Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 130: : This feud is over

Just when Yun Chen tried refining medicine for the first time, in a mansion in the south of Hushan City.

But another story happened...

"Master, you're back," said a nanny standing in the courtyard of the villa, taking the schoolbag.

Ju Ming nodded and swaggered towards the villa building.

Fortunately, his arm that was severed by Yun Chen was sent to the hospital in time, and a famous doctor was hired at home, who even connected his severed arm.

Although he is still disabled, because he has soul power, it does not affect his activities.

As soon as I opened the door and walked into the hall of the villa, I found that the elders in the family were all present today.

Even his uncle and aunt were sitting on the sofa, covering their mouths and crying.

"Dad, what's the situation? Why is Grandpa here?" Ju Ming asked curiously to the middle-aged man beside him.

This middle-aged man is Zhu Ming's father, Zhu Zhicheng.

Editor-in-chief of a newspaper in Hushan City.

"Be quiet, something happened to your cousin," Zhu Zhicheng said softly, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

This made Zhu Ming stunned for a moment, and his face was puzzled: "Cousin has an accident? What happened?"

"Go and see for yourself." Zhu Zhicheng didn't seem to be in the mood to explain, and raised his finger to a white cloth on the ground.

Ju Ming became more and more puzzled, so he cautiously stepped aside.

Squat down and uncover a piece of white cloth on the ground.

But when he saw the **** stump inside, his pupils shrank in an instant, then he turned around and vomited while covering his mouth.


In fact, Yun Chen didn't even think that the sinister and despicable Lily, whose real name was Julie, was the cousin of his old acquaintance, Ju Ming.

Now the Zhu family is completely angry.

Although they are not a famous family in Hushan City, they are still a bit of a foundation.

Before the grandson was cut into a disability and endured, but now the granddaughter has no bones left.

This feud is completely over!

"Damn! That hairy boy surnamed Yun is really deceiving!" The old man sitting on the wooden chair slapped the coffee table angrily.

His name is Zhu Gui, and he is Zhu Ming's grandfather.

In the south of the city, he is also considered a famous person.

"Father, you have to give Lily an explanation for our family. Now she has no bones left. If this revenge is not repaid, Lily will not be able to rest her eyes under Jiuquan," Ju Ming's aunt cried.

"Hey, both the military and the Beast Control Bureau have come to a conclusion. Lily's death is purely her own fault, and she can't blame the kid with the surname Yun." Zhu Zhicheng said with a sigh.

However, these words quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of Aunt Zhu Ming.

"My uncle is wrong. We have all watched the surveillance video. Lily was in danger at the time. When people face death, they will panic and don't listen to orders, but you can't kill her just like this."

This logic made people speechless, Zhu Zhicheng sighed again: "Then you should tell the Beast Control Bureau, not me."

"Okay, stop arguing!" Zhu Gui shouted angrily with a chill on his face.

However, his words were still very useful, and in an instant there was only crying in the hall of the villa.

At this time, Ju Ming also learned about it from his mother.

When he learned that his cousin was also killed by Yun Chen, flames burst from his eyes.

New hatred and old hatred ignited his anger at the same time.

"Dad, to be honest, my family Xiaoming was cut into a disabled person by that kid named Yun, and I have always remembered this grudge, but now Yunchen is too famous in Hushan City, especially after the defense battle a few days ago. After that, his influence was even more terrifying, and we didn't have the strength to fight him at all," Zhu Zhicheng said.

How could the old man Zhu Gui not understand?

The old face was still cold, he took a sip of strong tea and said with gritted teeth.

"That said, my granddaughter can't die in vain!"

"Then what can we do? We can't let our family go all out to find the surnamed Yun, right? This is undoubtedly hitting the stone with an egg," Zhu Zhicheng said with a wry smile.

This made Ju Ming's aunt angry again.

"Uncle, what do I think you've always been ambitious to others? Are you part of our Zhu family? And now it's Xiao Ming who has an accident. How can you still talk nonsense here?"

Zhu Zhicheng shrugged.

"I'm telling the truth. I'm in the news media, so I know too much about Yunchen's current strength and influence. We can't shake it at all."

"Okay, don't say a word!" Zhu Gui, the old man, slapped the coffee table angrily again.

Hearing that, Zhu Zhicheng shut up obediently.

On the contrary, his son Ju Ming suddenly rolled his eyes and seemed to think of something.

So he stepped forward and said, "Grandpa, Dad, I have a way to take this breath for my cousin."

"What can you do, a hairy boy?"

"Dad, didn't you just say it? Yun Chen's grandson is currently very influential in our city. It's not practical to kill him, but it's okay to let him be ruined. It's revenge, isn't it?" Ju Ming said with a wicked smile. .

However, after he finished speaking, the hall of the villa was instantly quiet.

Even the crying aunt raised her head and stopped crying.

"Xiao Ming, tell me what you think," Zhu Gui said thoughtfully while sitting on the wooden chair.

"Okay, Grandpa, but I can only tell you what I think." Ju Ming chuckled.

This made his father Zhu Zhicheng frown.

But don't say anything.

"Okay, come and talk to me." Zhu Gui took another sip of tea.

Ju Ming nodded and came to the old man's side, then bent down and muttered in his ear.

"Grandpa, my thoughts are like this. Isn't it going to hold a basic skills competition at Mingde College this Friday, and I know that Yunchen's grandson will be a judge, we might as well..."

The words behind him became more and more quiet.

But I saw Zhu Gui, the old man's face, instantly freeze for a moment.

He raised his head and asked in surprise, "Is this possible?"

"Grandpa, I just talked about my thoughts. As for whether it is feasible or not, you must be more thorough than me, right?" Ju Ming laughed.

Zhu Gui nodded, then stood up slowly: "Let me think about it"

This move is too big. If they accidentally miscalculate, their Zhu family will be completely lost.

So he had to weigh it carefully.


On the other side, in the principal's office of the Divine Pet Academy.

Yun Chen naturally didn't know these things, and now he was sneezing and started to burn the super alchemy cauldron with soul fire.


A pink flame appeared in the palm of the hand, and then imitated Xue Xiaoying's movements, waving gently on the copper wall of the medicine cauldron.

"Teacher, is that true?" Yun Chen said.

Xue Xiaoying stood aside and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, keep the heat"


Yun Chen used his powerful soul power to control the heat in his palm.

A few minutes later.

The flames instantly covered the Super Alchemy Cauldron, and then burned violently.


"That's right, the medicine refining was successful for the first time, and the next step is to wait for the rank of the soul refining pill," Xue Xiaoying said with bright eyes.

Yun Chen put his hand down and chuckled lightly.

"I'm also looking forward to it, what grades will I get when refining medicine for the first time?"

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