Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1218: Take all resources

Seeing the power of his bloodline, he was promoted, but being stuck at this key point directly made him feel a special burst.

But at this time he had no other way.

After all, all the demons Tianjiao have been killed by him. In fact, at this time, it is not easy to find such a person with the blood of the ancient demons.

So ... no matter how distressed he was, there was no other way.

"Well! It seems that I can only think of another way, but now I have to clear it as soon as possible and be tortured by more. Otherwise, I simply cannot open my racial talent."

"As for the power of the bloodline, when you go out and see if there are any people who have failed in the ancient demons, you will be promoted as soon as possible if you travel, otherwise there will definitely be danger in this demons of."

"It's better to improve your strength as soon as possible."

He doesn't know what kind of danger there is, but he wants to improve his strength as soon as possible, and at the same time make his strength stronger than the same level.

This is what he needs to do now.

Things that even the old people are worried about, then he thinks that it can never be solved so easily. It is better to improve their strength as soon as possible.

Realm does not matter, but he wants to improve his physique and blood power as soon as possible. If he is as strong as possible, all the troubles may be solved.

It is because of this idea that he will want to improve his bloodline as soon as possible, and because of the way to improve, he will want to improve as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect it would get stuck in the most critical step.

This may be doomed to heaven.

However, he didn't bother too much. Since he can't improve for the time being, he will focus on opening his racial talent.

Naturally, his physique cannot be improved for the time being, because currently he has not found an enemy that is comparable to him or even stronger than him.

This made him more troublesome.

Because in this way he simply cannot improve his physique, so his ability to improve is also relatively limited.

As long as he thinks of the realm, it can definitely be improved. After all, there are so many people who are higher than him. If he wants, he can definitely improve his realm as soon as possible.

But that is the blood pressure and physical fitness is more troublesome.

But ... there are more important things to do now.

That is to save the magic energy, open your racial talent, this is the most important thing.

Gaopeng did not hesitate at all, and flew directly towards the center. Although gravity can be adapted slightly here.

However, the magic energy reserves here are too small. If he is allowed to stay here, I do n’t know how long he will be able to truly save him to 100%.

Then you might as well rush to the middle.

That can also make his reserve of magical energy faster, which is already the best method at present, not to mention he has occupied all the resources now.

No one followed him to grab these magical energies.

Without such resources, it can't be wasted so easily, it must be used properly.

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