Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 250: : Pretend to be lethargic

Soon after the two sat down, the canteen waiters began to serve dishes one after another.

Looking at the various exquisite dishes on the table, Yun Chen smiled.

"Squad leader, just the two of us, isn't this too rich to eat?"

"It's all right, since I'm treating guests, I can't be too shabby, right?" Le Yue said with a smile, waving her jade arms.

Yun Chen didn't say much. Although he was the same as Ming Jing in his heart, he was not in a hurry.

I want to see what the other party is playing.

"Come on, classmate Yunchen, don't be polite, move your chopsticks."

"Okay, I happen to be hungry too"

In this way, the two were in the box, chatting and eating and drinking.

"By the way, classmate Yunchen, isn't your accent a local?" Le Yue said looking for a topic.

Hearing this, Yun Chen nodded without concealment: "Well, I came from Hushan City."

"Oh, that's no wonder. Love comes from a big city. No wonder you dare to choke Mr. Liu in class." Le Yue chuckled lightly.

This made Yun Chen laugh as well: "I'm just telling the truth in class"

"Well, although Hushan City is not far from us, I have never been there. It should be very prosperous, right?" Le Yue said curiously.

Yun Chen picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, nodded while eating.

"It's okay, urban construction is similar to this, but beast control is a bit more advanced than small cities."

"So that's the case, then I really want to go to Hushan City to see if I have a chance," Le Yue chuckled lightly.

After speaking, his dark eyes turned slightly, and he felt that the atmosphere was almost over.

The next plan can be implemented.

"Should we have something to drink? Otherwise, just chatting will make your mouth dry."

Yun Chen nodded: "Okay, let's have a bottle of Coke."

"OK, I'll get it now, you wait a moment"

After speaking, Le Yue hurriedly stood up and walked out of the box alone.


When the door of the box was closed, Yun Chen put down the chopsticks in his hand and smiled lightly.

"Heh, are you trying to play with me? It's interesting."

the other side.

Very happy month went up to the second floor with a bottle of Coke.

Standing alone in the corridor, Mei Mu looked left and right, after confirming that there was no one around.

Only then did he take out a green elixir from his pocket.

"President Qiu said that this is a first-grade sleeping pill, colorless and odorless, and as long as the soul power value is less than 500, it will definitely not be able to resist the effect of the medicine."

After whispering softly, the corner of Le Yue's mouth raised a wicked smile.

"Student Yunchen, don't blame me, blame you for transferring to us, so tonight, let me know how powerful this coma pill is!"

She thought that this product of Sleeping Pill was definitely enough.

After all, they are all students, and their soul power value has not been able to reach such a high level!


Gently unscrew the cap of Coke, and then put the sleeping pill in your hand into the bottle.

Soon this green elixir melted in the bottle.

"It's done!"

After everything was done, Le Yue screwed the bottle cap and walked into the box.

"Sorry for the wait"

Yun Chen looked at the Coke bottle in the other's hand, and seemed to have guessed something in his heart.

However, he was still not in a hurry to clarify, but smiled cooperatively.

"Squad leader, you're too polite, and you went downstairs to buy it yourself."

"it's okay no problem"

After Le Yue said this, she took the initiative to fill Yun Chen's glass with great enthusiasm.

Then sit down and pour a glass of water into your glass.

"Squad leader, don't you drink?"

"I don't like to drink Coke, you can drink it, I'll just drink some plain water," Le Yue said with a calm smile.

Yun Chen also followed with a smile: "Well then, I'm welcome."

Seeing that he raised the cup and was about to drink, Le Yue raised her heart to her throat instantly. Whether the plan can be successful tonight depends on this!

And this time.

As soon as Yun Chen put the cup to his mouth, he felt the soul power in his body begin to stir.

This is an early warning of soul power protection.

Gently smelling the Coke in the glass with his nose, he immediately noticed something.

"Student Yunchen, is there any problem with this cola?" Le Yue said nervously when he saw that he didn't drink it for a long time.

Wen Yan Yunchen was not in a hurry to expose it, and wanted to see what tricks the other party wanted to play.

So he smiled and said, "No problem."

After speaking, he drank all the Coke in the cup in one sip.



This scene completely let Le Yue's heart down, and even couldn't help but want to laugh.

"By the way, classmate Yunchen, where did we just chat?" Le Yue continued to gossip, she was waiting for the effect of the drug to kick in.

Yun Chen poured himself another glass of Coke and took a leisurely sip.

"It seems to be talking about Hushan City"

"Oh, yes, look at my memory." Le Yue smiled awkwardly.

He stuck his tongue out by the way, and his expression was cute.

At this moment, Yun Chen suddenly pretended to be uncomfortable and rubbed his forehead.

"What's the situation? I feel so dizzy."

"Student Yunchen, are you sleepy?" Le Yue asked happily.

She knew that the effects of the drug had finally kicked in.

Yun Chen rubbed his eyes: "Don't say it, I feel a little sleepy, the eyelids are so heavy."

The voice fell.


Yun Chen's head fell on the dining table instantly.

The whole person seemed to be in a coma.

"Classmate Yunchen?" Le Yue stood up and called out cautiously.

But Yun Chen didn't do anything, and still lay his head on the dining table, as if he was in a drowsiness.

"Hey, this Rank Sleeping Pill is really powerful, and it will be effective so soon."

After a slight smile, Le Yue raised her hand and slapped her twice.

"Come here, sisters, the plan has been successful"

After she finished speaking, seven or eight girls hiding in the box next door immediately pushed the door and entered.

"As expected of the squad leader, you are amazing"

"Yeah, this Yun Chen is nothing more than that. No matter how arrogant it is, isn't it planted at the hands of the squad leader?"

"Now I see how arrogant he is?"

"Squad leader, what should we do next?"

"We spent so much effort, but we can't let him go easily"

"Yes, let him know what will happen if he dares to transfer to us!"

Seeing the chatter of her classmates, Le Yue smiled coldly.

"Don't worry, now that he has been recruited, how can I easily let him go?"

"The squad leader, how should we punish this guy now?" a girl with a ponytail asked.

The sneer on Le Yueqiao's face did not diminish.

"It's very simple, strip off his clothes and hang them at the gate of the academy, from now on I will make him shameless"

When the voice fell, all the girls in the box were stunned.

This idea is too bad, right?

But on second thought, really relieved!

"Hee hee, squad leader, your move is too cruel, but I like it"

"I support it too!"

"Yes, in this way, this guy has no face to stay in our academy anymore."

"I raise my hands to support, our holy academy will not allow boys to be defiled!"

Seeing that all her classmates supported her idea, Le Yue chuckled lightly.

"Okay, who of you will take his clothes off?"

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