Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1185: Block the door

"Why is this guy so slow? I've been waiting here for so long. If they don't show up anymore, I have to go to a place with more magic as soon as possible."

"It's a waste of time here, otherwise my magic can be more than just that."

Gao Peng shook his head here and basically adapted to the gravity here. He caught him off guard at first, but now he is completely unaffected by the gravity.

Although the speed will be slightly slower, but he has not felt so uncomfortable, what he is most uncomfortable now is that no matter how much it is absorbed, the magic energy reserves have not increased.

And he basically didn't feel the increase of magic power. This feeling was really uncomfortable. He really wanted to open his racial talent as soon as possible, and if he was here, he did n’t know when and where he could Fully reach 1%.

This feeling is really uncomfortable!

"A bunch of **** guys ... one by one said that they wanted to abolish me, but now where have you been? I have blocked your door here, and you can never get around this one Entrance. "

"Don't you guys be able to come in now? Or is that old guy not letting you in at all?"

Gao Peng felt a little annoyed afterwards, because he seemed to find something wrong. If the old man didn't let those guys in at all, wouldn't it mean that he was basically waiting here for nothing?

This feeling is simply too bad! !!

But he has been waiting here for so long now, he doesn't want to leave anymore, he has already waited here anyway, so he has to wait for those guys to appear quietly. Anyway, you have to improve your own strength, so take those guys to improve your realm, and you can just teach them, otherwise, when he is storing up the magic energy, there is some The eye-opening guy came to harass him.

That's a little unforgivable!

Therefore, only to see that he didn't let other thoughts influence his thought at this time, he just absorbed the magic energy while watching the entrance.

Uh ...

Not long after, when a series of sounds suddenly sounded at the intersection, he only saw that he slowly changed to "dew" and smiled, because he already felt other breaths appeared in it.

Make him feel particularly excited!

These guys finally appeared, otherwise his blockade would have no meaning, and there are definitely people who can improve his strength.

At that time, he can make a breakthrough in his realm, and soon after, he will also be able to open his racial talent. As long as he thinks about it, he feels particularly cool.

This feeling of slowly increasing strength is simply too much fun!

Those who just entered the Demon Tianjiao, they have not fully adapted to the gravity here, and just after entering, all of them fell from the sky.

Some of them even made screaming noises, and they didn't know what they thought, but all of them were a little uncomfortable.

However, Gaopeng found something wrong.

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