Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 278: : A good seedling of a top pharmacist!

Without waiting for everyone to react, Yun Chen raised his right hand and placed it lightly around the wall of the tripod.


The rapidly spinning medicine cauldron was immediately scorched by the soul fire.

Such a cool way of refining medicine makes everyone feast for the eyes.

Many girls even looked straight and couldn't help sighing.

"Okay... it's amazing!"

After another few dozen seconds, Yun Chen saw that he was almost there, and slowly moved his right hand away.

Pour the last bunch of medicinal materials that were ground into powder from a small opening on the wall of the tripod.


In an instant, the medicine refining cauldron suspended in the air immediately ignited, and the flames covered the surroundings.

Everyone in the classroom was full of fire in their eyes.

"No way!"

"Is this a success?"

"It's amazing, the second-grade detoxification pill has actually been refined."

Listening to the surprised words of the girls, Liu Man's eyes widened now.

She regretted that she missed Yun Chen's refining steps before, which caused her to not understand the situation now.


At this moment, Yun Chen raised his hand and waved again.

The medicine refining cauldron suspended in the air fell heavily on the podium.


A cloud of black smoke spewed out from the mouth of the tripod.

Yun Chen let out a sigh of relief and smiled lightly.

"Huh, it should be a success"

Zhang Xia, who was a little disdainful at first, hurried forward.

"What? This practice is done? Are you kidding me?"

Yun Chen explained with a smile: "As far as I know, although the second-grade Jiedu Pill has a very strict control over the heat, it cannot be burned for too long."

As he spoke, he opened the lid of the tripod and took out a white pill with iron clips.

When the pill was placed on the plate, it still exuded a soul energy that was invisible to the naked eye.

"Teacher, please take a look"

Liu Man, who had been unable to bear it for a long time, hurried up to the podium, picked up the plate and took a serious look.

First touch it lightly with your fingers, then smell it with your nose.

Then he said with a shocked expression: "It's really a second-grade detoxification pill!"

As she finished speaking, there was an instant uproar in the classroom.

Every girl showed an expression of admiration and admiration.

"Mr. Liu showed me this elixir, why can't I believe it?" Zhang Xia said at this time.

She always questioned the fact that an ordinary student could refine a second-grade functional medicinal pill.

It's not even an exaggeration to say it's a fantasy.

Liu Man also wanted to take this opportunity to slap her in the face, so he laughed.

"Okay, Director Zhang, please take a look."

Zhang Xia took the plate and looked at it seriously, and even put the medicinal pill in the palm of her hand and weighed it.

But soon her expression also became surprised.

With an expression of disbelief on his face: "How is this possible? In the blink of an eye, a second-grade functional medicinal pill can be refined. You must know that even a professional pharmacist has to spend a lot of effort."

After speaking, he looked at Yun Chen curiously and continued to ask.

"What's your name, young man, have you tried refining this medicine before?"

Hearing this, Yun Chen smiled and shook his head.

"My name is Yunchen, this is the first time I have refined the second-grade detoxification pill"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xia took a breath.

Is this talent?

It was the first time to refine the second-grade detoxification pill, and it was so easy and successful.

Give him enough resources and in time, maybe he can really become a very good top pharmacist!

"It's really amazing, this is the so-called genius," Zhang Xia praised without hesitation.

Liu Man, who was standing on the side, felt relieved at this moment.

Let you just talk so much nonsense, and even stop the refining of medicine.

Are you surprised now?

Of course, Liu Man couldn't say these words explicitly, so he said with a smile.

"The thing about Director Zhang's medicinal materials?"

As soon as the words were finished, Zhang Xia waved her hand and said directly: "Needless to say, I didn't know the specific situation before, but now I also admit that this boy is indeed in the field of refining medicine, and he has such a high talent."

"I'm going to report this to the school leaders to see if I can allocate some resources to him so that he can try to refine more high-end medicinal pills in the future."

Following Zhang Xia's words, the girls in the classroom showed envious expressions.

It is gold that will always be found.

Not only will it be recognized, but it will even be cultivated with resources.

"This is a good feeling, Yunchen, why don't you thank Director Zhang quickly?" Liu Man said with a smile.

Although Yunchen did not look down on these so-called resource cultivation, because in Hushan City, he allocated resources to cultivate others.

And it won't be too long here.

However, the polite words still have to be said, so he smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Director Zhang"

"It's okay, it's okay, our academy will never bury any talents worthy of training. Come on, I'm optimistic that you will be a good seedling of top alchemists in the future."

After saying this, Zhang Xia stopped talking nonsense.

He turned around and left the classroom impatiently, as if he wanted to report the matter to the school leaders as soon as possible.

"Okay, Yun Chen did a good job, you can go down" Liu Man smiled while standing on the podium.

Just now Yunchen gave her a long face.

So now I speak very politely to him, and I am honored to have such a good seedling in my class.


Yun Chen simply responded, picked up his super medicine cauldron and walked down the podium.



Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye came the next morning.

Yun Chen walked into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, and as soon as he sat down, he counted how many days he had left here.

Although it is inevitable to leave this academy, it is still a bit reluctant to leave it unconsciously.

"Student Yunchen, have you had breakfast yet?"

Just when Yun Chen was in a daze, the soft girl Wang Qihan's voice came from behind.

Wen Yan Yunchen looked back and smiled: "I woke up a little late today, I didn't eat, what's wrong?"

"I have bread, do you want to eat it?" Wang Qihan said with a blushing face.

Yun Chen was not a hypocritical person, so he showed his teeth and smiled.

"That's a good feeling, thank you"

"No thanks, I still have a bottle of milk, and I'll give it to you as well."

Wang Qihan blushed and handed over a bag of bread and a bottle of milk.

And after Yun Chen took it politely, he took a big mouthful.

"Well, yes, this bread is salty, I love it"

Seeing that he was eating happily, Wang Qihan behind him showed a happy smile, although his face was a little shy.

jingle bell~

While eating bread, the school bell rang.

I saw Liu Man hurried into the classroom, and then said loudly.

"Everyone, get ready. This morning's class has been adjusted. Our class and Class C and E will go to the artificial trial ground for actual training."

When the words fell, the girls in the classroom were very happy.

Because only the actual combat class can make them improve the strength of beast control.

At this time, Liu Man looked at the window and continued.

"You can't take leave for Yunchen's actual combat class this time. After all, you signed up for the Qunfang Club, so the actual combat class is your only chance to improve your strength."

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