Fast Transcendence

Chapter 57: The Yin-Yang Eye in the End of the Dharma World 11 (End of Chapter 1)

The eyes were implanted in the eyes of Luo Xiuyu's youngest daughter, Luo Huan.

Until three years later, Chang Qingyang, who had been uneasy with her conscience, entrusted the practitioners she knew to carefully investigate the identity information of Liu Wenjing's mother and daughter, and she accidentally met someone who was also in the practice circle and asked someone to help Find Liu Wenjing's Chen Zhengnan.

But at that time, Liu Wenjing died long ago because Luo Xiuyu and Fang Jiayu did not keep their promises and took away the original owner.

Chang Qingyang told Chen Zhengnan that the original owner was taken away by Luo Xiuyu and his wife, and took him to find the place where the original owner was trapped.

Because the Yin-Yang eyes were implanted in Luo Huan's eyes, in order to speed up the fusion, every three months, a proper amount of fingertip blood was taken from the original owner and injected into Luo Huan's eyes with a secret method.

So, in order to facilitate blood collection, the original owner has been trapped in the private house of Luo Xiuyu and his wife.

It wasn't until she was found and taken away by Chen Zhengnan that the original owner knew that she had been living in deception, and that the mother she wanted to save even if she gave up her eyes, was killed by Yin Luo three years ago. Xiu Yu and his wife passed away because of their untrustworthiness, and they immediately hated them.

Under her repeated insistence, Chen Zhengnan, who was also full of hatred, finally couldn't help but agree to provide a method of revenge.

Everyone involved in this grievance.

The final result was that Chen Zhengnan's cultivation was completely destroyed, his head turned white overnight, and his lifespan was nearly half lost. The resentment in the original owner's heart was too much, and he died on the spot.

directly on the body.

The fortunes of the two families have taken a turn for the worse, and other blood relatives have also been implicated.

Even Luo Wei did not expect that Chang Qingyang would still arrive as promised when the fate of the original owner was changed beyond recognition by her.

It's good that this grievance is over.

This time, the information of each company can be found so smoothly, especially the information about their illegal and foul. worth it.

Speaking of which, it is also those people who act a little unscrupulously, relying on the fact that ordinary people do not understand the methods of cultivators, and they do things without covering up, and those who do know do not involve themselves, and are usually unwilling, or It is not dare to confront those forces that are intertwined with each other.

In this way, those people have been tolerated even more, not to mention the impetuous people in the modern world, even people in this world of practice cannot be exempted from the custom, while keeping the old rules of the family, in order to ensure the detachment of the family On the other hand, with a sense of superiority in contempt for all living beings, he treats human life like a mustard, and acts as he pleases.

That's why Luo Wei successfully moved a corner of the cultivation world in just over 20 days, and then the official giant came forward and took the opportunity to reap the results and expand the battle situation, just like the only one Luo Wei, who was in charge of the opening, had nothing to do.

"Hello, Master Liu, I'm Gao Shuyue, I'm taking the liberty to disturb you, please forgive me!"

Luo Wei felt a little surprised when she received the call from Gao Shuyue, but she understood when she first saw Luo Xiujie.

"It doesn't matter, fellow Daoist Gao doesn't have to be so polite, may I ask you for anything?"

The other side paused for a while before replying, "I went to visit Luo Shibo and the others two days ago, Luo Shibo hopes that I can help transfer the message, and would like to invite you to visit him. "

"I will consider this matter. Thank you for your help in spreading the letter. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first. Goodbye."

Those families that have been rotten from the inside to the outside have no need to continue to exist. This has nothing to do with her personal grievances with the Luo family.

, it's good to solve it completely.

After all, judging from the information left by the original owner, only Luo Xiuyu and Fang Jiayu had the deepest grudges against her, and the other Luo family members did not come forward.

But when the trajectory of fate changed, the people who did it directly became the father and son of Luo Hongcheng and Luo Xiujie. Obviously, none of the Luo family was truly innocent.

What's more, she just destroys the dantian of those people, so that they will never have a chance to practice cultivation. As long as they are innocent and do nothing illegal or foul, the official will not touch them, they just need to start from now on Just live an ordinary life.

Therefore, Luo Wei never regretted what she had done, knowing that they had been arrested, she never thought of visiting.

After careful consideration for two days, Luo Wei finally decided to go, just as an explanation to the original owner.

The specially built correctional center has never been so lively as it is now, with so many people being detained at one time.

People who are in it can't feel the excitement. What they can feel now is the gap between falling from heaven to hell.

Compared to the last time we met, Luo Hongcheng, who was obviously in his 60s and looked like he was only 40 or 50 years old, was obviously more than 30 years old. Seventy or eighty years old, with all white hair, an old man who has reached the end of his life.

The two sides met through a layer of glass, Luo Wei's mood was calm, "I heard that you want to see me, what's the matter?"

"I know, before we wanted to be bad, and we did bad things, that would make you hate us and the Luo family, but your father, and your brother and sister, they are innocent, Your dad is just an ordinary person, he has never done anything serious, your siblings are still young and still at school age, and you can only be an ordinary person in the future, can you let them go?"

My son and grandchildren, what does it have to do with me, I said earlier that taking away your high-ranking support is my revenge, as for how you will live in the future, it has nothing to do with me."

Luo Hongcheng anxiously held the steel fence in front of him.

"You can't do this! You harmed the Luo family like this, and it is your duty to take care of the rest of the Luo family. Don't forget, you are also the Luo family, and the Luo family is flowing in your body. blood, this is a fact that you can never change!"

"Actually, I have never been able to understand, what exactly do you think, why do you think that with that little blood relationship, you can confidently ask for anything from me?"

When Luo Hongcheng heard this, the anger in his chest could not be suppressed.

"You are the blood of the Luo family, and everything you have is the blessing of the ancestors of the Luo family. Even if you didn't grow up in the Luo family, you should be grateful to the Luo family. Unexpectedly, you So ruthless!"

Hearing these ridiculous and shameless remarks, Luo Wei didn't know what to do for a while, so she followed suit.

"Just because you think everything I have comes from the ancestors of the Luo family, so you want my eyes, should I be willing to offer them?"

"I only hope that you can return to the family. If you are too stubborn and cannot understand my painstaking efforts, I will not make this decision. Everything I do is for our Luo family, Whether you admit it or not, you are part of the Luo family, and it is your responsibility and obligation to pay for the Luo family!"

Luo Wei felt that this trip was not worth it, but she finally figured it out, this is a lunatic who has gone crazy and has no clear mind. comminicate.

What will happen to the Luo family later, Luo Wei is not interested in paying any more attention. The situation on the Kunshan Gate looks extraordinary.

In the forum, I couldn't find any related information. If she wants to explore, she still needs to make more preparations, and then she will act by chance.


But the irresistible urge in her heart made her decide to go to Kunshan Mountain, otherwise, she always felt that this task was not completed successfully, which was definitely not her own subjective Thought, but as her cultivation level improved, the original owner's soul power was enhanced, and the wishes born in her subconscious were affecting her.

Dive down to study, and even learned a little about art performances. In addition to enriching her knowledge reserve, Luo Wei did not give up in practice.

Although I am a fellow practitioner of the Dharma, in fact, cultivating Buddhism has always been the main vocation, while Dharma cultivation is a side vocation.

During the period, she was invited by the Special Security Department. Yes, her identity and strength have been recorded at the upper level. When the official encounters a major event, the Special Security Department will come forward and ask her to help solve it. Several thorny supernatural incidents can be regarded as maintaining a fairly friendly cooperative relationship with the official.

Boundary of the practice world, her attitude towards her is quite complicated now, but she has never walked in the practice world very much, and it has nothing to do with their attitude, she does not care even more, just do Just do your own thing.

Chen Zhengnan, who she evaluated as a 'ruthless man', expressed great confidence in this.

If it wasn't for Lei Yunyin being too small, he would have liked to throw Lei Yunyin to her as the eldest sister, so that he and Liu Wenjing could also travel and spend their honeymoon.

Basically, the last stop of Luo Wei's self-driving tour is the gate of Kunshan, but she always just went to see it, and didn't really take action.

Even she finds it strange, even though the task has been done, but she can't let it go. Since the first time she heard the name, she subconsciously misses the gate of Kunshan.


Since she has made up her mind to go and have a look, she has a hundred ways to go deep into the garrison to investigate the situation without disturbing others.

But after thinking about it, she decided to contact the official directly. If she wants permission, she can go in in an open and honest way.

After transferring her application to the upper level, it was Feng Anzhen from the Special Security Department who came forward to receive her.

"Master Liu, the above knows that you want to go to the Gate of Kunshan, and attaches great importance to this matter. I think you came here for these materials."

Luo Wei nodded and said, "Yes, the gate of Kunshan has always been very magical, I don't dare to entrust it, so I hope to get some convenience from you."

"I want to ask a presumptuous question, I wonder if Master Liu can forgive me?"

Seeing him being so cautious, Luo Wei was a little curious, "I have nothing to say to others, Feng Zhenren is not polite, please feel free to ask."

"Master Liu is arrogant, has a righteous heart, and acts with integrity. I and others admire it very much. What I want to ask is, the reason why Master Liu wants to go to the gate of Kunshan, but for the sake of the ancestor Liu Changting. ?"

Luo Wei had only a slight guess about the connection between Liu Changting and the Gate of Kunshan, but at this moment, listening to Feng An's question, she was able to confirm it.

"Yes, after more than 40 years, my ancestors have never returned, and my grandmother has been waiting so far. I want to find a definite answer for her, hoping to make up for the majority of her life. encounter."

Feng Anzhen sighed solemnly, "Liu Zhenren is righteous, but he has suffered his wife and daughter, the country and the people, all should thank your family, these are some related to the gate of Kunshan Although Master Liu has read the information, it is still an unknown and mysterious place, and I hope Master Liu will make a decision after careful consideration."

"Thank you Feng Zhenren for reminding me, I won't act rashly."

Those stationed there were gradually reduced to the refining and gasification liquid state.

More than 40 years ago, the real people stationed there suddenly sent a distress signal, and the practitioners and officials immediately sent people to it, only to find out that a large number of femininity were pouring out of the valley.

In that era when technology was not yet developed, physical attacks had no effect on them, and they could only be resisted by practitioners.

Fortunately, although there are a lot of femininity, the individual strength is not very strong, but even so, the cultivation world takes a lot of effort, and even sacrifices a lot of manpower to clean up those things clean.

Know that all people and animals who enter it will eventually be left without bones.

We all know that this time we can barely block the invasion of those feminists, and it is a fluke. .

Therefore, after Liu Changting participated in the battle to clean up the femininity, he went to the valley with a few comrades, trying to find out, but he never returned.

In the list of those who participated in that battle, Luo Wei not only saw the name of the original grandfather, but also the name of Dongyang Guanqingyang.

As the heir of Dongyang Temple, he was also a rare genius. He was only in his thirties. , will not be able to cultivate an inch, and the strength will also decline.

Because of its great contribution in this battle, Dongyangguan has always enjoyed a very detached status, and the officials have also treated it with great courtesy.

Unfortunately, over the past few decades, people's hearts have changed. Today's Dongyang Temple is no longer the one that strictly adhered to the rules and had an excellent reputation.

In order to prevent the intrusion of those evil things from happening again, the troops stationed at the gate of Kunshan are equipped with the most advanced and most powerful troops which have been proved by experiments to cause casualties to those evil things. powerful weapon.

After reading those materials, Luo Wei had no confidence in whether she could get out of her body, but she still wanted to try it unwillingly. The development of modern technology gave her a lot of confidence. .

After telling Zhenren Liu of her decision and asking him to help prepare some supplies, Luo Wei returned to Yugui Town to reunite with her family for a few days.

After more than 40 years, someone is willing to take the initiative to apply to enter the gate of Kunshan again, and the upper management also attaches great importance to it.

The supplies for Luo Wei are very sufficient, from food and drink, to weapons, as well as special communication equipment, as well as various data acquisition and analyzers.

Seeing those things, Luo Wei was also a little surprised. Some of them were written on the list she submitted, and some were not even thought of by her.

And when she was sent to the vicinity of the Gate of Kunshan, she discovered that there were several tents temporarily set up, and a large number of equipment and equipment had been placed properly. The researchers in white coats, We are going through it, doing the final instrument debugging preparations.

All of this made Luo Weidu feel a little stressed. In case she didn't make merit and did not give out any valuable scientific research data, that's all, if she got into trouble, accidentally No matter what threats are released, one of these people is counted as one, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to end in a happy life.

Seeing Luo Wei looking at all this with a strange expression, Feng Anzhen couldn't help but feel a little guilty.


After explaining, he couldn't help adding, "What's more, you have to believe that the country attaches more importance to these people than you, and will do its best to ensure their safety no matter what, our Special Security Department The manpower is basically here, and if there is any change, the helicopter will wait there and be on standby at any time."

That being said, no matter how well the preparations are done, the unpredictable risks are the most unavoidable.

I heard the helplessness in Feng Anzhen's words, and Luo Wei couldn't say anything more.

"It's alright, as long as you are prepared, I can understand it quite well. After all, my situation is actually very similar to them. They are all for the obsession in their hearts, and don't hesitate to get involved. risk."

Feng Anzhen nodded with a wry smile, "Just understand, long live, I hope you take care, no matter what the situation inside, we hope you can come back!"

Looking at the location of the Gate of Kunshan, Luo Wei nodded firmly, "I will be back!"

Although the suicide note is ready, Luo Wei still firmly believes that she can come back, what's the matter, she has to persist until more than a month later, that is, the deadline for the completion of the task.

Otherwise, she will lose a lot of money after completing this mission!

Compared with the official weapons, Luo Wei believed in the magic weapon she prepared, but she did not reject the packaged materials.

When she first walked into that fascinating valley, Luo Wei didn't feel much, but when she turned to look back, she found that the Taniguchi behind her had disappeared. disappeared.

This made Luo Wei feel the magic in this valley as soon as she came in, and she continued to move forward, clearly feeling that she should have reached the deepest part of the valley, but in fact, the road ahead still very long.

The yin and yang eyes that have long been opened can only see chaos in the valley, and various energy elements are intertwined, causing countless collisions, making the surrounding look a little distorted.

There is no reason for it to be affected.

Seeing that she kept walking like this with her feet, she didn't know when the end would be, she took out the rosary, closed her eyes, and started to move forward with her heart.

Luo Wei knew that she had arrived at the place!

Opening her eyes, Luo Wei saw that she was in a valley at the moment, the grass and trees were beautiful, and the air was filled with a very strong spiritual element.

This is really a good place for practice!

Luo Wei subconsciously felt this kind of emotion, but in that valley with chaotic energy, the almost completely weathered bones and remnants of objects she saw instantly reminded her that this should be the valley of Kunshan. The secret is not as simple as it seems.

In such a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and abundant spiritual energy, it is impossible to have the opportunity to breed femininity, but since ancient times, every few decades, the femininity that will invade the world, also It really came out of the valley of Kunshan.

There must be an inside story here!

Put down her luggage and searched the surroundings carefully, but she still could not find the barrier she just passed through. Realizing that it might be a random exit, Luo Wei had to give up the search in disappointment .

's journey.

In addition to communication equipment, other equipment, such as micro life detectors, air collection analyzers, soil collection analyzers, etc., can be used here.

The daytime is very short, only eight hours. The temperature in the four hours before and after the night is around zero, and the temperature in the middle eight hours can directly drop to minus thirty to fifty degrees.

There is no specific direction and no specific target, so I just search in the bottom of this unknown space, although I have found living things such as hares, cattle and sheep, and want to find someone, But like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, after having a general understanding of the environmental conditions here, and using an air sampling analyzer to confirm that the air does not contain any elements that are harmful to the human body, she began to practice cultivation.

Faculty cultivation level has also been raised to the peak of absorbing gas and entering the sea. In this environment with abundant spiritual energy, it does not take long to officially break through to the realm of refining gas and liquid.

is really good.

There are too few animals, and Luo Wei may really think that this is a forgotten paradise.

Seeing that this place is obviously the trace left by the human fire, even after careful observation, it is not difficult to find that the remnants of the fire have existed for a period of time, and Luo Wei also has a feeling of almost crying with joy .

She has been in for more than ten days, and she has not achieved much. When her initial judgment has been shaken, she suddenly finds that there is still hope, and she can't help but be moved with heartfelt excitement.

With the fire as the center, Luo Wei began to search carefully, until the third direction was found, and the open life detector suddenly began to make a harsh scream.

Luo Wei immediately stopped and looked around, but couldn't find anything, so she couldn't help knocking on the ground and shouting loudly.

"Anyone? I came in from outside looking for someone, I came to my grandfather Liu Changting, do you know him?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dead tree next to him was removed, and a long-haired man jumped out of it, "Are you looking for Liu Changting? You are his granddaughter"

Luo Wei smiled and raised her hand to salute, "Senior, hello, my name is Liu Wei, Liu Changting's granddaughter, my grandfather has been gone for many years, and my family misses him very much, so I think of him Looking for the missing place, I wonder if the senior knows the news of my grandfather? Is he okay?"

The man looked relieved, but nodded with a complicated expression, "Your grandfather is very good, we are very happy that you can find it, but this is a land that never comes back, you really shouldn't Come!"

Hearing this, Luo Wei felt more relieved and felt that it was worth it.

"Grandpa and seniors, Gao Yi, have been trapped here for decades. As juniors, if they are not capable, that's fine. Whenever there is a chance, juniors want to fight for it. "

Hearing this, the man was obviously in a good mood, and nodded with a kind smile.

Something, was it just calling?"

Luo Wei changed her name with kindness, "Yes, Grandpa Yang, the technology is developing rapidly in the outside world. Knowing that I want to come in and find someone, the official side specially prepared these instruments."

Yang Xinyi took out a leaf, injected mana into it, and the leaf flew away quickly.

Seeing Luo Wei curiously watching his movements, Yang Xinyue explained.

"We have been trapped here for many years, and the resources we brought when we came in have been completely exhausted. After living here for many years, we have finally developed some useful things, such as the leaf just now, which was born with With the ability to attach magic, it can be used directly as a talisman paper, but the quality is a bit poor."

"The seniors have worked really hard. I wonder if the seniors who came in are still there?"

Yang Xinyi sighed with a wry smile, "How can it be so simple, we came in a total of seven people, two fell directly into the Chaos Valley, and one was passed through the Chaos Valley by the power of Chaos. Hurt, I finally came to this space. I didn't last long, and I fell directly. There is another one who didn't last. When I went into the devil ten years ago, I fell directly with my body and went to fill the seal. Now here , only the three of us are left."

While they were talking, the other two people who went out returned from the sky, and the speed was amazing.

After landing, the one with white hair,

The young man looked at Luo Wei with a very excited expression.


Luo Wei fell to her knees very simply, kowtowed three times before replying, "Granddaughter Liu Wei, I have seen my grandfather!"

In the old photos collected by Wen Xiuzhen, Luo Wei once saw the appearance of Liu Changting. Although his hair is all white now, his appearance has not changed much.

Liu Changting helped her up and sighed with tears in his eyes, "Okay, okay, okay, get up and tell your grandfather, over the years, your grandmother and your mother have it is good?"

"Don't worry, Grandpa, they are all very good. Once you left and didn't return, Grandma returned to your hometown Yugui Town to wait for you, but when I grow up and I haven't seen you go back, I want to come in Looking around, grandma will be very happy to know that the policeman is still alive."

Liu Changting smiled wryly, "You kid, you are so reckless, what if you are trapped here, you are still alive, you really shouldn't come in, if there is a chance to go out, we will Get out."

Speaking of this topic, the mood of several people present was a little complicated, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified.

Luo Wei smiled and took off the salute, opened it, and introduced it to everyone.

"You don't need to be so pessimistic, science and technology outside is developing very rapidly, you see, when I came in, I brought a lot of advanced equipment, we must find a way out, okay, now what? , you can eat something first, change your clothes or something."

Due to the lack of food, I couldn't make it any longer.

However, after more than 40 years, they have the opportunity to eat food from the world again. The three of them are a little excited, and they cherish the small bites of those dry food, which are actually tasteless.

Compared to others, Luo Wei, who has an extraordinary background, is more accepting of the existence of different dimensions than others, so when she came in, she was already ready to find someone, and she was ready to have seven clothes in light clothes , Unfortunately, there are only three people left, each of them is divided into two, and there is one more.

After taking out the food and clothes, Luo Wei took out the most important thing in the luggage, and it took up the most space. It was a micro base station. A base station that transmits signals from satellites.

Luo Wei discovered early that this space, like the modern world, is under the same starry sky. There are not only stars such as the Big Dipper, but also artificial satellites in the sky.

After installing the base station and modulating the signal number, the satellite phone immediately heard a maddening voice.

"Master Liu? Is that you? Master Liu! Please reply!"

Curiously watching Luo Wei after playing with the pile of strange things, a strange sound suddenly came out from a thing the size of a slap, making the few people who were eating suddenly stunned .

I immediately took the thing in my hand and quickly surrounded it.

"Xiaowei, this... what is this? It can talk to people outside?"

"Grandpa, this is called a satellite phone. It can not only communicate with people outside, but also allow them to locate the location of this space based on the signals sent here."

The voices outside became even more excited when I heard the chatter from inside

"Master Liu, have you found the real person of your grandfather Liu Changting? Are they all okay? Don't worry about what's going on there, we are collecting yours here. data, is calculating the coordinates of that unknown space."

After Luo Wei gave a general introduction to the situation here, she ended the satellite call. Although she had a spare rechargeable battery, it is better to save it here. The satellite base station consumes power The big head is also the most critical.

Listening to Luo Wei's introduction about the situation outside, the current situation of technological development, the few people who have been trapped here for more than 40 years are full of emotion and very excited.

After so many years of hard work, I finally saw the hope of going out. The complexity of this feeling is difficult to describe in words.

According to the information summed up by Liu Changting and the others for more than 40 years, this should be a space node, not only connected to the world they live in on one side, but also different from the other side. The world is connected.

Every three to forty years or so, this space will encounter a disaster, and it will be invaded by a large number of yin and yin that leaked from another space.

And once those negative things happen to meet the randomly appearing space barrier, they can pass through the barrier and appear in Chaos Valley, which is the valley where the Gate of Kunshan is located.

The Chaos Valley is not friendly to living beings, but it is helpless with those evil things, so there are incidents of evil things invading the human world from time to time.

Knowing that the data collection and calculation work in such a different space is a huge project, Luo Wei is not in a hurry, the next day, she is going to go with Liu Changting and the others to go to the road The connection point of another world, to explore the seal situation.

In those days, Liu Changting and the others risked their lives to enter the gate of Kunshan in order to seal the source of those negative things. They have already speculated based on the information left in the past that the gate of Kunshan is bound to be There is a place where different spaces are connected.

The series of encounters after entering, although there are many differences from their pre-estimated situation, they did successfully find the source of the appearance of those femininity.

In order to strengthen the seal, not only the senior who was severely injured in the Chaos Valley used his body to suppress the seal, but even the senior who had a problem with his temperament and finally went into trouble, the last choice he made was also With the body Zhenyin and Liu Changting, they came in for the seal. What they brought was the most powerful sealing formation passed down from the cultivation world, so the power of this seal should not be underestimated. In the past few years, he has successfully blocked the impact of another world blocking the yin.

Endured and endured, before leaving, Liu Changting finally couldn't help asking his own questions.

"Xiaowei, if I heard correctly, those people outside call you a mage. Grandpa really can't figure it out. How did you become a mage?"

I heard Liu Changting's entanglement, Yang Xinyi and Zheng Feng couldn't help snickering next to them, how proud of their old friends that they had successors, when they found out that the successors did not follow the path of Xuanmen Faxiu, they ran When I went to practice Buddhism, I felt so depressed.

He most despises those Buddhist cultivators who want to be compassionate and purify all sentient beings, but refuse to take action.

I played in the temple near my home, and then I became a Buddha when I was a child. After my grandmother knew about it, she told everyone about your identity, brought up the inheritance of our family, and asked me to switch to practice. know this

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