After Yang Wenyu finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Real men never look back to see the explosion, and top lobbyists never look back after speaking. What they want is this feeling of confidence.

Unless Li Shanchang says something to persuade him to stay.

But even when he walked into the yard, he didn't hear the words "Sir, please stay."

Unexpectedly, Li Shanchang ignored him...

This made Yang Wenyu feel a little frustrated, so he had to go back to the guest room and wait for a reply.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for two days, Li Shanchang was not seen again. Yang Wenyu finally couldn't help but asked to see him, but the housekeeper Li Gui only said that the master had caught a cold occasionally and was afraid of infecting him, so it was inconvenient to see him.

After brazenly lingering for three more days, Li Shanchang's 'illness' had not improved, so Yang Wenyu had to say goodbye sadly.

Li Shanchang only asked someone to seal his travel expenses, but he still didn't show up. To Yang Wenyu's surprise, it was Li Cunyi who came to deliver the money.

After stuffing a wad of treasure notes into Yang Wenyu's boy, Li Cunyi sent him out of the house.

After half a year of training, Li Cunyi no longer needs crutches, but his legs are still a little lame. The two walked out of the manor silently, and Yang Wenyu suddenly woke up and asked: "Can I come out?"

"Hehe, thanks to the old man, my brother has just lifted my ban, and I will be returning to Beijing in a few days." Li Cunyi said with a smile: "The past two years have suffocated me to death."

"Oh?" Yang Wenyu looked at Li Cunyi. It was an obvious signal that Li Shan had let him out at this critical moment and asked him to see him off.

Then he asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you have something I want you to tell me?"

"Yes." Li Cunyi nodded, stepped back to the left and right, and then Fang Fuer said: "He said - 'I am old and my life will be short. When I die, you can go do it by yourselves'."

"Oh, what else?" Yang Wenyu nodded and asked.

"No more." After Li Cunyi finished speaking, he sighed depressedly: "It seems that my eldest brother has become determined after eating the weight, and he just wants to be a coward, and let the old master go all the way in vain."

"Hahaha..." Yang Wenyu shook his head with a smile, patted Li Cunyi on the shoulder and said: "That's not necessarily the case. You taste it carefully."

"My taste?" Li Cunyi was confused. Until Yang Wenyu got in the car and drove away, he still couldn't taste two or three, so he gave up and said: "I'll taste a few!"

What annoys these scholars the most is that they don’t speak directly when they have something to say, and they always leave people guessing.


After leaving Fengyang, Yang Wenyu rushed back to Nanjing without stopping and arrived at Hu Xiang's Mansion in Hudou Lane overnight.

Hu Weiyong came to see him in his clothes and listened to Yang Wenyu's detailed account of his arrival in Fengyang. After hearing this, Hu Weiyong was overjoyed. He stood up, held Yang Wenyu's hand tightly, shook it vigorously and said, "You have made a great contribution by being able to persuade the Korean prince!"

His understanding is much higher than that of Li Cunyi, and he knows that the key point of Mr. Han's words is 'Go and do it yourselves'. As for the saying 'after I die', it is just a memorial arch that serves as both a memorial and an erection, and is of no use whatsoever.

Do you support their rebellion after death, but not while you are still alive? It doesn't make sense.

"Haha, the truth is obvious. It's just that Mr. Han was blinded by comfort and fear. I just woke him up." Yang Wenyu took out his hand without leaving a trace to prevent Huang Er from being shaken away.

"Okay, okay, I don't have to worry about anything anymore!" Hu Weiyong excitedly waved his fist and said, "I will order the north to take action as soon as possible and send the general on his way!"

"What about here?" Yang Wenyu asked anxiously: "Once the news of Xu Da's assassination reaches the capital, the emperor will definitely step up his guard and it will be difficult to take action again."

"In fact, the opposite is also true. If the general knows the news of the emperor's assassination, he will return to his military camp as soon as possible. At that time, no one can try to take advantage of him." Hu Weiyong said solemnly:

"So the north and the south must take action at the same time, with a difference of at most two or three days."

"This is so difficult." Yang Wenyu was worried for him.

"Yes, the only time the general has the opportunity to take action is when he returns home, but the general is nowhere to be found all year round. Fortunately, there is no end to the road, and our people have a way to call him home." Hu Weiyong said slightly proudly:

"As soon as the date is determined over there, we can start taking action at the same time here."

"Hu Xiang is so meticulous." Yang Wenyu exclaimed in admiration: "If you calculate mentally but not intentionally, you will succeed in one fell swoop."

"I accept your good advice!" Hu Weiyong smiled faintly. As favorable conditions continued to gather, he finally felt that he had a chance to win.


Although Hu Weiyong looked forward and backward, and seemed to be moving forward too long, once he started to make moves, he acted vigorously and uncontrollably.

That night, he wrote a secret letter and gave it to Hood.

At dawn the next day, on a painting boat on the Qinhuai River, a female historian carried a pigeon cage onto the poop and opened the cage door.

In the cage, the professionally trained homing pigeon spread its wings and flew out, heading straight towards the northern sky.

Three days later, after a relay, another homing pigeon flew to Peking City, which looked like a large construction site.

The pigeon circled in the sky above Beiping City to identify its direction, and landed in a secluded alley in Houhai.

A rickety old man with a sad face caught the carrier pigeon with both hands, took off the small bamboo tube from its leg, and then placed it back in the pigeonhouse.

The old man went into the house and closed the door, lit the oil lamp, poured out the secret letter from the small bamboo tube, and pulled out an inconspicuous "Yanbei Magazine" from the bookshelf, and then looked for the corresponding words in the secret letter.

Every time you find a word, write it down on a piece of paper and you can decipher the secret message.

After reading the instructions from the south, he burned the secret letter and the deciphered note and inserted the book back into the bookshelf. Then I left the room and got busy in the kitchen...


At dawn the next day, the old man pushed a cart filled with baskets, barrels, tables and chairs, and slowly walked out through the streets and alleys to Deshengmen Nei Street, south of Shichahai, and started walking along the roadside. A stall sells breakfast.

The style of breakfast for the elderly is relatively monotonous. They only sell a few southern breakfasts. The taste is also too sweet and does not meet the local tastes, so the business is very deserted.

However, there are also people from the south who regularly support me. For example, Fu Shou, the disciple of the nearby General's Mansion, comes over for breakfast from time to time.

Today Fushou came to the breakfast spot on time again. He is tall, fair, and has a very elegant manner. He is worthy of being the "face" of the General's Palace.

"Good morning, Mr. Fu, are you still the same?" the old man greeted warmly.

"Yeah." Fushou nodded and sat down in a corner.

"Okay." The old man responded and quickly served breakfast. While placing the dishes, he said in a voice like a gnat: "Get started as soon as possible. The date will be reported immediately."

After speaking, he raised his voice and said, "A drawer of xiaolongbao and a bowl of sweet tofu pudding. Use them slowly."

"Okay." Fushou took the chopsticks handed over by the old man and nodded seriously.

After finishing breakfast in a hurry, he got up and left, forgetting to pay for the meal.

"Hey, Mr. Fu, you are so forgetful." The old man caught up with him again and begged for food money. He took the opportunity to warn him in a low voice: "Don't make any mistakes. I will wait for you for ten days at most. By then, you and your wife will be together." The scandal will reach the ears of the general."

Fushou was so frightened that he trembled. He hurriedly paid and whispered: "I know, I'll do it as soon as possible."

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