Fast Transcendence

Chapter 57: The Yin-Yang Eye in the End of the Dharma World 11 (End of Chapter 1)


This discovery made people feel very unexpected, and they couldn't help but speculate on what the Qing City side had the ability to be able to commit such anger, causing several forces to unanimously target them.

If it wasn't for Luo Wei who has been in the forum for a while, she has some understanding of the common obscure names in the forum in order to avoid keywords that are easily blocked. Seeing those contents, she would probably feel a little confused .

But now, she can clearly determine according to the content, for her power, there is Dongyangguan, Luo family, and the family of the wife that Luo Xiuyu married later, Fang Family.

Only one thing can have such a big influence, causing the situation in Qing City to be in a critical situation and no one cares.

Abandoning that land and resorting to extreme means, but since then, it will undoubtedly add more darkness to the already bad cultivation world.

But they still do it, I have to say, those people really don't care for their own selfish desires.

At this moment, Wang Weiming sent a message saying that he had sold all the talisman papers she had given him before, and Luo Wei directly sent a list to him and asked him to The income that should be given to her will be replaced by the materials on the list, except for the low-quality materials, but also higher-quality materials.

Vaguely aware of the meaning of this, Wang Weiming was very excited and took the initiative to issue a military order to ensure that he would be able to prepare the materials on the list as soon as possible.

In the past few months, the low-quality talisman paper that Luo Wei entrusted him to sell has allowed him to successfully occupy a place in the finished talisman trading market in the cultivation world and expand a lot. Influence and contacts have also been greatly expanded.

If Luo Wei can provide a higher-grade finished talisman, it will be more beneficial for him to further improve his status. For him, this is definitely a win-win and mutual benefit.

Within two days, Luo Wei saw Wu Xiaoran and Guo Yi in the classroom, the handsome professor whom she admired very much, really handsome, with exquisite facial features and outstanding temperament.

, it can be said to be both talented and beautiful.

Although this handsome professor looks really seductive, Luo Wei has no idea of ​​looking at it any more, and the next task she arranges for herself is quite heavy.

Like the college English taught by Professor Chang, she can still get the top three when she is not in class, and she is just reviewing it in class.

Every time I take Professor Chang's class, I can make those classmates, especially the girls, excited like a chicken blood, and the girls from outside classes come to take a class to see the handsome professor, The classroom was crowded, Luo Wei saw this and simply skipped Professor Chang's class.

I can't wait to use the speed of running to study in the study room and the library every day.

Luo Wei, who is also facing the exam, still maintains her daily routine, not in a hurry, causing all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred among her roommates, but they have already deeply realized that people are more Man, the maddening truth.

On this day, after saying goodbye to the roommates who went to the library, Luo Wei was planning to take a detour, and then go back to the dormitory by the way, but unexpectedly met the person who was very friendly no matter where she went. Striking Professor Chang.

"You are classmate Liu Wei, I remember you, hello!"

Before Luo Wei thought about whether to say hello or not, Professor Chang, who came over from the chevron crossing, took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, Professor Chang, I'm Liu Wei, you have a good memory!"

Okay, to be honest, I am still a little uncomfortable with these names, after all, not long ago, I was also a student, and I studied with professors and teachers every day."

Luo Wei smiled and said, "Professor Chang is a teacher, a teacher is a teacher, this is the rule, how can you call it casually?"

"Okay, I can't talk about you, but I didn't see you in class later. I've been trying to find you to find out what's going on. Is there something wrong with my class that you can't listen to? go down?"

"How come, Professor Chang is too arrogant, your class is the most popular class in the whole school and the class with the highest attendance rate, how could there be a problem? It's mainly because of my personal reasons that I didn't attend, absolutely It's none of your business."

Chang Qingyang caressed his chest exaggeratedly and said, "This way I can rest assured, the exam is about to be taken, how are you reviewing? Do you need me to help?"

"Thank you, Professor Chang, for your kindness. English is my specialty, so I don't need to study any more!"

Chang Qingyang seemed a little regretful and suddenly realized, "If you don't say it, I almost forgot, you are the most famous student in our department, and your grades have always been excellent. In fact, in a situation like yours, You can apply to take the assessment in advance, and after you complete the credits, you will graduate early, so why spend time here all the time?”

"Because I enjoy the life on the university campus very much, I think it's good to maintain such a normal learning rhythm, Professor Chang is also very busy, and our dormitory area is about to arrive, so don't bother! "

After the two turned and left at another fork in a friendly farewell, their faces became a little complicated.

Luo Wei is deeply touched by the endless truth of learning. She cherishes the time on the university campus very much. The large number of books in the library makes her feel that she will never be able to read enough. What's more, there are teachers who can be consulted at any time.

Unfortunately, her main goal is to do tasks, reading and studying is just her spare time, time is too limited, she can only pick some practical books to read.

Because of this, she is not bothered by staying in school for a long time, how could she be in a hurry to graduate.

After the breakthrough in cultivation, the success rate and quality of Luo Wei's charms have been greatly improved. She prefers to use more powerful and durable charms.

So, she took out a considerable part of the prepared talismans and handed them over to Wang Weiming to sell, so that he didn't have to think about the price, mainly to make contacts on the forum.

This summer, Luo Wei only stayed at home for less than ten days, and was ready to embark on a journey of travel. In the early years, she was still young, and her family did not know if she brought it up. will allow.

Now that she is seventeen years old, and everyone in her family knows that she is a practitioner, her family should not stop her when she proposes to travel.

Sure enough, when Luo Wei put forward her own ideas, the family, especially Wen Xiuzhen, knew that she had officially become a Xuanmen Faxiu, and they were satisfied, so they did not express any objection, and Liu Wenjing certainly did not. would object.

Since knowing about his father Liu Changting, and knowing that Chen Zhengnan is also a practitioner, compared to Wen Xiuzhen, who has always been concerned, about Luo Wei becoming a practitioner , Liu Wenjing is actually very happy.

Maybe because, there is a feeling of making up for it, she herself has no chance to practice because of Wen Xiuzhen's knot, and she is a little regretful that she cannot inherit her father's career.

But when her daughter can inherit the family's inheritance across generations, it can be regarded as another way for her to successfully make up for this regret.

Unable to do it, Luo Wei is generally unwilling to make decisions without anyone who really cares about her, although she will always secretly do something behind her back during the task It's inconvenient to speak to people.

Lei Zhenglin and Chen Zhengnan have no objections. They have no ambition and like to live a peaceful and happy life, but they have no objection. Luo Wei can go further on the road of cultivation.

The only people in the family who objected were the two teary little ones. When they learned that their sister, who had just come back to play with them for a few days, was going out again, Lei Yunyin, who had just turned one year old, was too young. Not knowing how to react, Chen Qinglei wished he could pack himself up and let his sister take him with him.

Succeeded in getting the approval of the toughest little guy.

In order to achieve her goal of refining the mind and traveling freely, Luo Wei asked Chen Zhengnan to help find someone to refit a tricycle, which could burn oil, pedal, and add a shed. It can not only protect from the sun and rain, but also carry more luggage in the rear body.

"Weiwei, are you sure you want to be so exaggerated? Going on a trip, there are so many vehicles that can't fit you? Why bother? Are you tired?"

Seeing the prepared car, Liu Wenjing was shocked, and Wen Xiuzhen was also a little surprised.

"Weiwei, you ride around by yourself, this is a safety issue, you must be careful."

After watching a circle around the car, Luo Wei nodded with satisfaction.

"Grandma, don't worry about you and my mother, it's interesting to take a trip like this, and spend most of your time traveling by various means of transportation. What's the point, anyway, I have good physical strength, so I can exercise by the way, thank you Dad Chen, I like this car very much."

Facing Liu Wenjing's dissatisfied eyes for being kept in the dark, Chen Zhengnan smiled shyly and said, "If you weren't underage, I would actually rather give you an RV, which is more convenient for you to drive by yourself. You, such a car, to be honest, I also think it's a bit too rudimentary."

Standing aside with a cane, Lei Zhenglin said, "I think Weiwei's idea is very good, this car is very good, if I'm still young, or if my legs and feet are not injured, I also think about it. Prepare such a car, ride around, spare tires, maintenance tools, etc., are you ready?"

Chen Zhengnan hurried back, "Dad, you can rest assured, these are all prepared, I will also prepare two pumps, just in case something goes wrong on the road."

Lei Zhenglin nodded with satisfaction, "That's good, riding a tricycle like this, you can't go to high speed, you can only take ordinary national roads and country lanes, you have to do more preparations."

Seeing what Lei Zhenglin said, no one else could say anything against it. After accepting the facts, and looking at the car again, I think it's pretty good. It can carry a lot of things in the body of the car. , seems to be quite convenient.

For this trip, Luo Wei has the ultimate goal, but has no plan, quite a stance of going with the flow, the only direction guide is the specious information circulating on the forum.

She has no plans to go to the forum to take those quests. There are not many people in the cultivation world, but there are many factions and forces, and the competition is huge. From the last incident, it is not difficult to see that those This faction is not friendly to her, the young master who suddenly appeared.

And those tasks are basically the dishes of the big, medium and small forces. Only the small fish and shrimps they disdain can fall into the hands of people at the bottom of the cultivation world who have no background.

There is no way at the bottom, and the qualifications are limited. Ordinary practitioners who are despised by others are usually more difficult to practice, and there is even less chance of a strong person with a high cultivation base.

After officially embarking on the journey, Luo Wei once again praised the decision she suddenly made on a whim. Riding a tricycle is so convenient in this hot summer.

safe question.

Anyway, the Magic Heart Talisman can be used repeatedly as long as it is not activated.

Because she didn't want to spread the super high yield of her talismans, most of the talismans she made were kept for her own use. A small portion, that's a lot.

Although it is only a tricycle, it is specially customized and the comfort is quite high. The front seat is a spacious double seat. If you encounter fresh fruit or special snacks on the road, buy it Put it on the side, you can stop and enjoy it anytime.

This is the enjoyment that Luo Wei has never experienced in the previous worlds. It is very leisurely, but there is no delay in her practice, because most of the places she passes through are wilderness or countryside, and the air environment It is better than the city, and the mood is also better. The progress of cultivation is much faster than before.

I went to some realms with strange legends, and I passed a few lonely ghosts, dealt with a few ghosts hitting walls, rescued abducted women and children, and helped some pregnant women The obsessive ghost has avenged and pleaded guilty.

There are magic means, of course she is impatiently waiting to find the official to go through the process, deal with it slowly, directly use the means to those parties, ask them to surrender, and take the initiative to explain what happened before and after, the efficiency is called high.

Of course, out of righteous indignation, according to the degree of evil those people have committed, it is inconvenient to say something in private.

Luo Wei went all the way, and the things she experienced along the way are just the tip of the iceberg in this vast array of sentient beings. After all, her personal manpower is limited.

"Xiujie, are you sure, that's really the legendary yin and yang eye?"

Facing Luo Hongcheng's repeated questions, Luo Xiujie nodded affirmatively.

"Dad, after watching the video, the real person of Qingyang from Dongyang Temple personally confirmed that after the yin and yang gods have been cultivated, once they are used, there will be divine light blooming, which can be said to be certain. "

Luo Hong sighed, "Dongyang said yes, it must be, I'm just a little unwilling, my ancestors bless, since my Luo family has a rare yin and yang eye, why? It's not about Chengyuan and the others, it's about that child with ambition."

"Dad, that child's master has passed away, and she may have been hiding the fact that she has yin and yang eyes from everyone, so before this, no one heard the slightest wind, Qingyang Zhenren It means that if we are willing to cooperate, he has a secret technique and can help keep this pair of yin and yang eyes in our Luo family forever."


Luo Xiujie explained slightly hesitantly, "There is sincerity, it has been explained that the use of such secret techniques is limited, and it must be between the closest blood relatives. It can be performed, and it is best to be of the same gender, this is a heaven-defying secret technique, if these basic conditions are not met, it is almost impossible to succeed.

I heard that this was the case, Luo Hongcheng obviously relaxed.

"What do you want over there?"

Luo Xiujie hesitated for a while before replying, "There is a saying that the eyes of Yin and Yang can belong to our Luo family, and people belong to their Dongyang Temple."

"Since you have always been in control of her itinerary, go to Curry and take out the set of Heart Punishing Prisoners and bring it with you, go and handle this matter, since she is after all For the sake of the Luo family's blood, give her another chance and hope she can cherish it."

Luo Xiujie hesitated with mixed feelings, "Dad, do you really want to do this? Let's give each other more time, and then think of other ways, it just takes some time, I believe she will eventually One day, I will still recognize my ancestors.

Luo Hongcheng replied with a cold face and a firm tone, "Hongcheng, you have to remember your identity, don't delay any longer, that child's talent is so outstanding, at such a young age, he is already a trainee. The cultivation base of the vaporizing liquid, if we drag it on, we will have no chance to control her."

Hearing this displeased admonition, Luo Xiujie immediately restrained his personal emotions.

"Okay, Dad, I'll send someone to prepare."

It takes more than 20 days to walk like this. Even if there is a delay from time to time, the trip has already reached more than a thousand miles. Seeing that the whole summer vacation is nearly half over, she decides to correct her own direction. Stop circling the remote countryside where accidents are the most likely, and get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Yes, what she told her family was that she wanted to come to the venue and leave without a destination, but in fact, her purpose was quite clear, she wanted to go to the legendary Take a look at the Gate of Kunlun, even if you don't go in.

When the original owner returns, I'm afraid she will be left with a mess.

Li felt that if she couldn't figure it out, she would never let it go.

Since she has decided to revise her route, Luo Wei will try her best to take the national road for the next journey.

On this day, just as she was about to cross the boundary of Tianfu Province and enter Xiyuan, she was accidentally blocked in the middle.

Stopped the car and looked at the middle-aged man walking out of the middle of the road, Luo Wei sneered.


Luo Xiujie looked at the rebellious girl in front of her with complex eyes, and regretted countless times in her heart. This girl did not grow up in the Luo family. A sense of belonging, both parties do not have to go to this step.

"Weiwei, as your uncle, I will give you one last chance. If you are willing to swear to return to the Luo family and recognize your ancestors from now on, we will be unhappy in the past. It has happened, if you still insist on doing your own thing, don't blame the uncle for disregarding blood kinship, don't think that you are already a cultivation base of refining gasification liquid, and think that you can do whatever you want in this world."

Luo Wei couldn't help being excited when she heard the shameless words.

"I think I can do whatever I want in this world, aren't you people who have always believed in themselves to be extraordinary? I am a person who travels around on a small three-wheeled wheel, how dare I be so naive idea."

Luo Hongcheng put away his somewhat amiable expression and said coldly, "It seems that you have made up your mind to go your own way, toast instead of eating and drinking?"

"Toast? When did you toast me? First, a big family tried to kidnap me morally, fooling me, a young and innocent child. After being exposed to your true face, they tried to unite with outsiders to give it to me. I set up a bureau and want to force me to admit your Luo family."

Speaking, Luo Wei, who got out of the car, glanced around.

"Now, I set up a net in advance to try to arrest me and go back to Luo's house. It seems that what makes you so impatient, not hesitate to tear your face? Let me think about it, it must be a great benefit. , my yin and yang eyes were discovered by you?"

Can't hang.

It's all about this, I know it can't be good.

"Who is at a loss, but I can't say for sure!"

Before he finished speaking, the soft whip in Luo Wei's hand immediately attacked everyone.

It didn't take long for her to be vulnerable and lay down on the ground.

Luo Xiujie was stunned, and while casting a spell to fight back against Luo Wei, he said angrily, "How is this possible? Why are you not affected? No, how can you be a Xuanmen Fa Xiu!"

Luo Xiujie has discovered that Luo Wei did not use the power of Buddhism, but what she used was Xuanmen magic, she used Xuanmen magic weapon, which was extremely powerful.

With Buddhist cultivation as the base, after two or three months, Luo Wei's profound cultivation has entered the mid-stage of Inhaling Qi and Entering the Sea. In total, it is more than Luo Xiujie's mid-late cultivation. Slightly lower.

Jie was beaten by her almost from the beginning.

And the silent appearance of the thousand awn needles is one move to determine the outcome.

"Wei Wei, I am your uncle, it is the uncle's mistake that made this wrong, please forgive uncle this time!"

Put away the surrounding formations, the Heart Punishment Buddha formation has completely disappeared, and the thirteen people from the Luo family are lying on the ground without any resistance.

"Uncle? You are all thinking of taking me back and digging out your eyes. You also expect me to recognize you as uncle and tell me, who came up with such a bad idea?"


Speaking of which, originally, I just wanted the two of you to be strangers who would not disturb each other."

Looking at Luo Wei incredulously, Luo Xiujie pointed at her with trembling hands.

"You wicked girl, how can you be so cruel, they are all your relatives!"

Luo Wei raised her hand without changing her face, and another scream came out.

"Look at what I have been forced into by you? You Luo family are really evil, obviously I am just a kind-hearted and innocent girl, but you have forced me to be cruel, this can Who is to blame, of course you should blame your Luo family for being so limitless!"

As the voice fell, another scream came out.

Every scream came out, it means that the elites that the family spent a lot of resources to cultivate were destroyed. As the head of the family, Luo Xiujie's heart hurts like a knife.

All the information in his hands shows that the girl in front of him has a good personality.

What happened at the moment made Luo Xiujie feel that it must be those people under him who misunderstood 'kindness', otherwise, it is impossible for a really kind girl to treat herself Blood relatives, under this vicious hand.

"Don't do it again, it's Dongyangguan, the Qingyang real person of Dongyangguan, you ruined his illegitimate son, he hates you, only after knowing that you are the blood of our Luo family, He encouraged our Luo family to come forward to deal with you, but we are a family after all, even if he judged that you were born with yin and yang eyes based on the video of you using the yin and yang eyes in Qing City, we only hope that you can recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors. I didn't want to kill you, really!"

Luo Wei sneered, "Really, false, is it still important now? It doesn't matter, my principle has always been that people don't offend me, I don't offend others, since you have chosen this path yourself , don't blame me for taking a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, of course, seeing that the Luo family and I do have such a little blood connection, I decided, I don't want your life, and I don't want your eyes, I just want your cultivation base!"

The Luo family, who was once famous in the cultivation world, was suddenly knocked on the door, destroying all cultivation bases, and quickly spread throughout the cultivation world, attracting a lot of discussion.

There is also one of the giants in the cultivation world, Dongyang Temple was beaten up, and even the ancient ancestors of Dongyang Temple, including Dongyang Zhenren, were destroyed to Dantian, completely cutting off the road of cultivation, At the same time, the evil deeds they have accumulated over the years were also announced.

For example, the real person of Qingyang condoned his illegitimate son to practice sorcery, and Dongyangguan also used his detached position to vigorously support his followers in the secular world, and established a large number of industrial and leather bag company groups. People come to cheat, cheat, kidnap, cheat, make money wantonly, and do countless evil deeds.

Soon after, the Luo family and their in-laws Fang, Chang, and Zhao were all exposed to their family scandals one after another. In terms of personnel disputes, all kinds of manipulations violated the rules set by the cultivation world and the government.

As soon as these news came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the official, especially the last one. Everyone in high positions would not be willing to accept the day when they were controlled by others.

, to start with official people, which will inevitably lead to public anger.

Even if the purpose of those people is only to facilitate their own actions, they really have no intentions, but after all, they have done something really taboo, and the above ordered a thorough investigation, and they are not wronged.

This has caused the entire cultivation world to fall into a state of turmoil for a while. Except for those who are truly innocent in their hearts and have not committed illegal things by means of cultivation, others are in danger. Anxiety, afraid of being caught.

After all, with the development of science and technology, the weapons in the hands of the officials also pose a great threat to practitioners like them, which is why they dare not wrestle with the officials.

Most of the things she thinks are valuable will be turned over to them, and the root of their pride will be cut off from now on.

In order to do this troublesome thing well, the original plan to go to the Gate of Kunshan was postponed by more than 20 days. Ended up just circling around there.

In a short summer vacation, I experienced a lot, and some grievances were basically resolved. Luo Wei consciously gained a lot and lived a fulfilling life.

Those grievances that can be resolved by her, the situation at the moment is not so wonderful.

Standing at a high place for too long, I always feel that my identity is noble, and my blood cannot be stained. To a huge blow, this gap is enough to make some people live better than death.

Once they make up their minds to do certain things, the efficiency is very high. All of them will be locked in a specially built punishment center.

Those who entered the disciplinary center were also divided into different categories, and the control was so strict that they had no chance to communicate with each other.

Accepting all kinds of ideological education is the theme of life for these people after they enter the punishment center. There is no chance or room for resistance. The cultivators represented by the head of the left side of Qing City personally supervise them.

After this trip, she only stayed at home for three days, and Luo Wei embarked on the journey back to school again. Not floating, still remember his student status.

"You said, why did Professor Chang only teach us for a few days, and he stopped teaching? I heard that he has resigned from all positions in the school, and he made up his mind that he will not come back! "

The new semester begins, and countless female students are looking forward to the early start of the school, just to be able to come back to see their male **** professor, Wu Xiaoran and Guo Yi are one of them.

Unfortunately, to the disappointment of these girls, a notice was issued at the beginning of the semester, telling all the students that the very popular Professor Chang had resigned from all his positions in the school, making everyone lose hope .

At this time, facing Wu Xiaoran's unwilling question, no one gave her the answer, even if Luo Wei might know the answer, she would not say it.

When she received Chang Qingyang's call, Luo Wei was not surprised, and she simply agreed to go to the cafe he said to make an appointment.

"You already know who I am!"

As soon as the two met, Chang Qingyang went straight to the point. This was not a question, but an affirmation.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't even take your relatives around the corner to the Chang family while taking revenge on the Luo family."

Luo Wei smiled noncommittally, "What is revenge? Isn't the reason why the Chang family has fallen to this point because they can't live because of their own sins?"

The haggard-looking Chang Qingyang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I invite you over today, I have no other intentions, to be honest, I should actually thank you, because you broke the trap of me The prison of , let me finally truly have freedom."

"You don't need to thank me, I really didn't do anything, those families, those people, the reason why they end today is because what they did, what does it have to do with me? I think the legal rules are fair, everyone should be responsible for what they do, and if they are not responsible, there will be retribution."

Chang Qingyang smiled wryly, "As expected, you all know, although this is not my intention, but I'm sorry!"

You can remember that even if you have 10,000 unavoidable reasons, you shouldn't try to deceive other people's feelings to achieve your own goals, it's really rude to do so!"

Yes, the first time I heard Wu Xiaoran mention Professor 'Chang', Luo Wei already knew who was coming and what was the purpose of coming to Huahua University.

In the original timeline, the original owner, who is still in high school, also met Chang Qingyang, who was younger than when Liu Wenjing met Luo Xiuyu, and the more romantic encounter made the young The girl was not surprised.

Chang Qingyang is the son of Fang Jiayu's uncle's cousin, and Fang Jiayu is the wife Luo Xiuyu married. She has always known the existence of the original owner and her daughter, and that they are not living well. She is comfortable.

But even so, she still did not let go of the original owner and her daughter. When the original owner just turned seventeen years old, he threatened to invest. Because of his lack of cultivation talent, he has no status in the family. Chang Qingyang, who is trying to start a business, lures the original owner.

The original plan was to let Chang Qingyang seduce the original owner, and then ruthlessly abandon it, in order to achieve the purpose of completely destroying the original owner spiritually, but he did not expect it, and soon had ulterior motives The original owner, Chang Qingyang, who had taken off her guard, accidentally told Chang Qingyang that there was something unusual in her eyes.

Chang Qingyang, who came from a family of cultivators, of course realized that this matter was not easy, so he revealed the news to the Luo family, not only to Fang Jiayu, but even to specifically tell Luo Xiuyu this. thing.

But what he didn't expect was that the genius of cultivation who should have been valued by the Luo family was actually brought up because of this and suffered a disaster. First, Liu Wenjing suffered a car accident. , Luo Xiuyu suddenly appeared and expressed his willingness to bear the medical expenses, but on the condition that the original owner willingly signed a contract, expressing his willingness to donate his eyes to her half-sister.

In order to save her dependent mother, the original owner agreed without hesitation, and finally she was brought into the Luo family, a pair of yin and yang

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