He didn't even notice it at the beginning, because he just wanted to harvest all the people and then extract the blood of the other party.

However, at this time, he felt a little bit stubborn. Why is it different from what he imagined?

His realm has indeed been elevated.

But he had been expecting that the power of bloodlines had not improved at all, and that he had already extracted all the bloodlines just now.

This should be promoted now, but he felt particularly inexplicable. Why didn't he get promoted?

Gaopeng turned on the system beep, because he had no time to pay attention to the system beep at such a fierce harvest just now.

At this time, when he noticed, he felt a special speechlessness, and indeed killed all the pride of the demons.

Also extracted the blood of the other side.

When it is extracted to a certain degree, it can indeed give it the ability to enhance the power of blood vessels.


At this time, he found that he was very wrong. There were 100 people in this talent pool. Theoretically, the 100 people were just enough to improve his bloodline.

However, even if he completely missed a point at this time, that is, he is also included in it, so the 100 people can only be regarded as 100 people if they are included.

Otherwise there are just 99 people.

Just like him now, he only extracted 99 bloodlines, but he is still the last ...

auzw.com This made him feel special egg pain.

What's going on?

It was really speechless. He stood alone for a long time and didn't speak. He really didn't know how to describe the mood at the moment, and it felt like a roller coaster.

Makes people really speechless.

Originally, he really thought that he could improve his bloodline, but who knows that it will become like this, it is almost a little bit, so where did he get the last bloodline?

And he heard that all Tianjiao is already here, doesn't it mean that he can't improve his bloodline?

After doing it for a long time, he was actually doing useless work, which made him feel particularly frustrated. If this is the case, then he would not be able to shoot so easily.

Well now, everyone has been killed by him. When you go out, others will be blamed by others.

Moreover, he may violently reveal his identity, and even now he has finally not raised his bloodline, and he does not know if the bloodline of his own body will work.

But that's the only thing now, or else there will be nothing left.

"Well, bad feeling."

"Why is it the last one? I heard that all the Devil's Tianjiao are already here. Where does this go to find the last person with the blood of the ancient Demon?"

"Isn't this a pit?"

"It's just too irritating. There is only the last one left. If you give me one more, it won't be so uncomfortable. Seeing that my bloodline can already improve, why What is the last one? "

At this time, Gao Peng was just going crazy, but he didn't count it, it was still the last one.

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