Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 274: : Four Flags: Gambler Aqua

Just when Yun Chen walked back to the academy alone.

Hushan City, a few hundred kilometers away.

Yan Hua, the deputy head of the Beast Controlling Group, pushed open the door and said.

"Captain, finally found it"

Lei Kai, who was reading in the study, raised his head when he heard the words: "Where is that kid named Yun now?"

Yan Hua reported truthfully: "According to the people I sent out, that guy Yunchen is currently in Hongye City."

"Hongye City?" Lei Kai closed the book in his hand and muttered with interest: "At this juncture, why did he go to the third-tier town of Hongye City?"

Yan Hua, who was standing beside him, said with a smile, "You may not believe the head of the regiment, but this kid actually went to school in Hongye City."

When he said this, Lei Kai was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered.

"Hehe, it's interesting. He is the head of the school, and he has nothing to do elsewhere to go to school? What kind of medicine does this guy sell in the gourd?"

"I'm not too sure about this, do you want me to inquire again?" Yan Hua asked.

Rekai shook his head, lit a cigar and held it to his lips.

"No, I have no interest in why he went to school, I just hope he can stay in Hongye City forever"

How could Yan Hua not be able to hear the meaning in these words.

So he nodded and said, "I'm going to inform Captain Hu now? Let him take someone to Hongye City to execute the assassination."

Lei Kai took a breath and said after thinking about it.

"Xiao Hu and the others are still in retreat, so there's no need to call them there. I have another choice for this matter."

Yan Hua looked curious: "Huh? Who is the head of the regiment planning to arrange to go to Hongye City?"

After all, if you want to kill Yunchen and let him die in a foreign country, you must send a group of people with absolute strength.

In addition to the ace team in the regiment, he really couldn't think of anyone who was suitable.

Lei Kai flicked the cigarette ash and raised the corner of his mouth: "Old Yan, have you heard of the Four Flags?"

"Four flags?"

Yan Hua first muttered, then his pupils shrank, and he took a deep breath: "Captain, are you talking about that group of people?"

Four Banners is a frightening organization in Hushan City.

A bounty agency formed by a group of outlaw animal masters and strange people!

As long as the price is right, there is no one they dare not kill, and no one they cannot kill!

Even the three major animal control groups are not very willing to provoke this group of people!

And the boss of the Four Flags, the gambler Akui is rumored to be a madman-like character, with a quirky personality and ruthless methods!

Once this person is mentioned, everyone will change their minds!

"That's right, it's the most suitable thing for Gambler Akui and the others to do. No matter whether it is successful or not, we can pick it up!"

"What the head of the group said is very true, but these people are all perverts. It's not easy to ask them to take action, right?" Yan Hua swallowed and said.

I really don't want to deal with the four flags.

Lei Kai took the cigar in his mouth again: "As long as the price is right, I think they will be willing to accept this bounty, and you will be responsible for this."

"Okay, this subordinate will prepare now!" Yan Hua took a deep breath, then turned and walked out of the study.


Blink to the next morning.

A gambling hall on the outskirts of Hushan City, this is the home of Sizhiqi.

You can gamble here, you can gamble your life, and you can buy your life with money!

"Come, come, buy and leave!"

Yan Hua was wearing a high-end suit and gold wire glasses and opened the curtain.

In an instant, a strong smell of smoke hit the face.

There are a lot of guests in this casino, so it is smoky.

"Boss, do you want to come and play two games?" A scantily clad woman walked over with a smile.

Yan Hua glanced at her contemptuously, naturally disliking this kind of thing.

So he ignored it and took out a prepared black triangular flag from his arms.

There are rules for wanting to meet the gambler Akui, not anyone who wants to see them!

So Yan Hua also knew that he had to follow the rules!

"Look, someone is coming with a black flag!"

"Does this person want to see Boss Kui?"

"Who is he? He's too daring!"

The guests around the gaming table all looked sideways.

After all, Yan Hua is also a person with a head and a face, and he is not affected at all, holding the black flag in both hands and walking forward.

Hang the flag on the wooden beam, and finally light four sticks of incense.

After all the rules were completed, Yan Hua turned around and said.

"I want to see Boss Kui here!"

As he finished speaking, a black shadow instantly appeared in front of him.

He was wearing a black robe and hat, and he couldn't see his face.

I saw this person raised one hand and said politely, "Please come with me!"

Yan Hua also knew that this man was the subordinate of the gambler A Kui, so he nodded.


In this way, under the leadership of the man in black robe, Yan Hua came to the second floor of the casino.

"Boss, someone wants to see you," the man in black robe said in front of a wooden door.

Soon a rough voice came from inside.

"Let him in!"


The man in black robe pushed open the wooden door in front of him, signaling that Yan Hua could go in.

In the room, a burly man was sitting on a wooden couch at this time.

The upper body is naked and covered with tattoos, and the two flower arms are even more eye-catching.

The tattoos are densely packed, from the chest to the neck and the last half of the face is tattooed.

Not to mention anything else, just this look can make a child cry!

"Hello, Boss Kui," Yan Hua said calmly with a smile after entering the room.

At the same time, he also looked around.

What caught his attention the most was that there was no book on the bookshelf behind the gambler Aqua.

But they are all transparent jars, and each has a human hand soaked in water!

"Interesting, the deputy head of the famous Hundred Beasts Controlling Group can also come to my humble house. It's really interesting." Gambler Akui showed his yellow teeth and chuckled.

Yan Hua was slightly taken aback by this.

He didn't seem to think that the other party could instantly recognize his identity.

But for these strange people, this is nothing unusual.

So Yan Hua laughed and said, "Boss Kui, I know you don't like to go around in circles, so I'll just go straight to the topic. This time I'm here because I have a deal I want to cooperate with you."

Hearing that, the gambler Akui shook his head and sneered: "Don't worry, if you want to talk about business with me, you have to follow the rules."

"I know, I want to bet with you, right? I'll keep one hand here if I lose. I won't be eligible to continue talking to you until I win," Yan Hua said humbly.

Gambler Aqua once again showed yellow teeth.

"Smart, no matter who you are, since you come to me, you have to follow Laozi's rules. I don't care if you are a member of the three major animal control groups!"

Yan Hua nodded: "Understood, let's get started."

The voice fell, and the gambler Akui instantly picked up the dice cup in front of him and began to shake.

"Guess the size, if you guess right, we will continue to talk, but if you guess wrong, leave a hand!"

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