Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 283: : blind in the fog

"Damn, what's the situation!"

Today Yunchen is still wrapped in a thick white mist.

He couldn't see anything at all, and no matter how he dodged, he couldn't do without this white fog.

boom! !

A boulder smashed to the ground from his side again.

"Cough cough~"

The dust splashed made Yun Chen cough again and again.

It's not a thing to go on like this. Although he can't do without this white fog, he knows that the rockery has collapsed.

So you have to find a place to hide.

"Damn, I can't see anything!"

As if touching it, Yun Chen shrewdly and decisively lay on the ground.

In this environment, lying on your stomach is definitely safer than standing.

Boom! !

There were two more deafening sounds.

Yun Chen lay on the ground and was shaken, although he didn't know what happened.

But it is estimated that two huge stones should have fallen down.

It was just luck that it fell on his side.

"Huh, mentality mentality!"

Lying on the ground, Yun Chen took a deep breath and kept reminding himself in his heart.

Now you have to maintain a stable mind.

Only then can you find a way out of this situation!

In this way, surrounded by thick white fog, Yun Chen was lying on the ground and crawling with his hands.


The shaking on the ground became more and more obvious.

Pieces of debris were also splashed around, wiping his cheeks and flying past.

"Huh? What is this?"

Yun Chen didn't know how far he had climbed, but at this moment he was lying on the ground and his right hand seemed to be holding something.


There is also a little electric shock.

However, Yun Chen has soul power to protect his body, so he can still accept it.


Concentrating his soul power on his right hand, Yun Chen pulled the object up in his hand as if he was blind.


A strange sound came from my ear.

Immediately afterwards, the layers of dense white fog around it dissipated bizarrely.

"This is......"

My eyes can finally see clearly, which is a great feeling.

Yun Chen lay on the ground and looked at the thing in his right hand for the first time, it turned out to be a white pennant.

And there are layers of current wrapped around the flagpole.

"It turns out that these white mists are the ghosts of this thing!" Yun Chen said with a frown.

Boom! !

Several more boulders fell.

One of them even fell towards Yun Chen's back.

"not good!"

Now that I can see clearly, Yun Chen decisively turned to the right.

A stone bigger than others hit the ground heavily.

It even shook the ground again and again.

"Huh, what a risk!" Yun Chen swallowed and said with lingering fears.

Even if he has soul power to protect his body, if he really wants to be hit, he will be seriously injured!

Taking advantage of this short free opportunity, Yun Chen looked at the pennant in his hand again.

He is very strange, what the **** is this?

Who put it here?

There was even a feeling that what happened now was deliberately directed at him!

"It seems that someone doesn't want me to have a comfortable life here!" Yun Chen whispered softly.

Now I'm curious as to who did it.

But in the collapsed rockery, Yun Chen's first priority was to protect himself.

First put the white pennant in his arms, raised his head and looked up and looked around.

"Oh, I'm really lucky!"

Just when he was blinded before, he even managed to climb to a corner of the cave.

Although the place is in a mess, there are stones everywhere, and there are even several smashed bodies of beast ants around.

However, the boulder that was bigger than the others just fell was leaning against the wall, temporarily protecting Yun Chen.

Boom! !

The boulder blocking his head made a loud noise, and it was estimated that another stone fell.

"Although hiding under this rock is considered to have escaped a catastrophe, but I can't hold on for too long," Yun Chen muttered.

Because there are cracks in the boulder above the head.

I believe it will not be long before it will shatter.

By then he really had nowhere to hide.

"Ice shield, break!"

Yun Chen lay flat on the ground, his fist clenched violently.

The ice shield hidden on the body shattered instantly, along with ice lines extending all around.

Soon several boulders around Yunchen were frozen.

It looks crystal clear.

"Frozen these stones, they should be able to hold on for a while." Yun Chen took a deep breath.

He also knew that this would only delay the situation for a while, but not the root cause.

If the rescuers didn't find themselves, they would be smashed into flesh by stones.

Yun Chen gently straightened his waist and sat on the ground with his legs crossed: "You must find a way to get out of here, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

Boom boom boom! ! !

There were several loud noises again.

The cave outside the ice stone must have collapsed more seriously.

"Mental state of mind" Yun Chen kept muttering, letting himself relax so that he could come up with better ideas.

Now he has only two options.

One, is to take out the dragon claw golden bow and use it to shoot five in a row!

He believes that the explosive power of five shots can definitely raze the entire rockery to the ground!

But now in such a narrow environment, once the fire dragon formed by the five fire pillars exploded, he would not be spared.

"No, I'll be blown to ashes too." Yun Chen shook his head decisively and gave up his first idea.

It would be easy to do if the boss, but unfortunately it is too far away now.

If he crosses the city, he can only summon Godzilla to his side when he is in the divine pet training room.

That being the case, there is only one last way.

Yun Chen lowered his head and looked at the ground beneath his feet.

Leaving from the bottom of the cave may have a chance of survival!


After making up his mind, Yun Chen shook with one hand.

The wolf tooth dagger appeared strangely in his hand.

Ding Ding Ding! !

Without delaying the effort, Yun Chen quickly threw it towards his feet.


At the same time, in the open space outside the rockery.

A group of heavily armed rescue teams were once again forced back by falling boulders.

"Report to the head, the rescue team can't get close to the rockery"

"Report to the head of the team, the rescue operation of the second team failed"

Head Lin listened to the voice from the walkie-talkie, and now his expression is also anxious.

Gritting his teeth, he raised the walkie-talkie and said, "Let's think of a way, if you want to see people in life, you want to see corpses in death!"


"Second team received!"

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Head Lin said to Liu Man beside him.

"Mr. Liu, you also heard that the situation is not optimistic now. Otherwise, you can bring the students back to school first. I will contact the leaders of your school as soon as there is news from my side."

Liu Man also knew that staying here with the students would only put pressure on the military's rescue force.

But she is also anxious now and wants to know about Yun Chen's situation.

So I didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Teacher, I won't go back if I can't see Yunchen!" Wang Qihan said with tears.

This was the first time she had spoken in such a hard tone.

But there is no way, who made her relationship with Yunchen the best?

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