Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 291: : Women's clothing boss

"I asked for your real name"

"Keep it a secret for now. I'll tell you when the game is over. Can you find a multifunctional mobile phone charger for me?" Yun Chen said with a smile.

"Is this also what the game needs?"

Yun Chen shook his head: "No, it's because my phone ran out of battery."

Hearing this, Zhang Keke rolled his eyes: "Okay, then I'll bring it to you later."


When Zhang Keke left, Yun Chen sat beside the bed and looked at his phone that had been turned off.

"I remember when I was in the video with Lao Yue before, there was still electricity, why did it suddenly turn off?"


Time flickers.

It's been a day and a half.

It is now noon on the third day.

Yunchen used several chargers, but there was no way to charge the phone.

So it is estimated that my mobile phone is broken, so I don't care about that much. I will buy a new mobile phone when the guys next door are solved.

"Oh, so boring!"

During this day and a half, I could only watch TV without a mobile phone, and Yun Chen lived like a year.

But the group of people next door were so careful that they stayed in the room and didn't come out, and even ordered takeaways for meals.

"Master, I don't have that much time to spend with them, I have to find a way to let these guys relax their vigilance."

Sitting on the soft big bed, Yun Chen muttered.

The four people next door have extraordinary strengths, so he thinks that there is no chance of winning a pair of four.

So the safest way is to break them one by one.

"These guys next door are most afraid that I will find them to take revenge, so I have stayed together in a group. How can I make them allay their concerns?" Yun Chen took a bottle of Coke and took a sip.

When Coke is swallowed down the throat.

Yun Chen's mind flashed, and he thought of a good way!

"Yes! If these guys mistakenly think that I died in the collapse incident, they will naturally not be so cautious."

The more I think about it, the more I think this idea is feasible.

Just do it!

Soon Yunchen put on the women's clothes that Zhang Keke had prepared in advance, put on lipstick, and carefully walked out of the room wearing a wig.

What he didn't expect was that, as soon as he left, someone came to his room on the back.

However, it was the gambler Akui who came in person.

"Coke? Do women drink this stuff?"

Gambler Aqua picked up the half bottle of Coke on the bedside table and looked at it.

But that doesn't mean anything.

A pair of fierce eyes carefully looked at everything in the room.


In the bathroom, gambler Aqua finds a cheap lipstick.

Then in the trash, I also took out a used mask.

Of course, these were all left by Yun Chen just in case.

"Fourth, do you think this room looks like a woman has lived?"

The gambler Akui asked a black-robed woman beside him.

The woman professionally picked up the pillow on the bed and put it in front of her nose to smell it.

Immediately smelled a lady's shampoo.

"Brother Kui, I don't think there is anything suspicious"

Everyone knows that A Shui, the slacker among the four flags, is the most thoughtful.

Now that she has said so, the gambler Akui no longer doubts.

"Looks like we're too suspicious, let's go"

Slacker A Shui carefully put the pillow back where it was, and followed him out of the door.

But just when she was about to close the door, she suddenly found something unusual.


"What's the matter?" the gambler Akui in the corridor asked back.

Slacker A Shui took a deep breath into the room and said calmly.

"To be safe, I think we'll have to change places"

"What do you mean? Is this room suspicious?"

"That's not true, it's just a woman's intuition. I don't feel safe here." Slacker A Shui said with a frown.

Her mind is very careful.

What made her feel wrong was that the smell in this room was too normal.

It stands to reason that the women who live here wear lipstick, mask, and even their hair is fragrant.

Then how could the room she lived in had no fragrance?

"Fourth, I know your intuition is always accurate, but we have been too cautious these past two days, which has led to suspicion everywhere. If you don't find anything suspicious in this room, forget it."

After speaking, the gambler Akui lifted his foot and walked back to his room.

And the slacker A Shui could only sigh helplessly.

"I hope my intuition is wrong this time!"



screen everything.

Now Yun Chen was sitting in a taxi, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the military-controlled proving ground in Hongye City.

"Little girl, it's where you said"

"Oh, how much is it?" Yun Chen said casually.

This voice gave the uncle the driver a smart look and hurried back.

"I'm going, are you male or female?"

Yun Chen lifted up the women's sun hat and grinned.

"What do you say?"

The uncle swallowed unconsciously and sighed inwardly.

What the hell!

Is this the legendary women's clothing boss?

After Yun Chen paid the money, he bent down and got out of the car with a smile.

The women's clothes that Zhang Keke prepared for him were really uncomfortable to wear.

The legs are black silk stockings with denim shorts, and the upper body is wearing a pink T-shirt and a certain sun hat.

The most important thing is that you still have a pair of high heels on your feet, so it's not too awkward to walk.

"It doesn't matter if the girl at the front desk is not mainstream, and the women's clothes prepared for me are also so non-mainstream, why don't you give me a JK outfit to wear refreshing and comfortable"

Fortunately, this is not the first time he has pretended to be a woman, so he has already passed this line of defense in his heart.

Holding a sun umbrella, Yun Chen walked on the rough road.

Soon he came to a big iron gate in the proving ground.

"The proving ground has been rectified recently and will not be open to the public, please come back!"

A heavily armed soldier stepped forward and raised his hand.

Wen Yan Yunchen raised his head and showed a heroic smile.

"Well, I'm here to talk to your leaders about something."

The soldier in front of him saw this guy's heroic smile and his deep voice.

Instantly stunned.

Even taking two steps back, he was ready to lift his gun.

What the **** is this?


Seeing the other party's reaction, Yun Chen hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm a pure man!"

Pure man?

Pure men have this dress?

The soldiers guarding the door obviously didn't believe this, and began to suspect that this guy was not a good person.

"Squad leader, come here, I found suspicious people here"

The soldier raised his gun while speaking cautiously on the walkie-talkie.

In the blink of an eye, a military pickup truck drove over, and the squad leader sitting in the car asked with a serious expression.

"What happened to Xiao Sun?"

"Squad leader, this man dressed strangely and said he wanted to meet our leaders here"


The squad leader in the car was also stunned, and looked at Yun Chen seriously.

"You are the monitor here, right? My name is Yun Chen, the student who had an accident with you two days ago. This is the student ID card for you to see." Yun Chen explained with a smile.

"What? Are you the student in the accident?" The monitor in the car was startled.

You must know that in order to find this student, the entire proving ground is now crazy.

Not right!

According to the report, the student at the time of the accident was a boy.

Why did it suddenly become like this?

Could it be that his thing was hit when the cave collapsed? So it led to degeneration?

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