"51% ..."

"60% ..."

"88% ..."

Over time, Gopeng's stored magic energy has been increasing, and it has almost reached the critical point of 100%.

At this time he also really understood that it was not so easy to open up such terrible racial talents. He has been here for a long time alone.

not to mention……

He still has a system to help him absorb these magical energies. If he can rely on a person's ability, it is basically impossible to absorb so many magical energies.

The racial talent finally turned on can be imagined.

In addition, the amount of magic energy in a human body can never be much, which also shows that even if other demons have turned on their racial talents, their talents are not very powerful.

It was nothing more than a seal. The seal of their realm was completely lifted, but there was not much magic in their body, and it was simply not enough for them to splurge at will.

As for their racial talents, although they are all similar, there are still some differences, so everyone's magic energy reserve is not only the key, but when you turn on your racial talent, the magic energy reserve can also bring you more power. Racial talent.

This is also crucial.

Others did not understand this at all, that is, because Gao Peng had a system, he understood deeply what it was for.

auzw.com Everyone's magic energy reserves are estimated to see how he can absorb himself. If he can't absorb himself, then he can't open his racial talent.

And once it can be absorbed autonomously, then this person can certainly open up his racial talent, but how much can be absorbed can determine their reserves.

Is racial talent strong?

These are already destined, they do not have such a system as Gaopeng, so they do not understand all these things.

But Gaopeng understands!

And this is something he discovered while staying here. If it weren't for the fact that he was absorbing these reserves of magical energy, he wouldn't have known it at all.

He does not practice by himself, so when he absorbs the magic energy, he is completely in a daze, or think about how to get out of here.

That's it, he slowly researched it out.

If you let other people know, it will definitely surprise your chin. Who can think of such a thing as flickering?

"I don't know if anyone else knows this. If they know that they can freely control their magical reserves, or if they can make their racial talent more powerful, they will absolutely be crazy?"

"In my observation of them, they should also not know much about it, because everyone else just thought that only by entering here can the racial talent be turned on."

"And turning on racial talent is entirely based on their own abilities, but if they also know the secrets, they will not have such an idea."

"Well ... unfortunately, if I were really a demons, maybe I could really help them, but I'm not familiar with them at all."

"If you don't kill them, they can burn the incense, how can you tell them such a secret thing?"

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