Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 292: : Can you explain it now?

But these are no longer important. Now the whole regiment is going crazy looking for this student, and we have to bring him to the regiment leader quickly.

"You get in the car"

"Good Le"

After Yun Chen finished speaking, he lifted up his thighs in stockings, and sat directly in the co-pilot.

The corner of the monitor's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Step on the accelerator and drive into the proving ground.

In an office of the regiment.

Head Lin has been under a lot of pressure these two days, and the school leaders of Baihua Academy have been putting pressure on him.

Whether the student who has an accident is dead or alive, has to give a result, right?

People disappeared without a trace, which is unreasonable.

"What the **** is this? How come people are gone?" For the 50th time, Head Lin checked the surveillance video from the day before yesterday.

But still can't see any eyes clearly.

Worried him.

The ashtray on the table was also full of cigarette butts.

"dong dong dong"

"Come in"

A soldier strode into the office: "Head of the regiment, squad leader Xu of the guard company said that the missing student has been found."

Hearing that, Head Lin stood up from the chair in an instant.

This is definitely the best news he has heard in the past two days.

"Have you found that student?"

"Yes, Squad Leader Xu is bringing him here"

Hearing this, Head Lin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Thank goodness.

Finally found it.

Otherwise, there is really no way to end this.

"Let Squad Leader Xu bring people over here!"


In the blink of an eye, a man and a "woman" entered the head of the regiment's office.

Head Lin raised his head somewhat incomprehensibly, first looking at Yun Chen, and then at Squad Leader Xu beside him.

"Who is this girl?"

"If you go back to the head of the regiment, he is the missing student, Yun Chen."

These words made Head Lin stunned for a moment.

It was said that the missing student was a boy, why did he suddenly become a little girl again?

What is this all about?

Head Lin felt that his head was muddy, but he still asked dubiously.

"This student, are you Yun Chen?"

"Yes, leader, I am Yun Chen, and I was the one who had an accident here two days ago," Yun Chen said with a calm smile.

This deep voice frightened Head Lin with a cleverness.

I am mother.

What gender is this guy?

Looking at the other party's confused expression, Yun Chen explained with a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, leader, I'm a boy, and now I have no choice but to wear women's clothes."

Do you have to wear women's clothes?

The more Commander Lin listened, the more confused he became, but these were not too important.

At least someone has found it, it is the luck of the misfortune.

"You weren't injured in the accident, were you?"

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine," Yun Chen said with a smile.

This remark made Head Lin feel at ease.

People are all right, and they have been found.

He can finally communicate with Hundred Flowers Academy.

"It's fine. If something really happens to you, then I really can't explain it to your academy."

Head Lin smiled with relief, and added curiously: "By the way, what happened everywhere after the accident? Why hasn't our rescue team found you?"

Yun Chen also guessed that the other party would ask such a question.

So I said directly: "This is a long story. If the leader doesn't mind, I can only tell you about this matter alone."

This made Head Lin's expression slightly stunned.

How could he not hear what he meant? So he looked at Squad Leader Xu who had been silent for a while and said.

"You go out first"

"Yes, Captain!"

After saluting, Squad Leader Xu turned around and walked out of the office in the footsteps of soldiers.

After the door was finally closed, Head Lin said again.

"Can you tell me now? What happened?"

Yun Chen came this time because he hoped that the other party could do him a favor, so he didn't hide it and said it truthfully.

"Actually, this collapse was man-made!"


Head Lin was startled and looked very surprised.

Yun Chen nodded and said again: "Yes, and the other party's target is me, they want my life"

These words made Head Lin's thoughts that had just been sorted out again.

"Wait, you mean what happened the day before yesterday, someone deliberately wanted to hurt you?"


"No, why can't I understand it? You're just a student, and who would dare to come to the place controlled by our military to do something wrong? This explanation doesn't make sense."

Head Lin frowned and looked at Yun Chen.

Absolutely, this kid not only dresses strangely, but also speaks illogically.

It's just a student, who would make such a big deal to harm him? And it is still in the territory under the jurisdiction of the military.

"Actually, this is very easy to explain," Yun Chen said with a half-smile.

"Okay, please explain in detail." Head Lin said with a frown.

Yun Chen smiled, then raised his foot and took two steps back.

Soon both feet stood in the middle of the office.

Grasp both fists and shake your arms!


As he snorted softly, a powerful cold air instantly filled the room.

boom! !

On the sofa and coffee table on the side, these crystal clear ice patterns began to be covered.

"My God!" Head Lin's pupils shrank instantly.

But what shocked him even more was that Yun Chen's shape had changed now.

The non-mainstream women's clothes originally worn are gone, replaced by a silver robe.

There are two dragon heads on both shoulders, one on the left and one on the right is like spitting out the breath of a dragon!

The most exaggerated thing is that he is carrying a golden bow with golden dragon claws in his hand, and there are flames wrapped around the bow.

His young and handsome face was now covered by layers of frost.

"This this...."

When all the Horcrux equipment on Yun Chen's body was fully displayed, the powerful aura shook the entire office.

boom! !

boom! ! !

Even the chandelier on the ceiling was shattered.

Head Lin's eyes widened at this moment, and he was completely stunned.

His lips trembled slightly, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"This this...."

Soon the voices of some guards came from outside the office.

"Captain, are you alright!"

Yun Chen didn't want too many people to know his identity, so he raised his hand and waved lightly.


A cold air waved from his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the walls and wooden doors were covered with layers of frost.

No matter how many people outside the door push the door, there is no way to enter.

"Director Lin, can you explain it now?"

Yun Chen couldn't see his expression clearly because his face was covered with layers of frost.


Head Lin swallowed unconsciously.

It took a while to regain consciousness, and said to the door: "I'm fine, what should you all do?"

After the outside stopped, Head Lin looked at Yun Chen cautiously and said.

"Dare to ask who are you holy?"

"Hushan City, Gold Medal Beast Master" Yun Chen smiled faintly.

But these words completely shocked Head Lin.

He didn't even take a deep breath.

"Gold....Gold Medal Beast Master?"

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