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Chapter 694: Strange Bird Syrah

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The week-long carnival is over.

After dealing with the finishing work, Meng Lang also returned to the Diga crew and started filming the 32nd episode of Diga, which is also one of the most touching episodes of the whole show.

"Offensive and Defensive at the Zilda Center"!

Anyone who has seen Tiga has shed moving tears more or less for the strange bird Syrah who appeared on this episode.

The strange bird Syrah was originally a pet bird.

Its owner is Mami, the daughter of Dr. Nezu who studies "Zilda Gas". She loves her sisters and lives a carefree life.

But the doctor ruined it all by himself.

During his research, Zilda Gas was created by chance. He originally thought that even if this gas was dangerous, it could create an extremely bright future for mankind.

When no one was optimistic, he chose to study Zelda Gas alone. And take a tube of sample home for easy research anytime, anywhere.

As a result, a gust of wind passed...

The test tube fell, and the gas leaked into an astonishing fire, which instantly swallowed Mami who was staying at home, leaving Shiraz alone.

After absorbing Zelda gas, Syrah mutated and became a huge strange bird. Because of the tragic death of the little master, Silas hated Zelda Gas and wanted to destroy it.

But the winning team did not know this.

They thought that Silas wanted to use Zielda gas to destroy. In order to prevent this from happening, they launched an attack.

In the end, Dr. Nezu ended the battle.

The story begins with Dr. Nezu’s research and ends with his atonement.

When Dr. Nezu died without regret, the scene where Sila swallowed Zelda's gas was dragged by Tiga's golden light and turned into a phoenix in the vast universe, which was unforgettable for Meng Lang.

It's really beautiful!

The strange bird Syrah has tattered wings and looks ugly like an ugly duckling. But the strange bird is not the true face of Shiraz, the golden phoenix is...

When watching this episode as a child, Meng Lang felt sorry for Syrah. I always thought that if I were a director and screenwriter, I would definitely give Syrah a happy ending.

When he really became a director and screenwriter, his thoughts changed a little.

Sila finally became a phoenix, this ending is already very romantic and beautiful. As for making Mami and the doctor alive, it is not realistic.

Tragedy has a unique charm.

If Mami is allowed to avoid that disaster and the doctor will live a long and healthy life, it will be a child of self, but it will not be able to move the audience.

After thinking about it, Meng Lang still gave up.

In order to move the audience, sacrifice is inevitable. Without the sacrifice of Mami and her father, the moment Sila turned into a phoenix would not be moved.

No need to change the leather case!

The uglier the strange bird shape in the early stage, the more shocked it will be to become a phoenix.

But fighting can be changed...

In the original version, Dagu was injured by the "crash". After transforming, his performance was poor, and the posture of holding his chest in pain was very ghostly.

There is room for improvement during this period of play.

You don’t need to change too much, and you don’t need to change too much. Under the effect of the injury, just make a desperate move.


Strange bird Syrah hasn't finished filming yet, and there is good news from Neon.

The 55th Nebula Awards came to an end, and "Kamen Rider Sora Me" lived up to expectations and easily won the media department award. It became the first award-winning special drama in history.

Related news blasted the neon network.

exactly! Flying Chinese

When the news broke that "Sora I won the Nebula Award", ANB also aired the third-to-last episode of Kamen Rider Sora.

In this episode, No. 0 Da Cuba appeared and carried out a brutal massacre. In a short period of time, more than 30,000 people were killed.

Yusuke Five, who aimed to "guard the smile", wanted to stop the atrocities of No. 0.

As a result, number 0 is too strong!

Yusuke Wudai, who was transformed into an empty me, was easily defeated by No. 0, even his belt was broken and he fell into a coma.

When he woke up again, the carnage continued.

If you don't defeat No. 0, will anyone in this world smile? Decided to do everything possible to stop Yusuke on the 0th, and began to bid farewell to his friends.

He knew that he might not be able to return this time.

There is a passage in Gu Lin Duoyu: "When the sacred fountain dries up, a stern warrior appears like thunder and lightning, and the sun is buried in darkness..."

Yusuke Wudai, who developed the amazing almighty form, can already understand the meaning of this sentence. Not surprisingly, the Ultimate Sora, who holds the ultimate power, is about to engage in a desperate battle with No. 0.

Ultimately, I am not a secret.

As early as the mid-term of the air broadcast, someone had dug up the details of Ultimate Holster. At that time, Sora I had not yet reached the sublimation chapter.

Therefore, the audience has guessed the ending, the Five Dynasties will be transformed into the Ultimate Sky and I will stop the No. 0 massacre.

But the problem is...

The "Ultimate Empty Me" that the audience understands has the "black eyes" version. This form is also extremely scary in the description of Lindu.

They are very worried about the safety of the five generations.

The plot of the Five Dynasties bidding farewell to relatives and friends was also interpreted as "Fifth generation box lunch has been delivered", and the ending is mostly "to all the same ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, the audience is very depressed.

After chasing for a whole year, the audience's feelings for Sora me are not uncommon. The man who always liked thumbs up and was ridiculed as a praise madman left a deep impression on them.

Watching him go to death, ask who is not sad?

This kind of pessimism directly affected the ratings.

In the penultimate episode, Sora I bid farewell to everyone, and when one had a break with Sister Rose, the real-time ratings plummeted by 50%, and many viewers were afraid to watch it.

How does this work?

In order to film the final battle, Bai Cang did not rest for several days, and his eyes were swollen like steamed buns.

If no one is watching the ending with so much effort, wouldn't it be a waste?

In order to increase the ratings, change everyone's pessimistic thinking. Bai Cang had to come forward to appease the restless fans.

"Don't forget, there is also a movie version!"

Although he didn't say this clearly, normal people can hear it. Shirakura wanted to use the theater version to hint at the fact that Yusuke Five will not end in death.

Now, the audience is relieved.

Since you can't die and you can make theatrical version, the TV ending is at best unpredictable and definitely not a tragedy.

You can watch, rest assured!

Before the last episode of TV aired, ANB was ready to celebrate. After all, in the penultimate episode, when one shot Miss Rose, the ratings of Sora surpassed "Ultraman" and broke the dusty record for many years.

A special drama with the highest ratings in all neon!

Just after winning the Nebula Award, the ratings broke the record. The soon-to-be-finished empty me aroused the curiosity of the vast majority of Neon viewers.

Is it really so good-looking?

Have you heard that two days will be the final episode of TV? Why don't you take a look at the ending first, and if it's not bad, then watch the full episode online?

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