Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1229: Gaopeng's concerns

It took Gao Peng a short period of time to basically "touch" everything in it.

At the same time, he finally understood why some people have high or low magic energy reserves, which is also a problem related to them.

But now that these are basically useless, anyway, this time he can also make his magical power reserve complete, and then turn on the racial talent.

Basically will not come to this place again.

So he doesn't have to think too much about these things at all, and it has nothing to do with him anyway.

On the contrary, what he needs to care more about now is how to deal with the problems he faces, and then he will need to face them more.

After all, he has completely killed all the demons Tianjiao. If no one goes out, he will definitely doubt him.

And at that time, there is still a unified test ranking, so if only he appears alone, wouldn't he want to "show" stuffing?

Unless he comes to a demons to tear his face, he will not be afraid of tearing his face, the only thing he is most afraid of is that if this one thing is implicated in the Emperor and other people.

Then he felt a little bit guilty.

Those guys are already unlucky in their own right, and they will finally enter this demonic territory with him. At this time, they have to be implicated by him, and think about it.

"These guys are really miserable ... Since they have followed me, it seems that they have not gained any benefit, but they have always been intimidated. I really don't know how they spent it."

"They hated me for a long time, right?"

Gao Peng shook his head with a smile and a cry, in fact, he didn't know that things would turn out like this, after all, he just wanted to help the three of them at first, but his speed of promotion was too fast. Fiction baby novel network br> Other people simply can not keep up with the speed of his strength improvement, the final thing can be imagined.

The three of them will also drift away, it is basically impossible to keep up with the speed of Gaopeng, and what they encounter will be more dangerous.

Relying on the strength of the three of them, it is basically impossible to stay in such a place, but in fact they are too unlucky now, even if you want to get out, it is not so easy.

Think of it all as unlucky.

The reason Gao Peng considered so much was that he didn't want these three people to be involved in him.

He doesn't need to worry about himself when he is alone, and he doesn't even need to worry about any problems at all.

But although his strength is strong, it does not mean that he can certainly protect other people. If others take advantage of him, he will kill the three of them directly?

No one can guarantee this kind of thing.

This is also the case. He will feel special worry at this time. He is not afraid of tearing his face, but it is because the three of them are really finished once they tear his face.

Others are slightly targeted, and they will definitely be instantly killed by others, although it is said that other people do not pay much attention to the three of them.

After all, the strength is too weak.

But not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

No one can say these things!

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