Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1162: Out of bounds

Gao Peng saw those people all look angry, even the breath on his body has been surging, but in the end, all of them firmly controlled their tempers, and looked at Gao Peng so angry.

If they can, they can't stand their temper, and at this time they really want to tear Gaopeng alive.

Never been so angry!

I never wanted to kill people that way.

But now everyone wants to kill Gao Peng. I have never seen anyone dare to insult them in public. This is just trying to die! !!

When Moyan didn't know what to say, and he was not good at persuading others, don't pay attention to what he said. Every strong man has his own dignity. Now basically he can be said to be in public.

Whatever he said didn't make sense.

Even if he is in this position and has this strength, they may not be able to persuade them. If they are repressed, they will end up in trouble.

He was really speechless at this time. If he felt that uneasy feeling, he would stop Gaopeng directly, and such a thing would not have happened.

But everything is late ~

"I'm going ... this guy can really cause trouble, and just now told him not to" chaos ", but to know that there are people outside the sky, but now he's causing me such a mess."

"Don't he know how to write dead words?"

Magic Rock is completely speechless now, and even he himself wants to repay Gaopeng, he has never seen such an arrogant person, and he is still arrogant in front of everyone.

That shouldn't be too much!

However ... it was clear that Magic Rock had some misunderstanding about arrogance, and then he saw what was called true arrogance.

Gaopeng glared at them.

"What? Want to do it with me now?"

"You can think clearly. If you do it, then all of you will be disqualified. I have to think carefully and do it again. Don't make regretful things as soon as you are impulsive."

It was as if a basin of cold water was splashed on everyone's forehead, making them already angry expressions, and they froze for a moment, and their facial expressions were a bit distorted.

Ben was very angry, but for the sake of the overall situation, they had to put their own tempers on them, which made them feel uncomfortable.

And at this time they also gritted their teeth and looked at Gaopeng, never seeing such a disgusting person, how could this guy be a person of the same race as them? It's simply too irritating.

Everyone is also a kind of speechless, never seen such a brazen person, and from the inside to the outside, "exposed" a base taste.

And it's the one that's particularly obvious.

Gaopeng is not polite to them at all, even if a lot of people have been patient for a long time, they have even been exposed.

But he's not afraid!

There is no need to worry about others, let alone these guys are completely incapable of doing anything now, what is there to worry about?

"Did you come to touch me? If you do n’t kill me, then you will beat me up. I really feel that I am uncomfortable, especially when I see your ugly faces. Comfortable."

"Otherwise ... you guys should do it to me? How?"

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