Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1230: Racial talent turned on

"Forget it, it seems that I can only go one step at a time. If there is no way, then I will just kill them all."

"No matter what the danger is, I will slowly investigate it. I don't believe they can move me."

"Protected by me, the three of them should not have too many problems."

After thinking for a long time, Gao Peng found that there was no other way. At this time, he finally gave up, so he could only take one step at a time.

Although he also really wanted to come up with a reasonable way as soon as possible, but now he has no other way at all.

It's better to let your racial talent open as soon as possible, and then consider how to go out, not to mention that there will be some changes in time.

In fact, he also held a deadly hole card.

You can spend it safely as long as you show your hole cards. Of course, this only has a certain chance, but he feels that if he shows up, he still has a lot of confidence.

He stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, even if you think about it at this time, there is no use at all, but it will disturb his mood.

Then it's better to think about the others.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

[Magic savings completed! 】

[Race talent is now open, undead demons! !! ] Gao Peng was overjoyed to see this racial talent he had opened. Although he knew all the demons, after turning on his racial talent, his function was not much worse.

But ... his magic energy has been completely saved now. He originally thought that as long as he went out to complete, absorb a little more magic energy, that would also open up a stronger racial talent.

But now it seems he thinks too much.

But no matter what, his racial talent is definitely extremely powerful. Just looking at this name, he already feels very powerful.

What's more, at this time a particularly strange energy was flowing in his body, and he also felt what this racial talent really was, and how he should use it.

It made him feel particularly excited.

"Finally, I opened up my racial talent, and this racial talent is too powerful, the undead demons !!!"

"Except for this racial talent, then my weaknesses have been basically made up, but sometimes I have to be careful, not afraid of 10,000, just in case nobody knows, accident and tomorrow will be the first one. Come."

Although Gao Peng felt special excitement in his heart at this time, he wouldn't be so forgotten, and he knew that he couldn't be so proud of himself.

Even if he had already turned on his racial talent, it must not be so arrogant that there was no danger that would harm him.

Even if he had the system, he didn't dare to think that he would be immortal, and sometimes accidents would cause him special trouble.

So he did not dare to neglect.

But you can start your own racial talent, that is always the best, not to mention that with this racial talent, his strength has also been significantly improved.

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