Although Han Cuifen is a Taoist priest, he can't use his Qi without the help of a talisman, and his fists and feet may not be as strong as an ordinary adult man.

So he was soon coerced and lived in a house in the back hill of Xiangyun Temple.

The two children also lived with her.

She wanted to go out to look for Xiangyun Temple to preside over, but the gatekeepers were two middle-aged Taoists. Although they were not familiar with martial arts, they easily stopped Han Cuifen in the house and couldn't get out.

"Mom, why didn't they bring us home?"

"Mom, I want to go back."

Han Cuifen could only try his best to appease: "Liu Xian, Liu Yun, be good, it's alright, we can go home soon."

She looked at the Taoist guarding the door outside, her thoughts were so tangled, she didn't know what Chi Qiaosong was doing, and even suspected that Chi Qiaosong didn't follow him at all.

However, she didn't know that Chi Qiaosong was in the room.

Sitting on a stool, I was bored and flipping through the "Blood Talisman", I couldn't calm down and practice qigong, so I simply flipped through the Dao book.

Night falls.

Han Cuifen settled the pair of children to sleep.

Suddenly someone patted her shoulder, and she was about to exclaim when her mouth was covered, and then came Chi Qiaosong's voice: "Mr. Liu, it's me, Chi Qiaosong."

When Han Cuifen calmed down, Chi Qiaosong let go.

Han Cuifen looked at Chi Qiaosong who appeared in the room inexplicably, surprised and surprised, glanced nervously outside the door, and whispered, "How did you get in?"

"Wall penetration, the spell I learned." Chi Qiao let go of a pretense.

"Are you here alone? It's too dangerous here."

"It doesn't matter, I can call for help at any time, enough to destroy the Xiangyun Temple a hundred times." Chi Qiaosong is telling the truth. With the addition of water and fire unicorns, the grandmaster can fight.

Han Cuifen believed.

He quickly asked, "What do you do now?"

"Mr. Han, you are going to make trouble now, saying that you want to see the abbot. Anyway, how to make trouble, let me see who is behind your ideas, and then follow the path and solve the fairy hole!"

"it is good."

For the sake of children, for self-help.

Han Cuifen, who has always been silent and quiet, showed her supernatural acting skills, showed the woman incisively and vividly, shouted, and the two Taoists couldn't stop it.

The two children were woken up, crying and calling for their mother, making a mess for a while.

Soon, Liu Yan hurried over: "What are you making a fuss about!"

"Senior Sister Liu, why are you imprisoning me? I want to go back!"

"Go back, can you come back?" Liu Yan sneered, and then reached out and wiped Han Cuifen's face, "With this face, you are born to pick up guests!"

"What's the meaning?"

"What's the point? Someone took a fancy to you and paid a lot of money for you."

"No, no, you can't do this. I'm a Taoist priest from Xiangyun Temple!" Han Cuifen was shocked. Although she had expected it, she was still shocked by being exposed so naked.


keep making noise.

Liu Yan couldn't control the situation, and the other male cultivators who followed immediately took action to restrain Han Cuifen.

One of the male cultivators scolded: "Liu Yan, you take good care of Han Cuifen's two children. Let's take her over and teach her the rules. If you keep arguing, you can hear it in the front hall!"

Take people away immediately.

Liu Yan snorted: "What are the rules, it's not your crotch that itches!" She turned her head and yelled loudly, scaring Liu Xian and Liu Yun into hiding under the bed.

Han Cuifen was detained and walked all the way from the house in the back mountain to an ancestral hall at the foot of the mountain.

This seems to be a place for incense offerings, but the ancestral hall is backed by the mountain wall.

The invisible Chiqiaosong, followed behind.

The door slowly closed, and after walking through a corner, the light was greeted. It turned out to be a huge secret room, the decoration is quite luxurious, or very artistic.

Under the light, it looks like a scenery.

Han Cuifen was locked in a room.

A few male cultivators stared at him maliciously, but before they could do anything, a scolding sounded from outside: "What's the matter, who asked you to bring her here?"

"Senior Brother Yun Xiuzi, Junior Sister Han is too noisy, and dare not let her stay in the house in Houshan."

The person who came was Yun Xiuzi.

When Han Cuifen saw it, she immediately cried out, "Senior Brother Yun Xiuzi, save me! We are brothers and sisters from the same sect, do you really want to make my life worse than death!"

Yun Xiuzi's long and narrow face seemed to have a trace of unbearable, sighed: "Why don't I miss the love of brothers and sisters in the same school, you have been outside for a few years, and I have not cared about it."

"then you…"

"I'm helpless, there is a distinguished guest who asks you by name. It's just that you are born beautiful. In the early years, this distinguished guest met you when he entered the incense, and then he never forgot about you."

"Ah!" Han Cuifen said tremblingly, "Senior Brother Yun Xiuzi, how much money this distinguished guest gave to Guanli, I can't go here, I'll pay for it!"

"It's not a matter of money, I'm waiting for the ascetic monks, how to value copper and stinky things."

"Why, always give me a reason."

"Reason." Yun Xiuzi said lightly, "Even if you can be favored by him, you will benefit from it in the future. This distinguished guest is the backbone behind the ascetic monks like me. Without his support, I will wait for cultivation. How can it be so smooth."

He tried to put on a gentle tone, but he was still cold: "Junior sister, you don't have to fight anymore, serve this distinguished guest well, it can't be said that it is a blessing.

You are now in the Taoist realm, and if you have the help of distinguished guests, there is not necessarily no hope for further progress. "


He ignored Han Cuifen, and instead scolded the male cultivators who had not left: "Put away all your thoughts, Junior Sister Han is something you can get your hands on, get out!"

Several male cultivators walked away in despair.

Yun Xiuzi said to Han Cuifen: "Since you are here, you can rest here well. Someone will come to teach you the fairy dance tomorrow, practice well, and the honored guest will come to incense the day after tomorrow. Don't disappoint the honored guest."


The door is closed.

Han Cuifen was stunned, a little confused.

Chi Qiaosong appeared from behind and said, "Mr. Han, you have to be patient for a day, and I will save you after I have seen who the distinguished guest is."

Han Cuifen was startled, but immediately found the backbone: "Fortunately, you are still here! Otherwise, I really don't know how terrifying it will be next!"

"It's okay, everything is under my control." Chi Qiaosong reassured, and then said, "Mr. Han doesn't have to resist tomorrow, if it's not too much, just practice the fairy dance first and wait for the distinguished guest to come.

I went around to find out the situation of the fairy cave, and then I tried to get a nest to remove all the dirt in the Xiangyun Temple. "

the next day.

Han Cuifen was taken to practice the fairy dance.

The so-called fairy dance is to wear revealing clothes and dance in a fairy-like environment.

Chi Qiaosong can see it clearly. The dance floor is a special magic weapon. It can be activated by a rune, which can confuse people's souls, thus creating an experience like a fairyland in the sky.

"I have a green gourd, such spells can't affect me at all." He was sure that Teacher Han would be a little awkward when changing clothes, and there was no danger in practicing the dance.

Immediately leave the dance floor.

Wandering around in the Fairy Cave, the anger comes from the Fairy Cave, as the name suggests, there are many fairies here, and these fairies are all beautiful. However, Chi Qiaosong observed carefully and found that none of these fairies could speak.

They have been poisoned and made into a tool for lustful pleasure.

Even these fairies can still detect the breath of Qi. Obviously, they were even some female monks before, most likely the female monks trained by Xiangyun Temple.

Hold back your anger.

Chi Qiaosong followed behind Yun Xiuzi. This Yun Xiuzi was in charge of foreign affairs, and he was in charge of Fairy Cave.

He walked around the Xiangyun Temple all morning, dealing with daily affairs, sending away some guests who asked for talisman water, or receiving parents who wanted to send their children to practice.

The performance was not unusual.

Until the afternoon, Yun Xiuzi went to the abbot's practice room to report to the abbot Yun Zhuzi.

Yun Zhuzi was an old man with white hair and beard, with a ruddy and lustrous complexion. Compared to Yun Xiuzi, who was cold and long-faced, Yun Zhuzi's appearance seemed to be truly attainable.

"Senior Brother, Junior Sister Han is very obedient," Yun Xiuzi said.

Hearing this, Yun Zhuzi continued to close his eyes and meditate cross-legged, and said casually, "Sorry Sister Han, junior brother, you ordered to go on and let people take good care of Sister Han's children, don't treat them harshly."

"Don't worry, once Junior Sister Han climbs up the distinguished guests, these two children will become little ancestors."

"It's rare for a distinguished guest to come to the door, so be sure to treat it well... After the matter is completed, I promise you 20% of the amount of the Long Live Pill." Yun Zhuzi raised her eyelids.

Yun Xiuzi smiled reluctantly: "Twenty percent is fine."


Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~

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