Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 277: : What kind of refining method is this?

Seeing the person coming, Liu Man was stunned for a moment.

Just wanted to open his mouth to answer, but he was afraid of disturbing Yun Chen.

So he hurried off the podium and came to the door of the classroom.

"Director Zhang, why are you here?"

The middle-aged woman at the door, namely Zhang Xia from the Political and Religious Office, said with a smile.

"Today Monday, I routinely come here for a walk, but what is your class doing?"

Liu Man first glanced back at Yun Chen, who was concentrating and busy on the podium, then turned around and smiled.

"Director Zhang, let's go out and talk"

Zhang Xia frowned, as if she didn't understand what medicine Liu Man was selling in this gourd.

But he still cooperated and came to the corridor outside the classroom.

"Tell me Mr. Liu, what the **** are you doing in this class? Why can't I understand it?"

Liu Man said without concealment: "That's right, there is a boy in our class who is very talented in refining medicine, so I want him to try refining the second-grade antidote pill"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xia was completely stunned.

Even the crow's feet at the corners of the eyes are becoming more and more obvious.

"You asked the students to refine the second-grade detoxification pill? Are you kidding me?"

"How could it be? Director Zhang, you just saw that the boy has already started refining." Liu Man shook his head and said.

This made Zhang Xia feel interesting.

Second-grade functional medicinal pills, now even students can refine them?

It's really fresh.

"So that's the case. Mr. Liu, the teaching quality of your class has really improved by leaps and bounds."

"Director Zhang is serious, and now every class is secretly competing, so I naturally have to tap each student's strengths to cultivate them."

After speaking, Liu Man doesn't seem to want to talk nonsense anymore, so he has to go back to the classroom to see how Yunchen's refining medicine is going.

So he said, "If Director Zhang has nothing to do, I will go back to the classroom."

Zhang Xia nodded with a smile, just about to wave, but suddenly thought of something.


Liu Man turned back in confusion: "Huh? Is there anything else Director Zhang has to do?"

"Where did this student's medicinal materials come from?" Zhang Xia asked directly.

Hearing this, Liu Man blurted out without thinking: "It was taken from the pharmacy of the college."

It's okay not to say this, but Zhang Xia's expression changed instantly as soon as she said it.

He said very sternly: "Nonsense! The second-grade functional medicinal materials are all very precious. You actually take them out and waste them on the students? You are wasting the precious resources of the academy!"

This must have been covered with a big hat, which made Liu Man stunned.

He continued to explain with a smile: "Director Zhang, your words are serious. This boy in our class is really talented in refining medicine. Did you know that last week he..."

Before Liu Man's words were finished, Zhang Xia had lost patience.

"Don't tell me these are useless. I can understand that you want to tap students' talents, but you can't waste the resources of the college, not to mention the medicinal materials required for the second-grade functional medicinal pills, each of which is hard to come by."

"Director Zhang, you really misunderstood my intention. It's not what you think. I think this boy may really succeed in refining. When he reports to the school leaders, they will understand me," Liu Man explained vigorously.

But Zhang Xia still didn't believe that these young students in the academy could refine the second-grade functional elixir.

Isn't this a big joke in the world!

"Mr. Liu, you're joking with me, aren't you? Who can refine the second-grade functional pills? Don't you understand?"

In fact, how could Liu Man not know the subtext of these words?

Only elite students who have been selected through layers can obtain the right to cultivate resources by the school!

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, now I have to take back his rare medicinal materials!"

After speaking, Zhang Xia pushed Liu Man away and strode towards the classroom.

At this time, Yunchen has come to the step of starting a fire, and the efficiency is very fast.

The girls in the class were amazed.

There are even a few showing expressions of admiration.

"Wow, that's awesome"

"Yeah, isn't he too skilled? Those who didn't know thought he was really a professional pharmacist."

"He won't really refine the second-grade antidote, will he?"

Just as the girls were talking softly, Zhang Xia pushed open the door and entered.

"The one on the podium, you wait first!"

Hearing that, Yunchen moved for a while, and turned his face to the side in confusion.

"Huh? Is there something wrong?"

Zhang Xia said directly: "That's right, our academy has regulations, all the medicinal materials you use are very precious, so you must take them back."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the ugly Liu Man beside him and continued.

"Of course, the academy does not discourage everyone from trying, but there must be a limit. The second-grade functional medicinal pill is not a field that you can touch now."

"So it's just a waste to try these precious medicinal materials for you now, I hope you can understand"

When the words fell, many girls in the class frowned.

It feels so unfair.

How can there be such a thing, the refining of medicine is about to start, and it is time to take back the medicinal materials?

Those elite or ace students can get the resources of the academy.

Ordinary students like us use some better medicinal herbs, and we have to go back immediately, is it too stingy?

"I'm sorry, I've already cut the herbs and put them in the cauldron. I guess I can't use them again after taking them out," Yun Chen said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xia was stunned for a moment.

"You...you're done cutting? Are you moving so fast?"

"Yes, I've always moved so fast," Yun Chen said with a half-smile.

Many girls in the class were covering themselves up for fun.

Does this guy have something to say?

And Liu Man, who has been unable to step down, said with courage.

"Director Zhang, you have also seen it, there is no way to recover the medicinal materials, so why don't you let Yun Chen try it?"

After finishing speaking, he added: "If he really wastes these rare medicinal materials, I will buy them outside the school with my own pocket and return them."

Seeing that this was the case, Zhang Xia could only sigh lightly.

"Okay, since Teacher Liu has said so, then I won't interfere, but I also want to see how this boy's talent in refining medicine is so good that Teacher Liu can value it so much."

Liu Man secretly rolled her eyes at her and said to Yun Chen on the podium.

"Yunchen, you can continue"


Yun Chen replied softly, raising one hand and shaking violently.


A mass of pink flames appeared in the palm of his hand.

His movements were neat and tidy, and he couldn't help but start burning the medicine cauldron with flames.

"It's easy to catch fire, but if that's the case, then the refining of medicine will definitely fail this time," Zhang Xia commented with a half-smiling smile.

However, Liu Mandao agreed with what she said.

Second-grade functional pills, there are too many things to test, it is absolutely easy to make them!

at this time.

Yun Chen's idle left hand suddenly lifted and waved violently.


A burst of soul power invisible to the naked eye suspends the super refining cauldron and spins rapidly.

There was an uproar in the classroom.

Even Zhang Xia immediately smiled and said in surprise.

"What kind of refining method is this?"

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