Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1161: Left ear in right ear out

"Oh ... it turned out that I couldn't do anything outside of it, I just had to enter the talent pool. I should have said it earlier ... Otherwise, I thought I could do it everywhere."

Gaopeng's look suddenly realized, which directly made Moyan feel special speechless, and sometimes you really did not know how to say.

Especially when facing Gaopeng, the feeling is especially obvious.

Mo Yan didn't say a word, and he even got stuck in his throat stiffly. This feeling was so uncomfortable that he looked at Gaopeng so quietly.

Gaopeng didn't look at Moyan, nor did he find that the other person was staring at him. Gaopeng kept looking at other directions, especially the arrogance of the demons.

He was taken care of the most. In fact, at this time, it was obvious that there was a hint of provocation and provocation in his eyes. After all, since these guys could not shoot at all, why should they be so easily let go?

"Except for those who want to open up their racial talents here, can those factions do?" Gao Peng asked suddenly.

Moyan was a little stunned, but he quickly answered: "It's not the same. Whoever shoots, all the people in his entire faction will be disqualified, and can no longer enter the talent pool."

"Oh ~"

Gao Peng nodded thoughtfully, and his voice was deliberately longer, only to see that his eyes had been staring at that side.

Suddenly, Moyan had a very bad hunch. He didn't think he should tell Gao Peng about this. Maybe he wouldn't have that feeling if he didn't tell him.

This premonition is particularly wonderful.

He didn't even know what was going on, but the next second he really knew that his hunch had come true. Why was there such a bad hunch? Because he only saw Gao Peng take a step forward, and even his eyes combined with the expression on his face, the whole action was particularly embarrassing, but at this time he also said something even more sour People blasted "Mao".

"For a long time, you old guys ca n’t do the same. Since they ca n’t do anything, what are you guys arrogant about there?”

"A bunch of scum!"

All of them are stunned.

The next second, the crowd at the scene exploded directly. They never thought that there would be a person who looked down on them so much, and even challenged and provoked in public.

It's just terrible!

Just seeing all people's eyes can almost kill people, just looking at Gao Peng, even the breath on them was surging.

There was chaos in the void.

The magic rock is also stunned. This "fuck" is simply too good. After all, he already had a bad hunch just now, but when he saw Gao Peng's "fuck", he didn't know What to say.

Should it be fortunate or distressed?

That's not the same as him at all, and now that he finally found Gaopeng, he is even more arrogant than him, even arrogant.

But others are within the rules, and no one can move him at all, but Gaopeng doesn't want to think about it, what if he waits for him to go out?

Or is he in the talent pool?

Couldn't he just think about his situation? He even said such things that irritated others.

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