After watching for a while outside the two classrooms, I made sure that there was no problem.

Yun Chen walked up the stairs and walked towards the classroom of Junior Apprentice Class A.

"All rise!"

"Hey Principal!"

As soon as Yun Chen walked into the classroom of Class A, Bai Ruoxi, the monitor, said directly.

The remaining forty-nine students stood up neatly.

Yun Chen smiled: "Hello, classmates, let's all sit down."

When the students are all seated.

The first class in the morning officially started.

"Before class, I'll check the homework for you on Friday," Yun Chen said with a smile.

The voice fell.

The student let out a sigh of relief.

There are also students with nervous expressions on their faces.

Bai Ruoxue stood up and handed over a stack of textbooks.

"Principal, I received a total of 45 copies"

Yun Chen nodded: "That means there are still five students who haven't handed in their homework? Who are they? Stand up and let me know each other."

With that said.

Five boys stood up in the back row of the classroom, all bowed their heads in embarrassment and shame.

Yun Chen smiled and said, "Let's explain why you didn't do your homework."

"What's the matter, principal, on weekends our whole city is in a state of combat readiness, so we don't have the time to do our homework," said a tall boy.

This made Yun Chen laugh.

"It's not a reason, you are the only five students in the class who care about the safety of Hushan City, right?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Bai Ruoxi who was standing beside him, and then added, "Look at classmate Bai Ruoxi again. He just came back from the front line yesterday and he has already done his homework. Let's look at your brothers again, are you embarrassed?"

The five boys standing in the back row bowed their heads and blushed when they were told.

"Headmaster we were wrong"

Yun Chen smiled and nodded: "It's good to know that I'm wrong. Give me my homework before school today, and I'll leave the five of you on duty this week."

"Okay, Principal." The five boys nodded in unison.

"Well, sit down"

After finishing the homework, Yun Chen opened the book and prepared to start the lecture.


In the blink of an eye, it was time for lunch.

Yun Chen was grading homework in the office when there was a knock on the door.

"dong dong dong"

"please come in"

Yue Boen pushed open the door and said with a smile: "The principal went to the cafeteria to have lunch? Or should I pack a copy for you?"

After all, the cafeteria was just put into use today, so Yun Chen also wanted to experience it.

By the way, try the craftsmanship of Mr. Ma and Mr. Yang.

"go together"

Putting down the pen in his hand, Yun Chen stood up and smiled.

Soon the two of them came to the canteen on the third floor of the college together.

"Hey Principal"

"Hello Teacher Yue"

Students passing by greeted the two of them one after another.

Yun Chen also nodded as he walked into the dining hall.

The hall of this canteen is quite spacious, with neat rows of tables and stools, which can accommodate thousands of students at the same time.

But now there are not many students and teachers in the academy, so it seems bustling.

Hundreds of students are now divided into two teams, one after another, to have dinner in front of Ma Jie and Yang Yu and his wife.

"Principal, Mr. Yue, find a place to sit first, and I'll pack the food for you and send it over there."

After seeing Yun Chen, Ma Jie, who was cooking not far away, hurriedly shouted at the top of his voice.

"No, I'll just line up with Teacher Yue, you can just continue to make meals for the students," Yun Chen said, shaking his head.

"Okay, then principal, wait a moment"

"Well, it's okay, no hurry"

five minutes later.

Yun Chen and Yue Boen took their lunch boxes and sat at an empty table to eat.

After eating a scrambled egg with tomato, Yun Chen said with a smile, "Don't say it, this tastes really good."

"Isn't it true, Principal, you can really do it, all the tutors in our academy have unique skills," Yue Boen said with a smile as he pulled the rice.

In fact, it's not really unique, but each has its own abilities.

So Yun Chen smiled and said, "That's necessary. I recruited mentors through layers of selection."

"Haha, I love hearing this," Yue Boen said with a grin.

While chatting, Xue Xiaoying also sat down with the lunch box.

"Huh, I'm exhausted"

In an instant, Yunchen felt a fragrant fragrance around her, which was the unique fragrance of Xue Xiaoying.

Smells so refreshing.

"Teacher has worked hard," Yun Chen said with a smile.

Xue Xiaoying fiddled with the hair around her ear, then took out the book from her pocket and handed it over.

"It's hard work, but it's still worthwhile. I've perfected the reward and punishment system you mentioned earlier. Let's see if you can do it."

This remark made Yun Chen refreshed, and he took over the book and read it immediately.

The more you look, the thicker the smile on your face.

In many details, Xue Xiaoying is indeed perfect and well-organized.

For example, 20 points can be awarded for full attendance every month.

Make outstanding contributions to the academy every month, which will be graded. C-level rewards 50 points, B-level rewards 100 points, A-level rewards 200 points, and S-level rewards 300 points.

The more he looked, the more satisfied he became, Yun Chen turned a page.

"Huh, my dear, even the price of the exchanged goods has been set?"

After the college supermarket is built, a bottle of Coke will cost 2 soul coins, but only 1 point is needed to exchange points.

Late Coupon: 20 points (only one can be redeemed per student per month)

Early Leave Coupon: 20 points (only one can be redeemed per student per month)

Make-up exam voucher: 40 points (each student can only redeem one per month)



Of course, for the exchange of resources, such as the exchange of soul supplements, soul tools, soul tools, and soul essence, Xue Xiaoying did not set a price.

Because of these, only Yun Chen, the principal, can set the price.

"Very good, I feel that this point reward and punishment plan can be implemented after our college builds the supermarket."

"As long as you are satisfied," Xue Xiaoying smiled softly.

It seems that she can satisfy Yun Chen, and she is also very happy.

After he finished speaking, he picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks and put it into his small mouth.

"Don't say, these two new teachers from our academy have good craftsmanship," Xue Xiaoying praised.

Yun Chen put down the book and then smiled and said, "Yes, I think the students are also very happy."

At this time, Yue Boen, who was gobbling down, raised his head and said.

"Headmaster, I will take the students to the trial grounds of the military headquarters in the north of the city in the afternoon. What's the matter with you? Would you like to join us?"

Wen Yan Yunchen pondered.

It happened to be fine in the afternoon, and he had never been to the so-called artificial trial ground.

So he smiled and nodded his head and said, "Okay, then I'll go with you to see and understand."

"Haha, the principal can walk sideways in the proving ground according to your strength. The main thing is to get familiar with the familiar environment. If I get sick and have a headache one day and ask for leave, you can temporarily stand it," Yue Boen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yun Chen smiled and said, "Lao Yue, you are the **** of war in our academy. You can't fall ill. That's a huge loss to our academy!"

This is actually a joke, and Yue Boen naturally heard it.

So he cooperated and said, "Ah? Is there so much pressure on me?"

Seeing that these two goods began to slap each other in a serious business, Xue Xiaoying sighed helplessly on the side.

Then he said to Yun Chen: "Then you go to the trial ground in the afternoon to familiarize yourself with the environment, and I will wait for you in the office at night..."

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