Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1231: Fuzzy magic energy reserves

Feeling the changes in his own body, when he opened his racial talent, he seemed to have a special strange power, which directly acted on his body.

Moreover, the magical energy stored in his body turned into operation at once, but the strangest thing was that he couldn't feel the existence of these magical energy at all.

According to him, after all the demons have opened their racial talents, they can know their magic energy reserves, and they can also feel how many racial talents can be used.


At this time, he felt particularly strange. He simply couldn't detect the changes in the magical energy in his body, and even couldn't understand what kind of reserves it was.

This made him feel a little bit timid.

"What the **** is this? Why can others feel the magic energy reserves, but I can't feel it at all, although I know that magic can flow in my body."

"But I don't feel the reserves at all!"

"So how many racial talents can I use?"

Gao Peng himself was a little bit timid. After all, he couldn't feel his magic reserves at this time, so he was not sure to use his racial talent.

After all, if this undead demons can't handle it well, it may really become a dead demons.

This made his face "color" suddenly change.

This feeling is so bad that he never thought that such a thing would happen, and he didn't know how to describe it.

It's not easy to turn on his racial talent, but now it's like he hasn't turned on, which makes him feel particularly speechless.

So what good is it to open up this racial talent? Qiankun Tingshubr> he is really afraid that if he uses racial talent, it will really hang up, even if he can't perceive his magic energy reserves, he will not dare to try it easily.

There was a little frustration in his face.

"What the **** is going on here? Why does my body become like this? This is obviously one to improve my strength. Why did it become like this?"

"Everyone's magic energy reserves can be felt clearly, but mine can't feel it at all, which is strange."

Gao Peng felt that something was wrong. He had absorbed so many magical abilities. Naturally, his racial talent was naturally stronger than that of everyone.

Incompetent reserves are definitely the most. It is absolutely impossible to just do this, but now he feels that things have become very strange.

What kind of ghost can't you feel?

Gao Peng is also very upset in his heart, which is completely different from what he initially imagined, although he feels that the racial talent he has opened is really strong.

If his magic energy reserves are not available at all, then it will simply be unusable, and once it is actually used, it may hang up at any time, not even himself.

How can this be played?

He never thought that such a thing would happen, and now he also feels that the system is a bit unreliable.

Although the system helped him turn on his racial talent, it was simply unusable. What if he turned on his racial talent?

Too bad ...

This is completely different from what he imagined.

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