Listening to the mocking words of the girls around him, Yun Chen also smiled lightly.

This is the result of the control of network information in various cities, which has led to the fact that the animal control world in many cities is still quite backward.

Even Hushan City, a few hundred kilometers away.

Godzilla is a household name for a long time, but unless some people have been to Hushan City, not many people really know about it.

I can't even find any information and reports about Godzilla's favorite Godzilla on the Internet.

"What did you just say? Someone summoned Godzilla to be a soul beast?" Liu Man also had a sneering expression on his face.

But Yun Chen still nodded calmly.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Hearing that, Liu Man didn't speak first, but Yun Chen, who had been looking at the window all the time.

He sighed secretly in his heart, this boy is also considered a talent, but why does he feel that his nerves are abnormal.

Still Godzilla as a soul beast? Did he watch too many movies?

Of course, as a teacher, she couldn't say what she said in her heart, so she chuckled.

"Oh, that may be because I have little knowledge. I have never heard of the existence of Godzilla in this world, but let's not talk about it. What I want to say is that you are studying in our academy now, so you have to According to our teaching level and teaching method here"

Speaking of which, Liu Man continued to add: "Of course, if what you said is correct, then I will also propose changes to the school according to the actual situation."

Seeing that everyone said so, Yun Chen shrugged indifferently.

"Well, as if I didn't say anything, the answer is four categories, sea beasts, beasts, birds, and trees."

Liu Man nodded.

"Well, then you sit down"


Yun Chen sat down with a calm face, and after seeing the teacher's gaze shifted from him, he continued to open the book and read the novel.

Since he didn't believe what he said, he was too lazy to meddle in his own business.

It doesn't matter if you fall behind, it doesn't matter to him.


In the blink of an eye, it was time for class.

The girls in the class stood up one after another and walked out of the classroom together.

And Yun Chen also stretched his waist, turned around and smiled at the soft girl behind him.

"Thank you for the first time in class"

Because when he was answering questions in class just now, only this soft girl was really helping him.

Although her answer was not correct, at least in this indifferent environment, it brought a touch of warmth to Yun Chen.

"It's okay, I just said it casually"

The soft girl behind her blushed and showed a very shy expression.

He looks very cute and quiet, with big eyes and a baby face, but his personality is very delicate and restrained.

When talking to others, he likes to bow his head and show a shy look.

Yunchen grinned and continued to smile: "My name is Yunchen, what's your name?"

" name is Wang Shihan," the soft girl said with her blushing face and her head lowered.

"Wang Shihan? It's a nice name." Yun Chen followed with a smile.


Meanwhile, in the corridor outside the classroom.

Several girls in the class are getting together.

"Squad leader, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with calling us over in a hurry?"

Among the girls in the same class, the prestige of the class leader Le Yue is very high.

I saw her beautiful eyes first looking at Yun Chen who was talking to someone in the window, and then said softly.

"President Qiu of the Student Union just contacted me, let's teach Yun Chen a lesson tonight no matter what!"

As soon as these words were said, the other girls around were stunned.


"But that Yun Chen really thinks it's very powerful."

"Yeah, monitor, you have suffered at his hands, can we do it?"

Wen Yan Leyue's pretty face blushed slightly: "Will you speak, why do I suffer?"

"Huh? What should I say then?"

"Forget it, these are not important, I have already thought of a good way" Le Yue said with a blushing face and a wicked smile.

After saying this, the other girls also came to the spirit.

"Okay, monitor, talk about it"

Soon after Le Yue finished talking about her plan, the girls around her all had puffy faces with malicious smiles on their faces.

at this time.

Yun Chen suddenly sighed and walked out of the classroom door.

Ready to go to the bathroom to pee.

Seeing his appearance, Le Yue was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly signaled the sisters around her not to speak.

"Classmate Yunchen"

Hearing the voice behind him, Yun Chen turned his head and said puzzled.

"Squad leader, did you call me?"

Unusually, Le Yue approached with a friendly smile on her pretty face and said, "Yes, I'm just calling you."

"Oh? Did the monitor call me for something?"

When Le Yue walked in front of Yun Chen, a breeze just came in from outside the corridor, blowing her pleated skirt fluttering in the wind.

Her thighs are as white as jade, and the people who look at them are confused.

"That's right, I didn't treat you well yesterday, but I think we are a group after all, and you will be our classmate in the future, so I want to apologize to you." Le Yue showed a sincere smile.

These words refreshed Yun Chen.

So he smiled and said, "I don't need to apologize. I was a little too bad yesterday. You made a fool of yourself in public."

There is a taste of which pot cannot be opened and mentioned, and Le Yue's serious moment showed a look of anger, but it quickly disappeared.

He continued to say with a smile: "Oh, I'm not worried about this. Besides, how about I invite you to dinner tonight? One is to apologize to you, and the other is that everyone will be classmates from now on, and I want to use this meal to improve Feelings"

After he finished speaking, he threw a wink at the other party.

"Student Yunchen, can you admire your face?"

Wen Yan Yunchen almost wanted to laugh out loud.

I'm going inside!

Does this really make me look like a fool? Is the beauty plan so obvious?

It has to be said that Yun Chen is somewhat nostalgic for Ju Ming at this time. He once fought with him in the academy, which is much more interesting than this.

At least not so childish.

"Okay, since the squad leader has said so, then I will definitely give it to you." Yun Chen did not reveal it, but smiled cooperatively.

Opposite Le Yue, of course, did not know what Yun Chen was thinking, but a successful smile appeared in her eyes.

"It's settled, see you in the cafeteria number 4 after school."

"Well, yes"

Yun Chen didn't say much after speaking, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Seeing his back gradually walking away, Le Yue sneered at the girls around her.

"Hey, this guy has already taken the bait!"

The girls on the side also showed schadenfreude expressions.

"The class leader is great!"

"Yeah, as expected of the squad leader, that guy was completely deceived by your acting skills just now."

"Hehe, the squad leader's trick is too powerful, this guy Yunchen is going to fall over tonight."


What they didn't expect was that Yun Chen, who was walking downstairs now, smiled bitterly.

"These girls are so naive"

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