Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 112: : The generation gap is deep

Seeing the person coming, Yun Chen smiled: "Okay, please wait a moment."

After speaking, he turned around and explained some things to Xue Xiaoying.

A minute later, Yun Chen turned around: "Teacher, then I'll go first, remember to call me as soon as you have anything."

"Well, you have to be careful, the front line is much more dangerous than here," Xue Xiaoying warned.

"Got it, teacher"

With a smile, Yun Chen boarded the gunship with Godzilla.


The propeller whistled and turned, and the helicopter slowly lifted into the air.

"Yunchen, you must protect yourself"

Standing on the ground, Xue Xiaoying raised her pretty face and shouted.

At this moment, Yun Chen lowered his head and waved his hand with a smile at the bottom.

The gunship hovered slightly in the air, then adjusted its direction and left slowly.

On both sides of the village entrance, the students who were sitting and resting also raised their heads.

"Headmaster, is this going to the front line?"

"Yeah, I heard that there are two huge monsters on the front line, only the principal's Godzilla can fight it"

"It's not bad that it is our principal, who is powerful and admirable"


Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Yun Chenbian took a helicopter to Nanwai in Hushan City.

Boom! !

On the endless land, countless monsters are launching a fierce offensive towards the newly established fifth line of defense.

Hu Hu Hu!

dong dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

Various missiles and lasers covered the army of monsters in front of them with firepower.

Looking down from a high altitude, it is like a blazing fireworks on the ground.

The beast masters of the major beast control groups adjusted their status again, rushed out bravely, and rushed to the battlefield with their respective soul beasts.


"Brothers, this is our last line of defense in Hushan City!"

"If this place is lost, Hushan City will be behind us, and our family will also face disaster!"

"For home, rush!"

Countless beastmasters and soul beasts launched a new round of charges under the cover of the military's firepower.

From the fifth line of defense, like a flood, it rushed forward.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the earth seems to be shaking with this battle.

The colorful stunts and soul beast skills dazzled Yun Chen, who was looking down from the sky.

But more than that, he decided to observe the two behemoths on the ground.

coax! ! !

These two huge ocean monsters, as their bodies shook slightly, countless beast masters and soul beasts were sent flying around.

However, when various skills hit them, it was like a flame falling into a pool, and it didn't have the slightest effect at all.

"Strange, these two behemoths are ferocious, but they won't make the entire Hushan City feel helpless with them. Besides, why haven't they seen the figures of the three major animal control groups?" Yun Chen frowned in confusion.

This is actually true.

The three beast-controlling groups are the most powerful in Hushan City, and it should not be difficult to deal with these two behemoth monsters.

What's more, the strength of the heads of these three animal control groups is even more unfathomable!

"This..." The officer sitting next to him opened his mouth and seemed hesitant to say anything.

Wen Yan Yunchen smiled slightly: "What? Is there anything you can't tell me?"

The officer beside him thought for a while, and then smiled: "Okay, in fact, the three major animal control groups have already gone to the eastern sea area of ​​Hushan City last night."

"Huh? Why?" Yun Chen asked in confusion.

"I don't understand this. I only know that there is a bigger crisis in the eastern sea area. If we don't solve it, the monsters here will continue to appear, and we can't kill them all," the officer said truthfully.

Although Yun Chen didn't understand what it meant, he didn't ask any further.

"Oh, I see"


In the command post behind the fifth line of defense on the other side.

Now two old men with white hair are sitting at the conference table. Directly opposite is a huge screen showing the battle scene on the front line.

One of them was a white-haired old man in a military uniform.

And the old lady who was drinking strong tea and hunched her back was named Chen Hongxia, director of the Hushan City Animal Control Bureau.

Facing these two high-ranking figures, Hu Gang, the head of the army standing behind him, didn't even dare to breathe, and could only be responsible for serving dishes and pouring water.

"The situation is not optimistic. The major animal control groups have been pushed back again." Commander-in-chief, Liu Nianhua said with his eyes locked on the screen.

After drinking a sip of strong tea, Chen Hongxia, the old lady beside her, nodded.

"Once the fifth line of defense falls, Hushan City will be completely gone"

At this moment, Hu Gang, who was just about to be responsible for adding water, suddenly heard a voice from the walkie-talkie in his ear.

So he straightened his back, and said in a sincere tone, "Boss, Principal Yun Chenyun has already arrived."

Hearing this, the two old men were stunned at the same time.

"Invite him over here"


A few minutes later, Yun Chen was led to the battle conference room.

"Hello, Principal Yun, I've heard about you for a long time. Now that I see you, I'm really young and extraordinary." Liu Nianhua had a smile on his face.

At this time, Yunchen also smiled softly: "Old man, you have won the prize"

"Headmaster Yun, let me introduce to you, this is Commander-in-Chief Liu of our Hushan Town Demon Army, and this is Director Chen of Hushan Animal Control Bureau," Hu Gang said with a smile.

Wen Yan Yunchen knew the identities of the two old men.

Can't help but take a breath.

After all, these two coughed casually, and Hushan City had to shake.

Of course, now facing the mad attack of the monster army, Hushan City has already started shaking without them coughing.

"Commander-in-chief Liu, how are you, Director Chen?" Yun Chen said neither humbly nor arrogantly.

Seeing his attitude, the two old men nodded with a smile, and then looked at the young Godzilla behind Yun Chen.

"This is Principal Yun's pet, right?"

"Yes, it's a young Godzilla," Yun Chen said with a smile.

But these two old people didn't understand much.


After all, the age is too old and the generation gap is deep, not everyone knows about Godzilla.

"The boss Godzilla originally only appeared in the movie, but I didn't expect that Principal Yun would summon it in reality. It's really amazing," Hu Gang explained.

The soul beasts in this world were all summoned from different dimensions, so although Yun Chen summoned Godzilla, it was surprising, but it was not to an incomprehensible level.

After all, there are soul beasts in the world that are more incredible than Godzilla.

"So that's the case, it looks like we are all old, old Liu, and we don't know much about new things anymore," Chen Hongxia, director of the Animal Control Bureau, said with a wry smile on her aged face.

"Yeah, it's the first time I've heard the name Godzilla." Liu Nianhua also laughed.

Hearing this, Hu Gang said restrainedly: "Boss, Godzilla is known as the king of giant beasts. If he puts it into an instant state, I think it should be no problem to deal with those two giant monsters."

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