Yun Chen was also slightly stunned, and then smiled: "Well, I know that the teacher is going to teach me to learn medicine refining today, so I bought a medicine refining cauldron specially."

Hearing that, Xue Xiaoying didn't think much, and nodded understandingly.

"Oh, that's what it is"

After he finished speaking, he walked to the table, glanced at Yunchen's super medicinal cauldron and asked again, "Is it such a coincidence? Our medicinal cauldron is actually the same model"

Yun Chen knew that all the special items given by the system were unpretentious in appearance, but only he could activate the magical functions.

So he said casually: "It's a coincidence, I bought it online."

"That's right, I also bought this online and spent 200 soul coins" Xue Xiaoying smiled.

Then, without talking about this topic, he opened a cardboard box and put some medicinal herbs and various plants in it.

"Teacher, can these all be used for refining medicine?" Yun Chen asked with his head hooked.

Xue Xiaoying nodded: "Yes, these are all kinds of botanical medicinal materials collected by the students from Montenegro, just for you to practice your hands."

"Well, what is the first step in refining medicine?" Yun Chen asked curiously.

If you can really make good medicine pills, you can remove some of the ones you use, and the rest can be put into the points supermarket to be built in the future to give back to the students.

"Don't worry, watch me demonstrate" Xue Xiaoying smiled.

Yun Chen opened the heavy basic skills book again, and then turned to the section of refining medicine, learning while watching.

Xue Xiaoying sorted out her words and said again.

"Actually, there are many types of medicinal pills on the market, but most of them require special equipment to be processed by a pharmaceutical factory to make them, and the medicinal skills taught by the academy can only be made by refining the Soul Alchemy Pill."

Wen Yan Yunchen nodded understandingly.

After all, although the Soul Refining Pill was the most basic pill, it was also the most practical pill for a Beast Master.

Moreover, the Animal Control Academy is a school after all, and it is impossible to reach the level of other people's professional pharmaceutical factories.

"That's the academy, it's only responsible for teaching the students to refine the Soul Refining Pill, right?" Yun Chen said with a smile.

Xue Xiaoying nodded and said, "Yes, after all, we cannot reach the level of a pharmaceutical factory due to the conditions and professionalism."

"Also, how should the teacher refine the Soul Refining Pill?"

"I'm doing a demonstration now, you look good"

While speaking, Xue Xiaoying raised her little hand and put it in the cardboard box, and took out a turquoise rattan.

"This is called Baimu Teng, don't cut it into the size of a fingernail too much with a knife, and then put it into it to make medicine."

Watching Xue Xiaoying use a fruit knife to cut a piece of Baimu Teng into her alchemy cauldron, Yun Chen firmly remembered the steps in her heart.

"Next, you need to put in 3 grams of rush grass"

"1 gram, black bark"

"1 gram, clear water platinum"



Xue Xiaoying said, weighed some medicinal materials, and carefully put them all into the medicine cauldron.

"Teacher, if there is an error in the weight of these herbs, what will be the consequences?" Yun Chen asked curiously.

"The consequence is of course the failure of refining the medicine." Xue Xiaoying smiled on her pretty face.

After saying this, he poured half a cup of pure water into the medicine refining cauldron, and then added: "This way, the prelude to refining medicine is almost the same. Don't pour too much water, just cover the medicinal materials."

"Okay, I've remembered everything, teacher," Yun Chen nodded and said.

At the same time, I was carefully observing every detail that Xue Xiaoying did.

After all, he is going to be a judge at that time. If he doesn't even know the most basic details of refining medicine, he will be laughed at.

"The next step is to start a fire, but don't use ordinary flames, use soul fires to burn"

While speaking, Xue Xiaoying raised her jade arm, her slender fingers pointing upwards.

The palm of his hand was gradually covered with a thick layer of soul power.


As the soul power gathered more and more in the palm, after Xue Xiaoying let out a coquettish sigh, poof~

A pink flame appeared in her palm.

"The heat must be mastered, and this will test the Beast Master's own soul power," Xue Xiaoying finished.

Pushing the palm slightly forward, the pink flame began to burn on the wall of the medicine refining cauldron.

Seeing her constantly using her palms and waving gently on the wall of the cauldron, Yun Chen asked curiously, "How long will it take?"

"Don't worry, this is the time when patience is needed the most, the heat must be kept well, and the surrounding temperature of the medicine refining cauldron should be controlled at the same temperature," Xue Xiaoying explained.

After three minutes.

I saw layers of red marks covering the copper wall of the Alchemy Cauldron.

coax! !

I saw Soul Fire detached from Xue Xiaoying's palm in an instant, and then wrapped it directly on the medicine cauldron.

"Once the herbs in the cauldron solidify, there will be a spirit power aura, and the soul fire will automatically burn, so basically it can be determined that the medicine refining is successful." Xue Xiaoying put down her hand after saying this.

Wen Yan Yunchen smiled with interest: "So that's what happened, the soul fire will only burn objects with soul power aura, so as long as the soul fire burns automatically, it means that the soul refining pill has been formed."

"Yes, so the next step is to wait for the soul fire to burn for a while, and then put it out."

Xue Xiaoying estimated the time, and then raised her hand lightly for a minute or so.


The soul power in his palm instantly extinguished the soul fire.

Then use a clip to take out a red elixir from the medicine cauldron.

Looking at the appearance, it looks like a lychee.

After being put into cold water to cool down, the red elixir gradually turned black, like a chocolate pill.

"Okay, this is the whole process of refining medicine, and I am lucky this time, it is a second-grade soul refining pill"

After saying this, Xue Xiaoying handed the black soul refining pill to Yun Chen.

"Second-grade Soul Refining Pill? The teacher is the teacher, it's really amazing" Yun Chen slapped his **** while looking at the pills.

The first-grade Soul Refining Pill needs to be taken continuously for ten days, and only one pill can be taken per day. After ten days, the spirit power value will increase by 1-3 points.

The second-grade Soul Refining Pill also needs to be taken continuously for ten days. After ten days, the soul power value will increase by 3-6 points.

The third-grade Soul Refining Pill, after taking it for ten consecutive days, will increase the value of soul power by 6-9 points, and so on...

"Don't flatter me, I'm lucky this time too. The quality of the Soul Refining Pill mainly depends on the details and the control of the soul fire. Okay, you should have learned it too, try it out" Xue Xiaoying gently laughed.

And Yun Chen watched it for a long time, but he couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to try it.

More importantly, he wanted to know how good his Super Alchemy Cauldron was.

So he nodded with a smile and said, "The teacher, I'm embarrassed."

"It's alright, even if you fail to refine the medicine for the first time, it's normal, you just need to follow the steps I just took and be careful not to make mistakes," Xue Xiaoying said while fiddling with her hair.

Yun Chen smiled and said nothing more.

First set up your own super alchemy cauldron, then stretch out and prepare to do it yourself!

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