Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 249: : Sitting well and watching the sky

In the blink of an eye, it was the last self-study class in the afternoon.

Yun Chen can finally take out his mobile phone and play games in an open and honest manner.

"Damn it, the middle team won in one wave, and it's time to steal the chicken feather tower"

When he was concentrating on playing, the girls in the classroom would always turn their heads, unintentionally or unintentionally, and turn their attention to him.

Hey, play and laugh.

There's time for you to cry tonight!

screen everything.

The camera came to the teacher's office at Baihua Academy.

"Mr. Liu, no class?"

"Well, I'm out of class"

"Okay, let's go to class"

"okay bye bye"

When several female teachers left, Liu Man continued to correct the homework.

But I don't know what's going on in my mind, three words always float out, Godzilla!

At first, she shook her head speechlessly, but she couldn't hold it any longer.

"I still don't believe it!"

Put down the pen in your hand, turn on the computer and search on Baidu.

Soon the search interface will pop up a warning prompt.

[The "Soul Beast Godzilla" you searched for has been blocked from the entire network by a city's Beast Control Bureau]

After seeing this prompt, Liu Manliu frowned slightly.


This seems to mean that there is no silver 300 taels here!

Could it be that Godzilla really exists in this world?

This idea is too nonsense, but Liu Man is now a little dubious.

Wanting to understand more and more, Liu Man took out Yunchen's enrollment file and looked at it.

Everything else was normal, but she was slightly taken aback by the place of origin.

"This kid, from Hushan City?"

Yun Chen is from Hushan City, and he said that someone summoned Godzilla as a soul beast?

With such an association, Liu Man suspects that if there is a Godzilla in this world, it should be in Hushan City!

It just so happened that she also had a friend whom she hadn't contacted for a long time, and now she works for a certain animal control group in Hushan City.

So Liu Man took out his mobile phone and dialed directly.



After more than ten seconds, the other party finally connected, and a woman's voice came.

"Haha, Manman hasn't been in contact for a long time, why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

Hearing that, Liu Man smiled at the phone and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't contacted you for a long time. I want to see how you are doing in Hushan City?"

"Very good, Hushan City is a big city after all, there are more opportunities for the animal control group," the voice came from the receiver again.

Liu Man smiled: "Are you coming back this year for Chinese New Year?"

"Not necessarily, if there is nothing in the group, you should go back," the other party replied with a smile.

After a few simple chats, Liu Man couldn't help but get to the point.

"By the way, I want to ask, are there many strange soul beasts in Hushan City? Like Godzilla?"

After saying these words, the other side of the phone was obviously quiet for a while.

A few seconds later, a very low voice came: "Manman, why are you asking this?"

"I'm just curious, I want to know more about the situation in the big city animal control world," Liu Man smiled.

"I can't say this casually. You also know that I am currently working in a certain animal control group in Hushan City. According to the regulations, I have signed many confidentiality agreements, especially..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Liu Man interrupted him.

"Oh, I know, but these little things should be fine, right?"

"What do you say, but I'm also afraid of getting into trouble. Forget it, since you want to know, I can only tell you that there are too many strange soul beasts in Hushan City, including the god-favored Godzilla you mentioned. "

After hearing these words, Liu Man was stunned.

God's favorite, Godzilla?

My God, there really is a Godzilla in this world, and it's still a pet?

Thinking of this, Liu Man's scalp is numb!

The height has made her dare not look up!

"Is Manman there? My captain called me, I have to go over there, we have a chance to talk again"

The voice from the receiver made Liu Man recover from the shock.

"Oh, okay, excuse me"

"It's alright, the animal control world in Hushan City is very advanced. You can also come around if you have a chance, then I'll hang up for now."


Putting down the phone, Liu Man took a deep breath.

Only then did she realize that she had the meaning of sitting on the well and watching the sky.

Everyone in Hushan City is favored by gods, and the media in Hongye City are still reporting on the tyrant-level soul beast that appeared only this year.

This gap is really too big!

"It looks like this guy Yun Chen is right, our textbooks here are too backward!"

at the same time.

Liu Man is full of yearning and curiosity about the animal control world in Hushan City, as well as Godzilla.

What kind of bully can summon Godzilla? That has three heads and six arms, right?


The time flickered, it was already evening.

jingle bell~

As the crisp bell rang, the day's lessons had come to an end.

"Beautiful work, I went from platinum to gold in just one class," Yun Chen said with a depressed expression.

Although in reality he looked down on it.

But in the game, the score is always reversed, which really makes him a pain in the ass.

"Student Yunchen, I'll go back to the dormitory to change clothes first, we'll see you later" Le Yue stood up in the classroom and smiled.

Yun Chen raised his head and smiled: "Okay, then we'll see you later"

When Le Yue left with her buddies, Wang Shihan, the soft girl, coughed softly.

"cough cough"

Seeing that Yun Chen was still there and didn't look back, she quietly poked his back with her jade finger.

"Huh? Is there something wrong?"

Feeling a little itchy on the back, Yun Chen turned around and asked.

Wang Shiqi blushed and handed a small note with her head lowered.


After speaking, he carried a small pink schoolbag and left shyly.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the classroom, Yun Chen opened the note.

On the top is a row of fine print.

"Don't go tonight, it's dangerous!"

After reading it, Yun Chen folded the note and put it in his pocket: "In this class, this soft girl has a good heart."

But have to go.

Otherwise, how can these girls know what kind of person he Yunchen is!

Glancing at the time on the phone.

Not urgent!

One more round!

"Hold on, we can win!"


Half an hour later, Yun Chen uninstalled the game and walked out of the classroom with a stern face.

Follow a path.

Soon came to the No. 3 canteen of Baihua Academy.

I don't know if there are not many people here, or if there are special arrangements tonight, there are not many people anyway.

Only a few girls were sitting in the hall of the cafeteria eating dinner.

"I'm coming"

"See, don't talk, we continue to eat what we eat"

"Yes, yes, don't look up at him," the girls lowered their heads and talked softly.

Yun Chen, who walked into the cafeteria, did not pay attention to them, but glanced around the cafeteria.

Soon someone was called to him.

"Student Yunchen, this way"

Wen Yan Yunchen raised his head and looked towards the second floor of the cafeteria.

Le Yue was wearing a light blue dress, standing by the window and waving to him.

"Are you up there?" Yun Chen chuckled lightly.

"Yes, come up." Le Yue nodded with a smile on her face.

Yun Chen didn't say much, and walked down the stairs to the second floor of the cafeteria.

On the second floor of the cafeteria, there are rows of boxes, where students can have meals and order dishes at will, but it also costs money.

"Squad leader, it's just the two of us who have dinner, and we reserved a private box?" Yun Chen walked into a private box and chuckled.

"There are too many people down here. It's nice to be in the box. We can chat to our heart's content to enhance our relationship, right?"

Le Yue seems to have dressed up on purpose, with a tall figure and jade-white skin.

She looked very beautiful in a light blue dress.

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