed, "Five Elements Boxing" and "King Kong Hammer" are both progressing rapidly.

Perhaps it is to fight with the ghost head sword every day, "Crane Dagger" also got the tricks and made some progress, and "Mandarin Ducks Poke Feet" has practiced more and also got the tricks.

"Eat the cinnamon first."

The fruit representing the "Snake-Tangled Stick" was ripe, and Chi Qiaosong picked it up and ate it. Immediately, he was empowered with his cultivation experience.

Then choose Refinement Gas.

The buds at the top of Jianmu continued to open: "Refining and transforming gas 26.2%..."

"The progress has been improved by 1.6%, which means that this martial arts is worth eight packs of fertilizer." Chi Qiaosong silently estimated that it took about four months from the beginning of the practice to the present.

He shook his head slightly: "Even with my talent, it would take a long time to practice a martial art."

I feel that the progress of the penance is too slow.

"It's better to start practicing first, then ripen the fertilizer, and then fight a few times, and you should be able to complete it... Otherwise, the hard work every day will take up too much time for me."

In essence, these martial arts did not increase his strength at all, and there was only one purpose, that is, refining and transforming Qi.

Therefore, self-cultivation is really not necessary.

"Besides, I have 154 bales of fertilizer! I'll keep practicing "Five Elements Boxing" and "King Kong Hammer" slowly, and you don't have to work hard for other martial arts."

He made a quick decision in his heart.

Start fertilizing decisively.

"Mandarin Duck Pokes Feet" spreads ten packets of fertilizer, and the osmanthus matures, and it is completed immediately after eating; "Crane Dagger" also sprinkles ten packets of fertilizer, and the osmanthus matures, and it is completed immediately after eating.

But in the next second, he saw the familiar information from the laurel tree: "The unnamed new swordsmanship is complete ("Yu Jian", "Crane Short Sword" and "White Rainbow Sword" are combined, which can be refined and transformed into Qi) …”

This is the same as "Nine Two Divine Fist".

At the beginning, "Mad Bull Daliquan", "Tiger Daliquan" and "Hercules Shenquan" were integrated to obtain a new boxing method, which was named "Jiuer Shenquan" by Chi Qiaosong.

He always thought that the martial arts must be of the same origin in order to integrate.

Now it seems that even if it is not the same source of martial arts, as long as it is of the same type and reaches the number of three, it can be integrated.

"Then, let's call it "White Rainbow Immortal Sword", the name is indeed a bit high-profile, but in the future, if you learn more new sword techniques, you may not be able to continue to integrate.

Also, I seem to have found a loophole.

As long as the Dacheng swordsmanship is integrated into the new swordsmanship, you can refine and transform your qi! "

In this way, there will be a lot of martial arts practice in the future, and even the painstaking step of reaching Consummation will be omitted, as long as you get the hang of it with a little effort, and then fertilize and accelerate ripening.


He immediately chose to refine and transform Qi.

The flower buds at the top of the building wood are more open: "Refining gas 28.2%..."

Ten packs of fertilizer, "Crane Dagger", provided a 2.0% progress. The key was that there was no need to cultivate to perfection, which made Chi Qiaosong quite comfortable, as if he was stuck with a bug with golden fingers.


He thought of the pan peach tree again: "The laurel tree can combine the same three martial arts, so does the pan peach tree have similar functions?"

Qigong is not as complicated as martial arts, and the qigongs that can be handed down are basically the same.

"The most likely thing now is to practice the introductory qigong "Baopu Danding" in Kuangshan Xianrendong, so that I can learn three qigongs of the same level, "Zixia Qingchen" and "Flying Waterfall Climbing"."

"I don't know if it can be integrated... I will hurry up and practice, and get started with "Baopu Danding" as soon as possible."

He even continued to diverge his thinking: "If the internal skills of the martial arts can also be integrated, can the side-door and the left-hand ways be integrated? For example, Lao Tu said that there are three types of qi-seeing techniques, "Xiao Dao Wang-qi Shu", "Middle-Dao Wang-qi Shu" and "Qi Wang Shu". Will it be integrated into a single "Qi Technique"?"

There is even a building tree that represents the foundation of immortality.

Is it possible to combine the three methods of cultivation of immortals into one?

In fact, whether the exercises are integrated or not is of little significance. The main reason is that they can block bugs and speed up the progress of refining and transforming qi. This is what Chi Qiaosong wants most, and he is eager to form a perfect golden elixir.

That night.

Someone can't sleep.

After the second senior brother, Ba Puze, returned home drunk, he immediately worked his way to the side of the backyard patio, lying on a chair and looking up at the sky.

The wife came out in a thick cotton coat: "Aze, aren't you going to bed yet?"

Ba Puze replied in a muffled voice, "I can't sleep."

The husband and wife have lived together for more than ten years, and his wife knows what he thinks about him: "Is it provoked by the younger brother? If you want me to say, let's not compare with him, just compare with ourselves, and improve day by day, there will always be that day."

Ba Puze smiled bitterly: "How can it be so easy, I was an advanced warrior at the age of seventeen, an advanced warrior at the age of twenty-four, and now I am thirty-two years old, and I barely touched the shackles."

"If you can feel the shackles, it means that your body has been consolidated to the limit, Aze, I have confidence in you." The wife said gently.

"Actually, it's not that I don't have self-confidence, but... how do I put it, it's a bit inexplicable." Ba Puze said, standing up and walking around under the grape It took a while to organize the next wording : "I'm obsessed with martial arts for the sake of cultivation. You want to take me a concubine and help me give birth to a son to continue the incense all these years, but I always refuse.

Because I always hold a breath in my heart, I feel that I will definitely be promoted to samurai.

When the time comes, I, Ba Puze, must be beautiful and prosperous, and prove to the world that I am by no means a mediocre person, but..."

His whole person's spirit and energy suddenly wilted: "However, seeing the scene of Lao Liu's scenery, I feel as if something has been shattered.

It's, it's..."

The wife hugged him: "I understand, I understand, I have always been very clear about the grievances and unwillingness in your heart over the years."

"Hey, I'm sorry for you and Nan Nan. Even if we live in the same room, the time I spend with you is not as much as my martial arts practice, especially when Nan Nan eats, sleeps, and goes to school. You are pulling me."

"Needless to mention these azes, we husband and wife, you focus on martial arts and work to earn money, and I focus on taking care of the family... In fact, I also feel sorry for you, your health is not good enough, and you can't have a son for you."

"With Nannan, I really don't think it's a big deal to have no son."

"No, it doesn't work anyway, you must have a son, and your parents are counting on you to continue the incense for the Ba family." The wife raised her head and said seriously, "Aze, I have a cousin in my hometown, who is very good-looking and alike. It looks like a healthy physique, I turned around and called her to be a guest at home, so you can see her."

Ba Puze was a little shaken, but when he thought of those confused colleagues and those warriors who were wasted years, he suddenly burst into anger.

Loudly refused: "No, I won't take a concubine when I don't see it, I have to fight again!"


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