"Long live Dan?"

Chi Qiaosong remembered the name of this medicine pill.

After Yun Xiuzi reported the work to the abbot Yun Zhuzi, he left the presiding exercise room, but Chi Qiaosong did not leave immediately, he was going to search the exercise room.

However, it was unexpectedly discovered that Yun Zhuzi took out a small jade bottle from the hidden compartment after closing the door.

He pulled out the cork, poured out a silver pill, and when the pill entered, a strong evil spirit immediately emerged from his body. This is not his own evil spirit, but the evil spirit contained in the medicinal pill.

With his refining, the evil spirit dissipated little by little, and finally turned into nothingness.

"This is the so-called Long Live Pill?" Chi Qiaosong raised his brows, which was not surprising. Not only evil cultivators used evil cultivators to assist in their cultivation, but many cultivators of the right way also did this in private.

Leave the practice room.

Afterwards, Chi Qiaosong wandered around the entire Xiangyun Temple, and was especially interested in the flowers and plants raised in the temple. Unfortunately, he did not find the spirit of the root.

Xiangyun Temple is just an ordinary Taoist temple, which cannot be compared with Sihan Tianshifu.

It is normal to not be able to find spiritual roots.


He mixed into the fairy cave again. Han Cuifen had finished practicing the fairy dance and was waiting anxiously in the room.

"Mr. Han." Chi Qiaosong appeared.

"Chi Qiaosong, you are back." Han Cuifen breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and stroked her chest, she was still wearing a fairy costume for dancing.

This costume is made of several long cloth strips spliced ​​together. While covering the important parts, it also creates a subtle temptation.

Chi Qiaosong is a gentleman.

look steadily forward.

Appreciating for a moment with the eyes of an artist, he said, "Mr. Han, do you know what Wanzai Dan is?"

Han Cuifen also found that her clothes were a bit indecent, but there was no other clothes to change, so she had to put her hand across her chest, trying to hide the spring light, and said, "No, I don't know."

"Okay, then wait for tomorrow." Chi Qiaosong retracted his eyes and said, "Then Mr. Han should rest early, and I will come back tomorrow morning."

Immediately, he used Blue Gourd's invisibility magic technique and walked towards the wall. The magic technique unfolded the moment he was about to touch the wall, and then the whole person disappeared.

It seems that there is a wall penetration technique in practice.

In fact, he was still in the room, dropped the gate of Pine Garden on the roof, and flew in with golden light.

Ren Qiongdan was pruning in the fertile field, while Kinoshita Saburo was harvesting rice in the distant farmland. Xiaozhi held the rice and beat the rice, using primitive brute force to knock the rice grains down.

These rice, have grown into spiritual rice.

With those spiritual crops, vegetables and fruits, the food of the entire pine garden has entered another realm. I am afraid that the food eaten by the Great Grandmaster and the Great Celestial Master can't compare to Songyuan.

"Ren Qiongdan."


"Tomorrow, I need you to do something with me."

"Boss, please tell me."

"I'm going to eradicate a Taoist temple tomorrow, but I always have things that I can't take care of alone and need your help." He mainly asked Ren Qiongdan to protect Han Cuifen and her two children.

Knowing the content of the task, Ren Qiongdan readily accepted the order.

She is different from Tu Shanzhi, who practices the way of escaping the world and is unwilling to be contaminated with the cause and effect of the world. But she is different, although she is also working hard to dissolve evil spirits, she is not afraid of contaminating karma.

Even want to eliminate the disaster of thunder tribulation by accumulating merit.

Protecting Han Cuifen's mother and son, and assisting Chi Qiaosong in eradicating Xiangyun Temple, will undoubtedly make merit.

the next day.

Everything is normal during the day, and when night falls, Fairy Cave begins to get busy.

Yun Xiuzi came into the room with a stiff smile on her long and narrow face: "Junior sister, treat your distinguished guests well, you will naturally enjoy endless benefits.

And your children will also become the jewels in your palm and get the best education.

You are a smart person, you will definitely understand what I said, brother. And I can also understand that accepting all this is the best solution. "

Facing Yun Xiuzi's soft knife threat, Han Cuifen nodded nervously and replied, "Don't hurt Liu Xian and Liu Yun, I'll just do everything."

"Haha, how could you hurt Xiaoxian and Xiaoyun? I know you hate Liu Yan, so I deliberately handed the two little guys to Yang Qingqing to take care of them. You can rest assured about Yang Qingqing."


"Of course, why should senior brother lie to you?"

"I hope so." Han Cuifen was in a complicated mood. She couldn't calmly analyze what was going to happen next. She could only hope that Chi Qiaosong could solve everything.

At this time, Chi Qiaosong was following behind Yun Xiuzi.

The abbot Yun Zhuzi didn't seem to care, and stayed in the practice room all day to practice, and the task of welcoming the distinguished guests was handed over to Yun Xiuzi.

After confirming that Han Cuifen would cooperate obediently, Yun Xiuzi made another round of inspections in the Fairy Cave, urging him to prepare for the reception of the distinguished guests. This night only served the distinguished guests.

Nine o'clock at night.

The distinguished guest finally arrived at the foot of the mountain, Yun Xiuzi went to greet him in person, Chi Qiaosong stepped on the golden light, and followed behind stealthily. Soon at the foot of the mountain, I saw the so-called distinguished guests.

"His Royal Highness Snake King, I've been looking forward to you!" Yun Xiuzi smiled flatteringly.

The VIP Snake King was dressed as a noble boy dressed in white, holding an origami fan in his hand, followed by a group of guards in short shirts, escorting him up the mountain.

However, it is surprising that although these guards are human, each of them bears the head of a snake.

There is no doubt that these guards are evil.

Chi Qiaosong performed "Small Dao Wang Qi Technique" and found that the evil spirit on the Snake King was more intense, so much more intense than the overlord Zuo Shouquan and the Dragon King Aoji he had seen before.

"After the Overlord and the Dragon King, there is another Snake King!" Chi Qiaosong raised his hand and wiped the Ghost Head Sword.

He is not in a hurry to head these evil snakes. He wants to see what is going on between Xiangyunguan and this snake king, so that he can follow the vines and catch them all.

At this time, in the dim environment, the Snake King spoke in a hoarse voice: "You are not looking forward to me, but the Long Live Dan in my pocket."

"How do you say that old man, don't we all have the light of your old age to have the style we are today." Yun Xiuzi laughed.

"Oh, it's hard for you to remember this. It's not worth my Bai Quanzhen's hard work day and night to make the Long Live Pill, and how much effort I put into your cultivation."

The snake king Bai Quanzhen, there is always a sense of yin and yang in his hoarse voice.

Yun Xiuzi hurriedly smiled and said, "We all remember that if it's not inconvenient, senior brother will definitely come to greet you in person... However, the Fairy Cave has already prepared a program for you."

Hearing this, the snake king Bai Quanzhen was very interested: "Is that rich female cultivator here?"

"What you like all the time will naturally be found for you."

"Alright, let's go, let's go."

The group of people and the snake quickly rushed to the ancestral hall, and then surrounded the snake king Bai Quanzhen, and entered the fairy cave. At this time, in the fairy cave, the program is ready.

And Chi Qiaosong also found a corner and released Ren Qiongdan: "Be careful, don't get hurt by accident."

"Is the boss going to start?"


"Wait for the boss to show his power."

"The mere evil and evil repairs are here." Chi Qiaosong picked up the ghost-headed sword, disappeared again, and touched the dance floor.

Encountered a monk in the cave along the way, directly stuck out the ghost head sword from behind, quietly wiped it on the opponent's neck, then covered his mouth, silently.

So to the dance floor.

The fairy has already started to dance, and with the blessing of the dance floor instruments, it seems that she has come to the fairyland in the sky.

In the smoky haze, the fairies were extremely beautiful, especially Han Cuifen, who was the lead dancer, who was even better than Chang'e, and the snake king Bai Quanzhen was stunned.

Rao is Yun Xiuzi, who has watched many rehearsals, and can't help but touch the goatee beard, with a lustful expression on his face.

"Fairy, fairy!"

The snake king Bai Quanzhen opened his mouth and drooled down.

Then he stood up in a daze~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and started walking towards the dance floor with a lewd smile, ready to hug the fairy in person. The snake head guards, seeing that the snake king had already ended, couldn't help but run onto the dance floor one by one.

Seeing this, Yun Xiuzi's face turned into a pity expression.

But the next moment.

He was stunned.

The snake king Bai Quanzhen, who was still on the dance floor just now, drooling towards Han Cuifen, suddenly rolled with a mist and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Uh? This snake spirit!"

Yun Xiuzi blinked, thinking that Bai Quanzhen was playing some tricks.

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