Wen Yan Yunchen smiled: "Okay, let's talk while walking"

Xu Yanli summoned her soul beast to her side, and the two of them talked while walking towards the entrance of the alley.

the other side.

In the hotel room, gambler Aqua leisurely threw a peanut into his mouth.

clack clack~

The foodie Ah Tu, who was sitting on the side, put down the phone with a depressed expression on his face.

"It's strange, the fourth sister's phone can't get through."

These words made the gambler Akui look slightly startled, but he quickly showed a relaxed expression.

He had already guessed that his side was trapped, and the third and fourth who went out should also be broken.

So the top priority, he had to find a way to get out of here as soon as possible.

It's just that he doesn't understand the current situation outside, so someone needs to sacrifice to keep him safe.

"Don't worry about the second child, the third child just sent me a text message," the gambler Akui laughed while drinking beer.

This made the foodie A Tu beside him immediately curious.

"Brother, did he send you a text message? What did he say?"

"Of course it's good news, that kid Yun Chen has definitely died, and he's about to steal the body back, so it will take some time." Gambler Akui showed a very relaxed look.

Hearing this, the foodie Atu instantly raised his eyebrows: "Haha, this is great news. As long as Yunchen dies, then we have nothing to be afraid of."

After he finished speaking, he frowned and whispered softly, "It's just weird, why did the fourth sister go out without any news for so long?"

"Her, I guess the mobile phone signal is not good, don't think about it," the gambler Akui said with a smile.

The foodie A Tu grinned and said with a smile: "Yes, the signal in this poor and remote place has been unstable all the time."

Stretching is also a relaxed look: "This is good, but when the fourth sister and the third child come back, we can go back to Hushan City to collect the bounty."

Looking at his naive look, gambler Akui's eyes showed a sly look.

"Since the crisis is over now, you can go out and relax, second child. I remember that there is a hot pot restaurant not far away, haven't you always wanted to try it?"

As a fat man who is an authentic foodie, A Tu's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the word "hot pot".

Even the corners of his mouth couldn't help drooling.

"Haha, brother, let's go to the hot pot restaurant to try it together?"

"I'm not going, I have to stay here and wait for the third and fourth to come back" Gambler Akui shook his head and chuckled.

And A Tu, who is greedy, doesn't care so much.

Now that the emergency is over, he must go out to eat a full meal. Eating takeaways all day in these two days can make the bird almost fade out of his mouth.

"Okay, then big brother, I'll come when I go."

The gambler Akui nodded with a chuckle. After watching his second brother happily walk out of the room, his smile gradually darkened.


On the other side, Yun Chen and Xu Yanli were heading for the hotel in a taxi.

In the car, Yun Chen also talked about the ins and outs of the incident. After listening to it, Xu Yanli finally knew the story.

"This group of people is really bold, they dare to make such a big move on the territory of the military."

"Yes, they are all a group of desperate bounty hunters, as long as they give money, there is nothing they dare not do"

After Yun Chen finished speaking, he added again: "Principal Xu, you have just learned that this group of people has unique skills, so I have been following them for the past two days, looking for opportunities to defeat them one by one"

"So that's what I said," Xu Yanli nodded in understanding.

The two were talking, when the taxi had stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Yun Chen, who was about to pay the fare, suddenly saw a fat man dressed in strange clothes walking by the side of the road outside the window.

And Xu Yanli also saw this scene at this time, and the two quietly got out of the car together with a tacit understanding.

"This fat guy is really brave enough to go out alone now," Yun Chen muttered while standing beside the car, rubbing his chin.

Xu Yanli on the side asked, "Then Principal Yun, what should I do now?"

"Follow him, I want to see what this guy wants to do"

After Yun Chen finished speaking, the two quietly followed the figure in front of them.

What they didn't expect was that the gambler Akui, who was standing at the window of the room at this time, had already seen everything in his eyes.

"Sure enough, this kid Yun Chen is not dead, and he is still here."

After speaking, the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a sinister smile: "Second, you can rest assured, the elder brother will avenge you sooner or later!"


Blink of an eye.

Yun Chen and Xu Yanli followed them all the way to the door of a hot pot restaurant.

"I'll go, this fat man is still in the mood to eat hot pot alone?"

"Is there any fraud in this?" Xu Yanli said cautiously.

Wen Yan Yunchen looked at both sides of the street, and did not find any suspicious figures.

"Probably not. It's just that this hot pot restaurant is doing well. With so many customers, we are not very good at doing it."

Xu Yanli also nodded.

This group of desperate bounty hunters are very strong, and they are very likely to accidentally injure other customers in the hot pot restaurant.

So she suggested, "How about we outsmart?"

"Outsmart? Does Principal Xu have any good ideas?" Yun Chen was interested.

Xu Yanli didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "I remember there are a few second-grade ecstasy pills in the pharmacy in our college, or..."

Although she didn't say everything, Yun Chen already knew her intentions.

"This feeling is good, the second-grade ecstasy pill is enough to knock this dead pig unconscious."

"Okay, I'll call someone to bring it over. Principal Yun, wait a moment."

After saying this, Xu Yanli took out her mobile phone and dialed.

While waiting for someone to deliver the medicine, Yun Chen looked through the window of the hot pot restaurant and looked at the people who were gobbling down inside. He always felt that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, this group of people is so cautious in doing things, and now they have lost contact with two companions.

The remaining two should be on pins and needles.

How can there be such a spare time, come here alone to eat hot pot?

Soon Yunchen's mind flashed, and his expression was also stunned.

"Tiaohu Lishan!"

"What's wrong with you, Principal Yun?" Xu Yanli asked in confusion.

Yun Chen didn't have time to explain, and said directly: "Principal Xu, watch here first, I have to go back to the hotel immediately."

"Okay, leave it to me here," Xu Yanli nodded and said.

Yun Chen stopped talking nonsense, turned around and sped away.

Running all the way, a few minutes of effort ran into the hotel.

"Hey, Kakashi, what are you doing? Why are you out of breath?" Zhang Keke, the girl at the front desk, stood up and said puzzled.

But just after she finished speaking, Yun Chen had already stepped up the stairs and disappeared from sight.

"Did he burn his **** on fire?"

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