Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 275: : I have to pay more!

Ka Ka Ka ~

After the dice cup was shaken in the air, the gambler Akui placed it on the table.

The corners of his mouth rose, with a sneering expression on his face.

"Okay, guess what"

Yan Hua lit a cigarette for himself and took a leisurely puff.

Although this gamble is related to one of his hands, he still behaves very calmly.

"I guess small"

After he finished speaking, the gambler Akui was slightly taken aback.

"Small? Are you sure?"

Yan Hua spit out a cigarette and chuckled: "Of course, there is nothing in the dice cup, isn't that small?"

Hearing that, the gambler Akui showed an admiring smile.

Not much nonsense, just opened the dice cup, and sure enough, it was empty inside.

"Interesting, I'm curious how you know there's nothing in this dice cup?"

"It's very simple, because my eyes can see through everything. As for the voice in the dice cup just now, it should be the ventriloquist of Boss Kui."

Yan Yan's spectacles flashed with light.

That's why he can be so calm!

The gambler Akui raised his head and laughed loudly: "Haha, it is said that there are many talented people in the Beast-Controlling Group, but when I see it today, what I said is true."

"Boss Nakui, can we get down to business now?" Yan Hua stepped into the topic and said, as if he didn't want to delay his work.

The gambler Akui, who was sitting opposite, smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

"Then Head Yan should know that asking me to sell is expensive."

"Of course I know, it is rumored that the starting price of asking Boss Kui to sell is 500,000 yuan, so I am willing to pay 1 million!" Yan Hua said confidently.

Hearing this, the gambler Akui also showed a satisfied expression.

"Then let's talk about business. I'm also curious about who is the person who can make Commander Yan spend so much trouble."

Yan Hua smiled and took out a photo from his pocket.

"It's this person, Boss Kui, please take a look."

Gambler Aqua curiously took the photo and looked at it.

But he soon showed a puzzled expression: "Huh? Head Yan, are you asking me to kill this hairy boy?"

"That's right, the one I want to kill is him, but Boss Kui, don't underestimate this guy," Yan Hua said in his words.

But the gambler Aqua didn't care at all.

Put the photo on the table with a contemptuous smile.

"Oh? Then, Head Yan, tell me, what can I do not look down on this hairy boy?"

The corner of Yan Hua's mouth rose: "God's favorite Godzilla, has Boss Kui heard of it?"

"God's Favorite Godzilla?" The contempt on the gambler's face instantly faded, and he muttered softly.

But soon it seemed to think of something, and the whole person stood up in a hurry.

His lips trembled slightly and he said, "Could it be that he is the headmaster Yun of the Divine Pet Academy?"

Seeing his reaction was so intense, Yan Hua nodded without concealment.

"Yes, it's him, otherwise I wouldn't have to spend so much trouble if it were an ordinary person, right?"

After listening to this, the gambler Akui took a deep breath unconsciously.

Yun Chen's name, including some of the things he has done recently, have been heard.

"Interesting, really interesting, Head Yan, don't you know that Principal Yun is a hero in Hushan City? Without him, this place would have been captured by monsters two months ago."

"But now you asked me to kill him? What kind of joke is this?"

These words made Yan Hua frown, as if he did not expect Yun Chen's name to be so intimidating.

Even a gambler who is addicted to money is not willing to take orders.

"Boss Kui means..."

Before Yan Hua could finish speaking, he was interrupted by gambler A Kui with a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean if you kill him, you need to pay extra!"

Hearing Yan Hua's mouth twitched involuntarily, and at the same time he let out a sigh of relief.


Nonsense for a long time, the feeling is to want to add money!

Anyway, as long as the money can solve the problem, it is not a problem.

So he smiled and nodded: "Okay, as long as Boss Kui can kill him, how about I pay you one million soul coins after it's done?"

After he finished speaking, he took out a check for 500,000 yuan from his arms and put it on the table.

"It's a deposit"

Seeing the other party so happy, the gambler Akui smiled again, showing his yellow teeth.

"It's easy to say, but that's the same sentence. As long as the price is in place, there will be no one I dare not kill, and no one I can't kill!"

Yan Hua flattered and laughed.

"Of course, who dares to deny Boss Kui's assassination ability? It's just that this kid Yunchen is not easy, so I will provide you with some useful information."

Gambler Akui nodded: "Okay, I'm all ears."

Soon after Yan Hua finished talking about Yun Chen's recent situation, his smile became even more evil.

"If it is true what Head Yan said, then he will surely die!"

After saying this, he sighed softly at the photo on the table.


The photo ignited spontaneously in an instant and turned into a mass of ashes in an instant.


Two days passed in a flash.

Today is Monday morning, and Yun Chen came to the classroom of Middle A with a schoolbag on time.

But unlike before, the girls in today's class greeted him abnormally.

"Morning classmate Yunchen"

"Yunchen, good morning"

Yun Chen smiled and nodded, saying hello to them.

Then he sat back in his seat by the window and smiled secretly in his heart.

"It seems that the attitude of the girls in the class towards me has changed. Not bad, it finally has some effect."

Just as he took out the book and put it on the table, the bell rang.

jingle bell~

After ten seconds, Liu Man walked in with a book.

"All rise"

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello, classmates, please sit down." Liu Man stood on the podium and smiled.

When all the students in the classroom sat down, she continued to speak.

"There is something to announce before class today, and that is our college's annual group party, which will be held this weekend"

After she finished speaking, the girls in the classroom didn't seem too surprised.

Because of this, they already knew about it.

"The Qunfang Meeting is an important annual assessment of our college. If you perform well in this activity, you will receive the attention and attention of the school leaders, so this is a good opportunity."

"In addition, the registration deadline this afternoon, whoever wants to apply, let me know now"

When Liu Man stood on the podium and said these words, the girls present were already gearing up.

"Teacher, I want to sign up"

"I want to sign up too!"

"And I"

In no time, six or seven girls have raised their hands to sign up, and their beast-controlling strength is relatively high in the class.

Liu Man nodded with satisfaction, and then took charge of recording their names.

"Any more?"

Le Yue, who had not spoken, looked at her sister Wang Yali at the same table.

"Lily, do we want to sign up too?"

"Okay, after all, this is a good opportunity to perform," Wang Yali nodded and said.

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