Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 781 A knife on the head

Fushou returned to the General's Mansion in despair and sat in the concierge for the whole day.

Fortunately, the general was not in the mansion and there were no guests visiting, otherwise he would have had to get out of the trap.

He was filled with regret now. He hated himself for being so obsessed with sex that he couldn't resist his wife's seduction and secretly got together with her. I hate that I made a mistake while drunk and actually told this secret...

Fu Shou had never studied psychology, so he didn't know that people were often like this. The more secrets they kept in their hearts that they didn't dare to tell, the more they subconsciously wanted to tell others. Many murderers who have been hiding for many years are exposed like this.

Although he didn't kill anyone, he had sex with the dignified Lady Wei Guogong... Even though he was being slept with, the excitement level was much higher than killing someone.

Ever since he was put to sleep, he was always worried that he would be discovered by the general at any time. Whenever there was any disturbance, he would be so frightened that he could not breathe. Therefore, he had insomnia all day long and was under great pressure. He could only rely on drinking to relieve his anxiety.

But I forgot that there is a saying called "drunk gaffe". That day, he was drinking again at the Hu's Restaurant where he often went. When he was drunk, a drinking buddy named Pan began to brag about the kind of women he had slept with.

The guy surnamed Pan was a romantic man and slept with hundreds of women, not only women from all over the world, but also many women from good families, and even the concubine of the prefect, making other people envious of him. No, they say Pan Geer's life has not been in vain.

Fu Shou prided himself on being a talented person, and he usually had a different relationship with Pan. He couldn't bear the limelight, so under the instigation of Jiu Jin, he said with a loud tongue: "All the women you have slept with are not as good as the women I have slept with." A weighty one.”

"Just brag!" The man surnamed Pan naturally didn't believe it and taunted him loudly: "Unless you sleep with your wife, do you have what it takes?"

"Hey, I'll let you talk." Fushou endured his pounding heartbeat and told the secret hidden in his heart.

"Fuck..." As soon as he said this, the two drinking buddies were sobered up. Another man named Ma shouted angrily: "You two don't want your lives! What nonsense are you talking about!"

"That's it, don't brag for the sake of face, are you going to kill everyone!" The man surnamed Pan was also anxious.

Fushou was still drunk and said, "Don't you believe it, and I'm telling you, I was still seduced..."

Before he could finish his words, his two drinking buddies covered his mouth to prevent him from continuing.


After Fu Shou sobered up, he didn't even remember saying this, but the speaker didn't mean it and the listener did.

A few days later, he was invited to Meishan by his drinking buddy named Ma. As soon as the man arrived, several burly men swarmed up from the grove, hung him upside down on an old crooked tree, and tortured him about the details of his affair with Mr. Xie.

Only then did Fu Shou realize that he had been targeted. The man named Ma was the spy sent by Hu Weiyong to get close to him deliberately.

A man like him, who is weak-willed in front of women, naturally couldn't help but torture him. After a few moments, he poured beans out of a bamboo tube - and gave up everything.

The man surnamed Ma also specifically asked him to describe in detail the time, place, words spoken, and gestures used for each affair... and finally asked him to sign the confession.

If this confession fell into Xu Da's hands, he would be cut into a stick and his family's ancestral graves dug up. Xu Da would be polite. Therefore, Fushou could only obediently let him control him.

He originally thought that the other party would ask him to help gather some information at most, but he didn't expect that such a big job would come in just over a month.

The man named Ma actually asked him and Mr. Xie to find a way to poison Xu Da's food. When they were having breakfast before, the old man quietly gave him a small porcelain bottle, which contained the finest Hedinghong...


In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

Fushou thought about it all day long and came to the realization that he had no other way out but to do as he was told.

The door of the mansion was closed, and his errands for the day were over, and he could spend the rest of his time as he pleased.

Fushou left the concierge and went to the back-yard dining room to have dinner. There are only about a dozen male servants in the house, and it is impossible to open another stove for them, so they all have to come to the back kitchen to eat.

Although the name of the General's Mansion may be deceiving, it is only Xu Da's residence in Beijing and cannot be compared with the Duke of Wei's Mansion in Nanjing. Xu Da spent most of his time living in the military camp or patrolling the border, and spent very little time in the mansion. So there are only about ten male servants in the house who look after the door, clean the house, and mow the garden.

Although Mrs. Xie brought more than twenty maids and wives, the men and women in the house were separated. The female family members ate and lived in the inner courtyard and did not usually see each other.

Therefore, there is no one in the huge outer house on weekdays, and it is even more deserted at night... Anyway, there are troops stationed outside the General's Mansion, so the male servants don't have to stay on duty all night. They just put down their jobs and get together to play money until midnight.

Fu Shou came in and had no interest in playing around with money. After eating, he said he was sleepy and wanted to go back to the concierge to sleep.

The disciple is a popular figure in any house, so others can't care about him and let him take care of himself.

Fushou walked halfway along the path that connected the front yard and the back seat. He looked around and saw that no one was there. He spit on his hands, grabbed the rope hanging from the inner wall, and climbed up in a few moments.

I have to say that my core strength is very impressive, no wonder I can please my wife...

He happened to land on a rockery in the inner house, looked around again, and then went down to the rockery by a familiar route.

The rockery is actually hollow inside, and there are people waiting for him...

As soon as Fushou entered, a fragrant, soft and delicate body came close to him.

"Xiao Shou, why are you here?" That delicate voice was none other than Mrs. Xie.

In the past, when Fu Shou heard this voice, he felt as if he had taken the best magic medicine and immediately prepared his troops for battle. However, today, he was as holy as a Buddha, and no matter what Xie did, he did not show any reaction.

"What's the matter with you?" Xie's dissatisfied voice became hard and cold. "Is it okay or not?"

"Oh madam, a disaster is coming." Fushou grabbed Xie's hand and said tremblingly: "How can you still have such thoughts?"

"Why, who dares to touch you? I will make the decision for you, my wife." Xie's tone softened a little. It was not easy to find a handy weapon, so it's not that bad.

"It's the general." Fushou whispered: "He will know about our affairs."

"What?" Mr. Xie was just about to attack again when he heard the words and bounced away like an electric shock.

"Oh, Madam, please keep your voice down..." Fushou was so frightened that he wanted to cover her mouth.

"Don't worry, everyone in the inner house is my dowry." Xie said coldly: "Tell me what's going on?"

Fushou had no choice but to tell Mr. Xie the truth. Hearing this, Mr. Xie became furious, raised his jade arms, and slapped his big mouth, wishing to tear his bad mouth into pieces.

The snapping sound could be heard clearly at night, but no one came to check. As expected, Xie's words were true.

Fushou remained motionless and let Xie finish venting, and then reminded her: "We still have ten days. After ten days, they will send my confession to the general. Madam, please think of a way."

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