Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 128: : Friendship between soul beasts

After chatting casually, Yun Chen turned his eyes to the pictures of his students' caves.

"Headmaster Hu, how does the quality of our college's students compare to other colleges?" Yun Chen asked.

Hearing this, Hu Gang chuckled lightly.

"I just told Lao Yue about this. The quality of the students in your Divine Pet Academy is really good. If you compare various data, it is much more efficient than other academies."

Wen Yan Yunchen smiled with satisfaction.

Once again, he looked at the students in the various pictures who cooperated tacitly.

So I stopped beating around the bush and went straight to the topic: "If that's the case, can the students of our college go to the intermediate trial area?"

After saying this, Yue Boen and Hu Gang were slightly taken aback.

In particular, Hu Gang said in a slightly astonished way: "Principal Yun, do you want the students to go to the intermediate trial area?"

"Yes, I have this idea." Yun Chen smiled and nodded.

"I'm afraid this is not in line with the rules. After all, the intermediate trial area is only open to the beast masters in the society, and only five people can enter." Hu Gang frowned.

Yun Chen smiled again: "So I will only arrange some top students with better strength to go to the intermediate trial area to exercise."

After all, good iron must be polished with fire.

Otherwise, students with extraordinary strength will also be placed in the primary trial area, which will only delay their efficiency in improving their strength.

"Oh, so that's the case." Hu Gang nodded understandingly and continued: "But this is really not in line with the rules, and once this first case is opened, other colleges will also require the same, and we will not be able to manage it at that time. "

Seeing that everyone said this, Yun Chen didn't force it: "Okay, then treat it as if I didn't say anything."

"Don't worry, Principal Yun, I haven't finished my words yet. You are very famous now, so it is understandable that your students enjoy special treatment here, but I have to tell the boss about this. I guess the problem is not a problem. Great," Hu Gang laughed.

Wen Yan Yunchen smiled: "That's work"

"It's okay, it's what it should be, not to mention that Lao Yue and I still have a lifelong friendship," Hu Gang said with a bold smile.


Hu Gang walked back from the door with his mobile phone in his hand and said with a smile.

"Principal Yun, as soon as our boss heard that he was your student, he agreed without a word."

This made Yun Chen very happy.

"Thank you Commander Liu for me"

After speaking, looking at Yue Boen, Yun Chen said again: "Lao Yue is responsible for you. Every time you lead a team over in the future, try to arrange a few outstanding students to go to the intermediate trial area to try it out."

"Well, principal, don't worry, I will follow the whole process when the time comes," Yue Boen said with a ticket.

Yun Chen smiled and didn't say anything, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

I don't know how high the college level is, so I can build a trial ground by myself, so that it will be convenient for students to improve their strength.


In the blink of an eye, it was already evening.

Yun Chen took the school bus from the testing ground and brought the students back to the God Pet Academy.

"Headmaster, bye"

A group of students greeted him.

Wen Yan Yunchen also smiled and nodded: "Pay attention to safety on the way back, and the homework given by the teacher today has to be completed, you know?"

"Got it, Principal"

"Don't worry, Principal, I'll do my homework first when I get home."

"Yes, you don't have to play in qualifying, but you have to write homework"

Seeing the students patted their chests to assure, Yun Chen smiled again.

Without saying anything, he turned and walked towards the office building.

Back in the office, let Godzilla play by himself.

It should be mentioned here that because of Xue Xiaoying's Hong Yu and Yue Boen's Lei Zi, they are not usually stored in the trusteeship.

So over time, Godzilla and these two soul beasts actually played together.

It even became a little friend, except for rest, there was nothing to hang out with.

"dong dong dong"

Yun Chen had just had a sip of Coke when there was a knock on the door.

"please come in"

The door was pushed open, and Xue Xiaoying walked in with a thick book and muttered curiously.

"It's strange, Teacher Yue has gone back from get off work, why is his Lei Zi still in the academy?"

"This matter, Lao Yue will accompany his daughter-in-law when he gets home, so Lei Zi is placed in the academy to accompany the elder brother. If it is used, the Horcrux will be summoned." Yun Chen laughed while drinking Coke.

"Oh, so that's the case. I said that every time I want to bring Hongyu home, it will always show reluctance. I feel that I am familiar with my brother and Lei Zi, and I want to stay and play together." Xue Xiaoying's pretty face Said with a charming smile.

Having said this, Yun Chen opened the window, and sure enough, from the moonlight, he saw Godzilla chasing Hongyu and running into the woods beside him.

And Lei Zi, who was lying on the tree, also jumped down and chased after him.

"That's not bad, at least Brother and Hongyu won't be too boring," Yun Chen said with a smile.

Xue Xiaoying next to her nodded: "Yes, this is the first time I found Hongyu so happy."

After he finished speaking, he turned around to the table and put down the thick book.

"Then let's get down to business. This is the basic skills of the Beast Master I just borrowed. You can read it when you are free."

Yun Chen nodded, then opened the book and looked at it casually.


good guy!

The densely packed small print made me feel sleepy after a few glances.

So Yun Chen sighed and closed the book: "Then what, I will read this book when I have time. What will the teacher teach me today?"

"Refining medicine" Xue Xiaoying laughed.

"Refining medicine?" Yun Chen was instantly interested.

Because he happened to be in the virtual warehouse, and there was a very good medicine refining cauldron.

This finally comes in handy.

"Yes, medicine refining is the most basic skill with the highest gold content, and it is also the most widely used."

After Xue Xiaoying finished speaking, she looked at the bookshelf beside her, and Liu Mei frowned slightly: "Huh? I remember you didn't have a microwave oven? Why is it gone?"

The microwave oven she mentioned, Yun Chen naturally knew that it was a universal forging machine, so he laughed.

"I put that away, do I need to use it?"

"Just put it away. In fact, you can use a microwave oven to make medicine, but the effect is naturally not as good as the medicine pot, so wait a minute, I'll get my medicine pot."

After speaking, Xue Xiaoying turned around and walked out of the room.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yun Chen opened the virtual warehouse, and then tapped the screen to take out the medicine refining cauldron.


With a crisp sound, a super refining cauldron like an incense burner appeared on the desk.

"Since it's a reward given by the system, and it's also called the Super Alchemy Cauldron, this thing must be extraordinary," Yun Chen muttered while rubbing his chin.

Just finished speaking.

Xue Xiaoying pushed open the door, and walked in with a similar-sized medicine cauldron and herbs.

When she saw the super refining medicine cauldron on Yun Chen's desk, her pretty face was slightly taken aback.

"Huh? Why do you also have a medicine cauldron?"

After I finished speaking, I looked at the medicine cauldron in my hand, and it turned out to be the same one...

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