
The one who led Gao Peng and others to return, rubbed his chin and looked at Gao Peng. At this time, he really felt really interesting. He didn't find Gao Peng's strength at first.

Because he didn't care about it at the beginning, after all, the weak is the weak, after all, it just can't attract his attention.

Even if he could afford the racial talent in the end, the strength would be just that, but now when he finds that he is a bit oversight, Gaopeng is a realm of spirits.

This is interesting!

Because Gaopeng did not turn on his racial talent at all. If he turned on his racial talent, his strength would become stronger.

It is already a spirit realm without turning on the racial talent, then once the racial talent is turned on, it will become even more amazing, so he will feel particularly interesting.

The demons around him also agreed with him, don't look at them like other demons, but their identities can be very different from ordinary modules.

Otherwise, they will not be appointed to collect the source of evil, it is absolutely a great trust in them, so they will be allowed to go.

Moreover, their strength is also strong enough, and they will not be easily killed by others. Even if the abyss demons want to kill them so easily, it will not be easy.

Therefore, these people have absolute rights.

When they found that Gaopeng was different, this could not help but make them pay more attention to Gaopeng.

"It seems that he can be listed as the focus of attention. Although his racial talent has not been turned on for the time being, but once it is really turned on, his potential will be even more terrifying than others."


"It is estimated that there is an opportunity when he wanders outside, so that he can improve his strength so much. It seems that it is really a little strong. I just don't know if he can grasp this opportunity."

"It's true too, just don't know if it can pass."

"Passing should be no problem. As long as the blood of the Demons is flowing in his body, there will not be much problem, and he should be able to open his racial talent. After all, relying on his current strength, It wo n’t be a big problem. "

"But there may be accidents."

"Of course, other exceptions will not be ruled out, but I am even more convinced that he can definitely pass, because you see that he now has such terrible strength, and with his own luck and opportunities, he can mix them up. To that extent. "

"Not to mention giving him a chance?"

This statement is somewhat magical.

However, other people also agree with it, after all, it is indeed the case. People like the magic beads, if they do n’t understand their blood, and have not opened their racial talent, it may really be easy to die outside. .

In addition, many people have animosity towards them, but there are countless enemies. If it is really discovered by others, it will be a disaster.

That's why they feel fine.

Even when Gao Peng didn't know, he was completely included in the focus of attention, and was also more concerned by others.

He was inexplicably involved in unknown risks, and he did not even know it.


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