Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 282: : Earth is shaking!

This time it was really like an earthquake.

Shake the ground and shake the mountain!

The dust formed by the collapse seemed to cover the sky.

boom! !

The boulders were smashed to the ground along with the rubble.


The soldiers and three teachers quickly ran to a safe space to protect the students.

Looking at the rockery that had collapsed in front of them, everyone took a deep breath.

Two girls, Wang Yali and Le Yue, were sitting softly on the ground at this time, and their white thighs under the pleated skirt were so eye-catching.

But now both of their eyes are wet.

Because they knew that when Yun Chen was over, he didn't run out!

"Fortunately, all the students in our class ran out."

"Our class C is too. Teacher Liu, what about your class?"

After quickly calling the names, the two teachers from the next class came over and said with concern.

Liu Man frowned as he watched the name list being called one by one, for fear of whose name would be called, but did not respond.

"Wait a second two teachers"

Liu Man finished talking casually, just as she was about to continue the roll call.

Le Yue, who was sitting softly on the ground, choked and said, "Teacher doesn't need to call names, there is only one person in our class who didn't come out"

Hearing this, Liu Man was stunned for a moment, then raised his head hastily.

"What? Someone in our class didn't come out? Who?"

"It's Yunchen, he...he didn't run out, woohoo~" Wang Yali also cried.

After she finished speaking, all the girls around were in an uproar.

Liu Man's list fell off his hands and fell to the ground, not to mention his nervous expression.

"Yunchen? Why didn't he run out!"

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly glanced around, but he didn't see that handsome and sunny figure.

"We also know that he originally ran out of the cave with me and Lily, but we don't know what happened, but he didn't come out when we ran out," Le Yue replied choked up.

It seems that she is also very sad at the moment.

After listening to these words, Liu Man unconsciously took a step back.

With trembling lips, he said, "How could this be, how could such a smart guy be so stupid that he didn't run out of this situation?"

At this time, the head of the trial field, Lin, came over.

"Mr. Liu, how is your class? Are the students all right?"

Seeing the person coming, Liu Man recovered and hurriedly said, "Headmaster Lin, there is a boy in our class who didn't come out, please send someone quickly..."

She couldn't say anything after that.

Because everyone knows that under the circumstances just now, once they can't escape, it will definitely be worse.

It's just that as a teacher, no matter what, she has to live to see people die and see corpses!

"What? Is there anyone who hasn't come out yet?" Head Lin was also shocked.

Then he added: "But things are already like this, Mr. Liu, don't worry, I'll send a rescue team to enter, I hope there will be a miracle!"

"Thank you, Head Liu, please hurry up." Liu Man was also crying anxiously.

Although she and Yun Chen had not known each other for a long time, this boy was the one who left the deepest impression on her in her educational career.

So she is also very eager for a miracle to happen!


In the blink of an eye, a group of soldiers armed to the teeth and several excavators approached the collapsed rockery.

On a big tree in the distance, Gambler Aqua was very satisfied with the effect.

"What a bunch of idiots, you still think a miracle can happen after all this?"

"That's right, even that Yun Chen's three heads and six arms have to be smashed into flesh now."

"So what I admire most is our eldest brother. As long as he wants to kill, no one can live!"

Listening to the second brother's flattering words, the gambler Akui was quite useful.

"Okay, stop flattering, but to be on the safe side, we still have to wait and see, if Yun Chen's body is really brought out after a while, hehe, we will be famous in Hushan City from now on! "

The corners of the three people around Wen Yan raised their mouths, revealing a sneering expression.

"Brother said very well!"


As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

The girls in class A in the open space were all crying.

After all, they are all classmates, especially Wang Yali crying like a tearful person.

Because Yun Chen once saved himself.

"Wuwu, why is this happening? Yunchen is so powerful, why can't he escape?"

Wang Yali clenched her pink fist, and tears fell down her chin on the school uniform on her chest.

Wang Qihan also had a pear blossom and rain on her pretty face, and squatted on the ground with her head lowered.

Drops of crystal clear tears dripped down the ground down his cheeks.

"God bless, I hope Yunchen people are still good, I hope he will be alright."

"Sisters, let's pray for him together!"

At this moment, a discordant voice entered the ears of the girls.

"What's the use of praying? If the mountains collapse and don't run out, you will definitely not be able to survive. I can only say that this Yunchen has bad luck."

Qiu Yaoyao walked slowly with her arms in her arms, and after speaking, she looked at the ruined rockery not far away.

He whispered softly: "Hey, it's a pity, I originally thought that I could learn his skills at the Qunfang Conference, but I didn't expect him to be so short-lived"

In normal times, her high-ranking student council president would not refute what the girls said.

But now it's different.

Wang Yali was the first to stand up angrily: "Enough is enough!"

"Huh? What's your attitude?" Qiu Yaoyao's eyes widened and she said coldly.

Le Yue also stood up at this time, with an angry expression on her pretty face.

"What's wrong with her attitude? Yun Chen has an accident, no matter what, you shouldn't say these words now!"

If Wang Yali's words made Qiu Yaoyao's expression chill, then Le Yue's words made her look surprised.

It seems that she can't believe that Le Yue, who is a subordinate of the student council, dares to talk to herself like this!

"Xiao Yueyue, have you forgotten who you are?" Qiu Yaoyao's tone had already begun to be low.

At this time, Le Yue, who was full of grief and anger, said without flinching.

"What's my status? I've been dissatisfied with you for a long time. Why do you hate boys and all the girls in our school have to cater to your ideas? I tell you, I'll quit the student council now and have nothing to do with you from now on!"

After Le Yue's impassioned words were finished.

The girls in Class A all around were applauding and applauding.

"The squad leader said it well!"

"Squad leader, we support you!"

Qiu Yaoyao's expression was extremely cold at the moment, she really couldn't believe that these words were actually said by the little fan girl who had always admired her.

And it's for a newly transferred boy!


Pink fist clenched, but as she took a deep breath, she slowly let go.

Without saying a word, he turned around and walked away slowly.

"Yueyue, you are indeed my good sister, you did a good job!" Wang Yali gave a thumbs up while wiping the tears from her eyes.

But she had just finished speaking.

Not far from the rockery that had already collapsed, there was a loud noise again.

boom! !

Like the second collapse, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

Even the two excavators that had just driven up also rolled over and fell.

This movement immediately focused the eyes of everyone in the open space again...  

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