Seeing the other party use killing moves against her one after another, Xu Yanli is no longer used to it.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

As she spoke, her left arm shook, and a lavender feather fan suddenly appeared in her hand.

As the feather fan swung forward, a strong wind rushed forward.


The row of silver needles that flew over was instantly neutralized by the strong wind, and then all fell to the ground.

Slacker A Shui took a step back.

She can see that the opponent's strength is not inferior to her, so there is no need to fight to the death!

Turn around quickly and leave.

"Want to go?"

Xu Yanli waved her feather fan forward again.


A gust of strong wind blew all the dust from the ground into the air.

I saw a giant panda covered in silver hair suddenly appeared in the gust of wind, jumping and jumping in front of Slacker A Shui, blocking her back path directly.

[Soul Beast: Hurricane Panda]

[Grade: Supreme]

[Level: Level 51]


[Attribute: Wind System]

"Da Bai, stop her for me!"

After hearing the master's order, the seemingly simple and honest Hurricane Panda immediately raised its bear paw and slapped it on the ground.

boom! !

A half-meter-thick miniature tornado appeared on the ground, forcing Slacker A Shui to retreat.

"Damn, a level 50 soul beast?"

Although Slacker A Shui was a little surprised to meet a high-level soul beast, he still raised his head and smiled.

"In this case, it seems that I can only give it a go!"

As he spoke, his arms shook back.

boom! !

The ground under his feet began to shake, and then a giant spider with a faint green body slowly crawled out from the cracks in the ground.

[Soul Beast: Venom Spider]

【Grade: Treasures】

[Level: Level 43]

[Attribute: Water System]


It was too late to speak, and the giant venom spider, which was almost the same size as the hurricane panda, immediately sprayed a pool of venom towards the front.


Moreover, after these venoms landed, white smoke came out, and it could be seen that they had a strong corrosive effect.

Soon the two soul beasts fought together.

The silk web spit out by the Venom Spider immediately covered the Hurricane Panda, but due to the large difference in level, the Hurricane Panda broke away quickly.

With a collision, the venom spider was knocked into the wall.

At this moment, Xu Yanli also got to grips with the slacker A Shui. The two women faced each other with fists and feet, and their movements were very clean.


Slacker A Shui hit Xu Yanli's face fiercely with a high whip leg.

But at this moment, Xu Yanli decisively raised her hand to hold the opponent's ankle.

Immediately after, a punch hit the opponent's chest directly.


Slacker A Shui was like a kite off-line, and fell heavily on the wall, and fell together with her soul beast.

"What a powerful woman!" Slacker Ah Shuiruan sat on the ground, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Xu Yanli took a step forward and asked coldly, "I'll ask you again, what is your relationship with Yunchen!"

Just when she thought she was completely convinced, A Shui, the slacker, suddenly raised her head, and only then could she clearly see the woman's true face.

Although he is fairly handsome, his skin is very pale.

The most impressive part is her left eye, which seems to be corroded by something. The left eye is more like a hole, and it looks very scary!

"I'll tell you when you're dead!"

As he spoke, Slacker A Shui slammed his palm on the ground.

Immediately behind Xu Yanli, a green pennant appeared strangely.

Except for the place where Slacker A Shui was sitting, a pool of green and faint poison slowly appeared on the ground around him, and it was still steaming.



As the venom increased, the cardboard boxes and stones on the ground were all melted into white smoke.

"Ah, what is this!"

Xu Yanli's expression suddenly became startled, and she was accompanied by a painful sound of tenderness.

Because she felt a piercing pain in her little foot, and when she looked down, she found a pool of venom suddenly flowing from her foot.

Xu Yanli was not stupid, she knew that her soul power could not resist these strange venoms, so she immediately jumped to a wall.

But these venoms seemed to have life, and they flowed wherever she jumped.

"Give me away!"

Xu Yanli violently raised her feather fan and waved it forward, and the green and faint venom flowed towards her feet again through the strong wind.

"It's useless, as long as my venom flag locks you, no matter how you escape, it will be futile, only until the venom melts into air in the end"

Hurricane Panda saw that its owner was in danger, so he immediately rushed over and wanted a savior.

But as soon as he took a few steps forward, he was forced to retreat again and again by the venom, and he could only roll on the ground to dodge.

"Okay, the game is almost over, it's time to end"

Seeing that Xu Yanli was cornered by the venom, the slacker A Shui slowly stood up.

"go to hell!"

"Rain of Poison Arrows!!!"

As she spoke, she released her ultimate move, and countless poisonous needles flew out of her two sleeves, flying towards Xu Yanli's face.

At this time, the venom giant spider also spewed pools of venom from behind.

Forcing Xu Yanli to dodge was not possible at all, she could only watch the poison and needles attacking her in all directions.

Just at this juncture.

Suddenly, a pillar of fire fell from the sky and exploded in front of Xu Yanli.

boom! ! !

The flames formed a half-meter wall of fire, blocking all the venom that came from all around.

Seizing this opportunity, Xu Yanli didn't care so much, and quickly waved her fan forward.

"Return to the wind!"


A hurricane swept across the front, rolling up the rows of poison needles.

Slacker A Shui originally thought that she had succeeded, but seeing the sudden appearance of the wall of fire made her heart skip a beat, and she felt that it was not good.

So he quickly raised his head: "Who is it!"

At this time, Yun Chen was holding a dragon claw golden bow, standing on an eaves and looking down with a smile.

"Who do you say I am?"

After seeing the handsome smile of the other party, Slacker A Shui instantly shrank his pupils, showing an extremely panicked expression.

"You... are you Yun Chen?"

"Smart, you got it right"

While speaking, Yun Chen raised the dragon claw golden bow again, and shot a pillar of fire towards the ground in a certain direction.

boom! ! !

This pillar of fire was not attacking Slacker A Shui, but the green pennant planted on the ground.

In an instant, the green pennant burned to ashes in the flames, and at the same time, the strange venom around them disappeared.

Xu Yanli sighed deeply with lingering fears, but she was also in a good mood when she saw Yun Chen appear.

"Principal Yun, you really are here"

Yun Chen smiled lightly, and jumped up as he spoke, jumping behind Slacker A Shui.

"Yeah, but now is not the time for greetings, I have to ask this woman something first"

After hearing this, Xu Yanli nodded and said nothing, but she still saw that the golden bow in Yun Chen's hand was not ordinary.

It's really not easy, no wonder even Uncle Yue admires him so much.

In my heart, I became more and more curious about Yun Chen's strength.

"Tell me, who instructed you?" Yun Chen said coldly, holding the dragon claw golden bow in one hand.

Slacker A Shui also knew that he had no way out, so he didn't make any resistance.

"It's said that anyone who offends Principal Yun will not end well. I've seen it this time. Haha, count me unlucky."

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at the sky in despair.

"Brother Kui, we are going to be planted this time"

"Uh, puff~"

As soon as the words fell, Slacker A Shui spurted blood from his mouth, and then fell straight to the ground and turned into a corpse.

Yun Chen took a decisive step forward, and frowned after checking.

"Uncle, he actually committed suicide by taking poison!"

At this time, Xu Yanli also came over with a feather fan in her hand, staring at the corpse on the ground and asked incomprehensibly.

"Principal Yun, can you tell me what happened?"

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