Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1123: Everyone's shock

Everyone in each game also saw this scene. The original demons were still waiting for the opportunity to prepare to stop the magic thirteen.

But now ... it doesn't seem to be necessary at all.

Oh my God!

What did they see?

Seeing Gao Peng completely ignored the attack of Demon Thirteen, and did not move at all from start to finish. The whole person stood there after a minute, and this feeling made all the people present scared.

The same is true of the Qingliu Emperor and others. In life, they have become desperate for coming to this place, but now when they see Gao Peng being so fierce, they are also trembling.

There was no hope anymore.

But now they immediately gave them a hint of hope. Maybe they couldn't be killed so easily. After all, Gao Peng is showing such fierceness now, maybe they still have a chance.

"It seems ... we really despise him completely. Doesn't it mean that we are relatively safe this time? At least it will not be so easy to be discovered by others, and we do not need to be too afraid of others. Killed. "

"He has such a powerful power, so it will definitely be used by these demons, and you won't be angry with us at that time, we still have a great chance to escape from here."

With such an idea, the three of them feel much better, and they are no longer as unhappy as before, because now they can see the hope of living.

In the beginning, because Gao Peng was doing it all the time, they were really scared, and they were discovered directly by these demons, and eventually everyone was dealt with. But now seeing Gao Peng's strength, this makes them feel relieved a lot, at least it will not be so easy to be killed by those guys.

Then they are not so dangerous.

As long as you don't make big mistakes, nothing needs to be feared.

Except for the three of them, the demons were the only ones who felt the most shock. After all, they thought that Gao Peng would be miserable, and they might even be killed by the angry demo 13.

So they are ready to stop the magic thirteen, but now when they see clearly what is going on, they really know how wrong they were thinking before.

This is not at all a matter of stopping but not stopping.

It's because the magic thirteen can't shake this newcomer at all. This makes them feel particularly shocked, because they naturally know how powerful the magic thirteen is, and what kind of realm they are in.

This will make them feel particularly shocked!

"My God, I feel that I have hallucinations. The newcomer's strength is so powerful. Has he been promoted to the realm of spirits? But he has not opened his racial talent at all, how can he be promoted to the spirits? What about the realm? "

"Some can't believe it! I don't know how he was promoted, but I think there must be a secret in his body, but a little secret is understandable for so long.

"It is estimated that what kind of opportunity has been encountered before, otherwise it would never be possible to enter the realm of spirits and souls, which is interesting, originally thought it was just a weak person."

"But it seems obvious now!"


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