Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 123: : Come to the proving ground

The words are not over yet.


Yue Boen, who was drinking soup, spit it out in an instant.

The next reaction of the "old driver" made Xue Xiaoying's pretty face flush with blush.

"Then what, this soup is too hot. I haven't heard anything from the principal and Teacher Xue. You guys continue, I'll go get another bowl of soup."

Looking at this guy, he stood up and left as if he was quite sensible.

A big question mark appeared on Yun Chen's head.

"Did this guy misunderstand something?"


In the blink of an eye it was afternoon.

Yun Chen walked out of the office building and saw Yue Boen greet the students to get on the bus.

"Here's the principal," Yue Boen said with a smile.

Yun Chen walked to the school bus and nodded: "Well, how was the interview with the two drivers?"

"It's very good, they are all bright people, and they are very satisfied with their treatment. They can come to work tomorrow," Yue Boen said with a smile.

Wen Yan Yunchen also nodded with satisfaction.

"That's good"

I quickly got into the car. This afternoon, the basic apprentice class C was participating in the trial class.

The students sitting in their seats greeted Yun Chen one after another.

"Hey Principal"

"Hey Principal"

Yun Chen also responded with a smile, and then sat on the co-pilot of the school bus.

"Headmaster, let's go."

"Well, let's go"

Hearing this, Yue Boen started the school bus directly and drove towards a small road ahead.

Since the journey was a bit long, the students in the car soon began to communicate with each other.

"By the way, did Teacher Xue talk to you about signing up?"

"Sign up? Oh, you mean the basic competition, right?"

"That's right, that's it"

"Talked to me, asked me if I wanted to sign up"

"You told me about it too"

"I heard Mr. Xue say that if you get a place in the basic competition, you will be rewarded with campus points."

"Campus points? I really want to hear her say it too"

"But do you know what campus points are?"

A group of students shook their heads one after another, only to see a boy hooked his head and said to Yun Chen who was in front of him.

"Headmaster, can I ask you a question?"

Wen Yan Yunchen put down his phone, turned his head and said, "Well, you ask"

"What are campus points?" the boy asked directly.

Other students also pricked up their ears and expressed curiosity.

"Oh, what I want to ask is this. It is estimated that it will be implemented within half a month. As for the use of this point, you will know when the time comes."

Having said that, Yun Chen showed a mysterious smile: "But I can say that this point is very precious."

In fact, saying these words is equivalent to not saying it, and it is impossible to solve the mystery of the students' campus points.

But I didn't ask too much, but I was more and more looking forward to it.


Another hour or so passed in the blink of an eye, and the school bus had already driven outside the military headquarters in the north of the city.

There are high walls all around, like a huge fortress.


Seeing the school bus approaching, soldiers stationed outside the military department approached with guns.

When he approached and saw Yue Boen through the car window, the soldier laughed.

"It turned out to be Teacher Yue, who brought students to try again?"

After all, this is not the first time that I have brought students here, so Yue Boen is also familiar with it.

"Yes, what about you old Hus?"

"Captain Hu is in the main control room," the soldier laughed.

Wen Yan Yue Boen also smiled: "Tell him on the walkie-talkie, the old rules will open ten primary burrows for me"

"Okay, I'll tell Head Hu."

After finishing speaking, the soldier turned around and said to the gate guard: "Let's go, this is the school bus of the God Pet Academy"


The huge iron gate was slowly rising with electricity.

Yue Boen continued to step on the accelerator, and the school bus entered directly.

"Lao Yue, what do these ten primary burrows mean?" Yun Chen asked curiously while sitting in the co-pilot.

Wen Yan Yue Boen explained with a smile: "It's just an artificial cave, let the students go in for the test in groups of five. As for the artificial monsters in the cave, we can limit the number ourselves."

"Oh, that's it." Yun Chen nodded in understanding.


The school bus traveled on the road of the proving ground for another period of time.

Many social vehicles and even school buses from other colleges are constantly passing by.

This is not.

Another school bus overtook directly and drove forward.


Yue Boen frowned: "Uncle Cao Te, the Royal Academy is rushing to reincarnate!"

It seems that you are used to coming here, so you can know which college it belongs to when you look at the school bus.

"Who is the leading teacher of the Royal Academy?" Yun Chen asked.

Wen Yan Yue Boen pondered: "It seems to be the chief of the security section of their college, what is his name, he is an idiot. I was too lazy to give him a cigarette when I was here last time."

This made Yun Chen joking: "It's still our Lao Yue who has an identity."

"Don't make trouble, principal" Yue Boen smiled awkwardly.

Yun Chen's smile remained the same, and continued: "But I think you can get to know him."

"Huh? Why?" Yue Boen asked in confusion while driving.

"Because I know that he and Tian Dashan are very close," Yun Chen said lightly.

Yue Boen, who was in charge of driving, also seemed to have heard what this meant.

After all, if you want to know Tian Dashan's bottom line, you have to start with the people around him.

So he smiled knowingly: "This is no problem, leave it to me."

The two were talking.

Soon the school bus came to an open space in the proving ground.

In front is a man-made rockery, densely packed.

And each rockery has seven or eight caves.

"Principal, we're in the primary trial area," Yue Boen said as he pulled the handbrake.

Yun Chen nodded: "Don't worry about me, just do what you usually do. I'm just here to get familiar with the environment."

"Good Le"

Yue Boen nodded and stood up, his face turned into a fierce expression again.

"Get off and gather all!"

"Got it, Teacher Yue"

Soon fifty students got off the bus and formed a queue nearby.

"I'll start the roll call now, who's name will be called to take a step forward!" Yue Boen said in a loud voice, standing in front of the queue.

"Li Liang, Wang Qiang, Xu Guang, Hu Lin, Zhang Keke"


Five students walked out of the queue.

Yue Boen pointed to a cave in front of him and said, "No. 1 hole"

Seeing his orderly distribution, Yun Chen just stood aside without making a sound, and glanced around the open space.

good guy!

More and more people are coming nearby.

The five school buses in the front left are all from the Royal Academy.

There are three school buses behind, and the students who come down are all from Mingde College.

Of course, there are also school buses of other colleges, not to mention, too numerous to count.

If someone takes aerial photos, they will find that all the vehicles in this huge open space are like countless ants.

"This is much more lively than I thought." Yun Chen smiled softly.

But right now.

Suddenly I felt a little anxious, maybe I drank too much drinks at noon, so Yun Chen walked towards a toilet not far away...

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