Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 111: : Where are you going this time?

Seeing the young Godzilla coming to his side, Yun Chen took a deep breath.

She gave Xue Xiaoying a wink, and the other party nodded slightly as a response.

"Go on, Boss!"

talking room.

Yun Chen dodged and rushed into the entrance of the cave, slashing at the ever-changing jellyfish in front of him.


A two-meter-high black light wave swept forward.


The Variety Jellyfish didn't react for a while, only to see one tentacle cut off by the light wave, and then the green venom splashed all over the place.


Godzilla followed closely at this time, dragging his tail and charging towards the Variety Jellyfish.

Seeing this posture, the Variety Jellyfish that was just attacked immediately reacted, and the transparent body made a sound.


"Yeah, you're really damned!"

As Yun Chen spoke, he waved the Shadow Wind Sabre continuously again.

A black light wave swept across the front, covering for Godzilla.

The Variety Jellyfish decisively shot out a highly poisonous tentacle, but it was cut off by a black light wave as soon as it was ejected.


Green blood spattered around again.

Seizing this opportunity, the young Godzilla, who rushed forward, was not afraid, and raised his big foot to kick.

But I have to say, the ever-changing jellyfish is really cunning.

Seeing Godzilla rushing up, he didn't want to fight at all.


I saw its transparent body suddenly sink towards the ground, instantly turning into a pool of green liquid.

"Want to run?"

Yun Chen decisively waved a wave of light towards the ground.


But unfortunately, the black light waves have no effect on the ever-changing jellyfish that has turned into a liquid state.

A puddle of green liquid was cut into two sections, and soon merged together again, bypassing Godzilla and flowing towards the mouth of the cave.


Yun Chen pretended to be surprised, then jumped to the left, making way for the Variety Jellyfish to pass by.

But at this moment, the corner of his mouth secretly raised an arc.


There is a surprise for you at the entrance of the cave!

The ever-changing jellyfish that turned into a pool of liquid flowed decisively to the mouth of the cave, not knowing that it had been calculated.

But right now!

boom! !

A violent flame suddenly descended from the sky.

The fire dragon with thick fists not only hit the liquid of the ever-changing jellyfish, but also sealed the entrance of the cave.

The raging fire is like a wall of fire!


The ever-changing jellyfish let out a scream, and its body changed back to its original shape again.

It was too late to speak, and an eagle wrapped in flames suddenly burst out from the wall of fire, hitting its body directly.

boom! ! !

The transparent body of the ever-changing jellyfish was completely ignited.

"Boss, this is the time!" Yun Chen said loudly at this time.

Seizing the opportunity, Godzilla has already slammed into it.

The ever-changing jellyfish wrapped in flames could not be transformed at this time, and the body was instantly knocked off by Godzilla on the side of the rock wall.

Not waiting to land.

Godzilla opened his mouth and let out a roar.

Immediately afterwards, the head slammed forward, and the giant mouth directly bit the soft body of the Variety Jellyfish, ignoring the venom on its body at all, and chewed it fiercely.

"Crack, crack..."

[Because your pet Godzilla killed a Variety Jellyfish, gain 27 experience points]

[Ding, Godzilla has been upgraded to level 20]

[Unlock New Skill: Earth Splitting Magnetic Field]

Seeing the prompt on the virtual screen, Yun Chen was stunned for a moment, then chuckled in his heart.

"Yes, my brother finally reached level 20"

Click on the [God Pet Interface] on the virtual screen with your eyes

[Soul Beast: Godzilla]

[Level: Level 20]

[Grade: Divine Pet]

[Form: Childhood]

[Skills: Whiptail, Back Slash, Bite, Earth Splitting Magnetic Field]

[Talent: Inactive]

[Magic Energy: Five Stars]

"Sure enough, I acquired a new skill, not bad," Yun Chen whispered in his heart.

Soul beasts will evolve their form every time they level up by 30.

So Yun Chen knew that there was still level 10, and Godzilla would enter his youth form.


At this time, Godzilla spit out the ever-changing jellyfish in his mouth, and because of the highly poisonous relationship on the other side, he felt a little numb in his mouth.

"Boss, are you okay with your mouth? Shall I give you some water to rinse your mouth?" Yun Chen stepped forward and asked.


Godzilla shook his head and seemed to respond that he didn't need it, and he would recover on his own after a while.

"As expected of Godzilla, even such a poisonous jellyfish dares to bite to death with his mouth," Xue Xiaoying said as she approached.

Wen Yan Yunchen smiled lightly: "That's necessary. After all, my brother can even eat nuclear bombs. It's just a jellyfish. It's not a big problem."

While speaking, he held the Shadow Wind Knife and cut open the jellyfish corpse on the ground.

But disappointingly, there is no monster spirit in the body.

"It's weird, it's said that the monsters living in the ocean don't grow spirits in their bodies? After killing so many monsters, a single piece of spirits has never appeared," Yun Chen said with a frown.

Xue Xiaoying on the side nodded: "Yes, I also discovered this problem recently. Maybe it is because of the ecological environment of the ocean, which makes these ocean monsters unable to form soul essence in their bodies."

After speaking, he added with a smile: "Of course, this is just my guess. The specific situation depends on the research results of the Academy of Sciences."

Yun Chen nodded, just about to lift the tip of the knife from the corpse.

But at this time, I suddenly found that there was something under the blade of the Shadow Wind Knife.


Slightly stunned, Yun Chen used the Shadow Wind Knife to directly pick up the jellyfish corpse, and then shook it.


Like a red egg, a mysterious object fell to the ground.

"What's this?"

Yun Chen threw the jellyfish body aside, bent over and wrapped the unknown object on the ground with a handkerchief in his palm.

"Strange, why does this look like an egg?" Xue Xiaoying stood aside and watched, she also said she didn't understand what it was.

at this time.

The unknown object in Yun Chen's palm was like a heart, thumping and beating.

"My God, what's going on?"

After speaking, I tried to hold it tightly, but I found that the thing could not be crushed.

"I don't understand either, but it shouldn't be easy from the looks of it. It's better to keep it and ask someone from the Academy of Sciences if you have time." Xue Xiaoying suggested at this time.

Wen Yan Yunchen nodded: "Well, what the teacher said makes sense."

Soon the two of them walked out of the cave together with their respective soul beasts.

At this time, an armed helicopter hovered in the sky.


Seeing this scene, Xue Xiaoying smiled: "It looks like the plane is coming to pick you up."

"Then let's go back to the village first. I'll explain some things and prepare to go to the front line." Yun Chen nodded.

that's all.

The two walked back along the dug tunnel.

After a while, he jumped out of the dry well at the back of the village.

The gunship also landed smoothly aside, the hatch opened and a man in military uniform walked down.

"Hello, Principal Yun, I'm here to pick you up"

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