Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1184: Absorb magic

"Since I can choose my own lower limit, naturally I have to improve my magic energy as soon as possible, reserve more magic energy, and then open up my racial talent at that time, for now it is not urgent."

"Wait until the magic can save a certain amount, and then consider whether to turn on your racial talent."

"But ... it's most important not to go for the time being. I'm still waiting here for a while. I have to wait for those guys to show up."

Gao Peng looked around a little, and finally he sat up straight in the air, and now his body felt strangely heavy, and he had to adapt to the current feeling.

Especially he wants those guys who are waiting for you, since those guys don't say he wants to trouble him? Then just wait here.

As it happens, he can also improve his strength, which is definitely the best result, and it can also absorb a lot of magic energy here.

Although the absorbed magic energy is slightly less, as long as you can improve your realm, you can really go to the most central area.

Therefore, at this time, he was not in a hurry at all, and slowly started to absorb the magic energy here. Anyway, as long as he can save his magic energy as soon as possible, he can start his final talent at that time.

What's more, there is definitely someone who can promote him for a while, this is definitely ... the coolest!

After all, someone comes directly, and he can improve his realm, it shouldn't be too cool! "Hurry up, guys. Did n’t you all clamored and wanted to abolish me? Now I'm waiting for you at this door. Don't let me down . "

"Otherwise, I will have to go to you one by one slowly, and when I find it, I will not be so kind to you."

Gao Peng absorbed all kinds of magical energy while closing his eyes, and muttered to himself, if someone really heard him here, he would definitely feel particularly shocked.

It's very good that others don't come to your door. He even wants to go to others one by one, and even wants revenge.

Why is this guy's heart so big?

Of course, he now also feels that there are not many magical energy he absorbed. He also wants to leave this place as soon as possible, but if he doesn't want to improve his realm as soon as possible, there is no need to stay in Here.

Looking at the amount of magic energy stored in the system, he felt a special speechlessness. He also stayed here for a while, but the absorbed magic energy was very poor, even less than 1%.

This is a blow to him!

"This speed is really too slow. If you continue this way, you don't know when you can fully turn on your racial talent. Although the system has been officially declared, even if the magic power is not full, it is the same. You can turn on racial talent. "

"But what I want is the most invincible. How can it be just to barely open the racial talent?"

"But if you are here, you don't know how long it will take before you can turn on your racial talent. It seems necessary to take a look there."

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